Lately, in Corinna...

May 11, 2001



This is a picture of the electrical substation located near the Upper Dam. We used to say this was "down behind the mill", but that is no longer accurate. The high-tension power line that comes into Corinna from the west along the Saint Albans Road terminates at this station.  



Community Announcement

The Corinna Recreation Department announces a
Town Clean Up Day
May 14

Assisted by the Fire Department, students who participate in the town's recreational programs will fan out around town in supervised teams to clean up roadside litter. All interested groups or individuals are also invited to take part.

Participants are asked to meet at the Fire Station Annex at 6:00 PM.  Wear gloves and an article of blaze orange. Rain date: May 15.

For more information contact Corinna Rec. Director, Ron Richards at 278-2163


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