Just now, in Corinna... August 23, 2000 |
I just got back from a trip onto the work site with Rick Leighton of the EPA. Right now they are working to remove the railroad trestle. This picture was taken at about 8:30 AM today. The ties have been removed. The connections at either end that tie the metal bridge into the granite are being cut right now. Soon the bridge will be removed and set down on the ground. The granite will be removed and perhaps reused in the new river channel. The railroad came to Corinna in 1866. A bridge has crossed the river at this location for 134 years. |
Lately, in Corinna... August 23, 2000 |
The old post office block, now known as the auto parts building, looks ready to go. When I was a kid, living next door, this building housed a hardware store and veterinarian's office. I have a vivid early memory of the store owner playing Christmas carols on a record player that could be heard on a loud speaker out on the street. It was later Ray Hamm's insurance office. Anyone still have a hardwood yard stick that says "Hamm's Insurance" on it? Notice the preparations on the Odd Fellows Hall next door. The windows are covered or taped. |
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