Lately, in Corinna...
February 12, 2000

Ok, these pictures are for you transplants, living away. Most locals will have difficulty even faking enthusiasm for them.

It snowed yesterday. No school in many places. This is a picture of what we call the weather chair. It sits on the back deck and demonstrates how much snow we get. Works pretty well. By later in the day we received about seven inches of light, dry snow.

We even have some decent snow banks building up. There was so little snow in the early part of winter, it's nice to have some now. The best thing about snow in know it won't last long. In two months, it should be gone.
Here you see snow piled up on shrub covers near the front porch. Yes, we still have some Christmas decorations up. I've heard there is an old law in Maine that levies a $300 fine for having Christmas decorations up after January 31. Hope the Decoration Police don't see this. If they do, these are Valentine's Day decorations.

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