Lately, in Corinna...

September 10, 2000

Here you can see the preparation for moving the Odd Fellows Hall. A flat earth ramp has been built on the east side of the building heading toward the corner of Main Street and the Stetson Road. It looks like the plan is to move the building parallel to the street to the corner and then down the Stetson Road to Lot 118A. That lot is just across from the flower shop.

Many people have asked, "Why is the Odd Fellows Hall being saved and not demolished and replaced?"

According to federal regulations, the EPA notified the Maine Historic Preservation Commission that the clean-up activities planned for the Eastland Woolen Mill Superfund Site would negatively impact land and buildings in the downtown Corinna area.

The Commission examined the area and declared that the Odd Fellows Hall is historic and eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The way I understand this, (someone correct me if I am wrong) once a building has been declared eligible for the National Register, federal funds cannot be used to demolish it. So, if the EPA cannot demolish the building, the only choice, under the circumstances of the cleanup, is to move it to a new location.

September 12, 2000
Ed Hathaway, EPA Project Manager for the Eastland Woolen Mill Superfund Site sent a message to The Cattail Press clarifying the situation with the Odd Fellows Hall. He provides more insight into the process leading to the preservation of the building. You can read his message here.

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