Lately, in Corinna...
For June 2003
June 30, 2003
American Legion HallJune 28,2003
now filled in and rolledJune 27, 2003
back at the clean up siteJune 26, 2003
What are you doing?June 25, 2003
Alder Stream wall paperJune 24, 2003
corn is upJune 23, 2003
the Alder StreamJune 21, 2003
welcoming folksJune 20, 2003
on the left bankJune 19, 2003
lupineJune 17, 2003
just upstream from the Route 7 bridgeJune 14, 2003
A fence has been addedJune 13, 2003
group of ducklingsJune 11, 2003
in Area 1June 10, 2003
upstairs in the CUAMJune 9, 2003
CUA beautifully restoredJune 8, 2003
The Class of 2003June 6, 2003
to see the restorationJune 5, 2003
booklets of paperJune 3, 2003
original canvas backdrops