Edgar Rockwell sent in this
photo of the students at the Corinna Center School from 1935 or '36.
He identified them as follows.
Front Row, L to R: Faye Seamans, _____ Oldenburg, Geraldine Oldenberg,
_____, Zelda Metivier, Virginia Bemis.
Second Row: _____, Elmer Bemis, Morris Knowles, Errold Bemis, Gerald Page,
Bob Seamans, _____.
Third Row: Evelyn Bemis, Arlene Worthern, Bernice Phelps, Charlotte
Philbrick, Muriel Bryson, Phyllis Seamans, Betty Philbrick.
Fourth Row: _____, Bob Philbrick, Maurice Page, Roger Simpson.
Can anyone fill in the blanks.