Lately, in Corinna...

June 6, 2000

Be part of the rebuilding of downtown Corinna.

A new park is proposed as part of Corinna's revitalization plan. There will be a village green with landscaping and walkways throughout. Development should begin in 2002. You can be part of this rebuilding project by purchasing an engraved paving brick to be placed in the walkways of the new Corinna Village area. 

As in the sample shown here, each brick can have three lines with up to 15 characters per line, including spaces. The bricks are 8" by 4" with 3/4" lettering. Names, messages, in memory of, or business names can be done. Your engraved message will be part of the new Corinna Village area for many years to come.

To purchase an engraved paving brick, send $50 along with the typed or neatly printed information to be engraved on your brick to Corinna Park Project, 8 Levi Stewart Drive, Corinna, ME 04928.

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