December 21, 2002 Winter Solstice
The following was sent in by Jane Quimby Biscoe [Taking a stab at identifying the ladies in the picture, I would venture to say that this was a gathering of the Past Noble Grands group. Here goes: Front row, left to right: Thelma Brown, Grace Philbrick, Opal Weed, Dot King and (standing) Glaydes Wentworth. Second row: __________, Erma Maxim, Zelda Emerson, Nola Sawtelle. Third row: __________, ___________,Mertie Hilliker, Laura Cook, Rita Wade, ______, Cora Cook, Betty Dow.] Here's one of my grandmother's slides. This Christmas gathering is in the living room of her house on Main Street. It's a little out of focus but I can see the reflection of Carmen taking the picture in the mirror in the back. I would guess this to be sometime in the mid- to late 1950's. My mother, Betty Dow; two aunts; Nola Sawtelle and Rita Wade; and my great grandmother Cora Cook are among those pictured here. Can you identify the other ladies? |
Julia Lane is a master of
the Celtic harp and an excellent soprano. |
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