February 16,
2002 |
Here's another picture of John Gray's Store on the corner the Dexter Road and the Exeter Road in Corinna (published in 20th Century Corinna). This is a similar view to our first, but taken later. I don't have a date for this picture but it must be before 1917. Notice the storage shed beside the Methodist Church, across the street to the left. That shed still exists as the yellow storage building there today. Originally that building was a storage shed for this store. I also recognize the shape of the building to the right, behind the store. John Gray operated the store until 1917. According to 20th Century Corinna, later owners of this property included Errold Hilliker, Charles Dustin, Cecil Brown, Roy Pearson, "Pug" Pitcher and Marvin Lister. If you know more about this location, Please consider sharing your story in the Guest Book. |
Nokomis Musicians to Perform in Florida
Tuesday, February 19, Universal Studios Orlando, performance: 10:00 AM in the "City" Wednesday, February 20, Sea
World of Florida, performance: 12:05 PM in front of "Mango Joe's
Cafe" |
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