Some time ago, in Corinna...

April 30 2002

Edgar Rockwell sent in this photo of the students at the Corinna Center School from 1935 or '36. He identified them as follows. 
Front Row, L to R: Faye Seamans, _____ Oldenburg, Geraldine Oldenberg, _____, Zelda Metivier, Virginia Bemis.
Second Row: _____, Elmer Bemis, Morris Knowles, Errold Bemis, Gerald Page, Bob Seamans, _____.
Third Row: Evelyn Bemis, Arlene Worthern, Bernice Phelps, Charlotte Philbrick, Muriel Bryson, Phyllis Seamans, Betty Philbrick.
Fourth Row: _____, Bob Philbrick, Maurice Page, Roger Simpson.
Can anyone fill in the blanks.

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