Lately, in Corinna...
For February 2000
February 29, 2000
...second floor of the mill office...February 28, 2000
Notice the barrier...February 27, 2000
four sections left...February 26, 2000
from on top of the rubble pile...February 25, 2000
...standing in the area opened by the demolition...February 24, 2000
...this is Rick Leighton...February 23, 2000
...demolition in progress.February 22, 2000
The entire library building will be visible.February 21, 2000
Things were pretty quiet...February 20, 2000
the ponded area of the Alder Stream...February 19, 2000
Imagine the tons of debris...February 18, 2000
Here's a special message to...February 17, 2000
They keep nibbling away...February 16, 2000
...a good start on the two story section.February 15, 2000
...covered with a blanket of snow.February 14, 2000
almost half of the mill along Main Street is downFebruary 12, 2000
these pictures are for you transplants...February 11, 2000
They all wore white suits...February 10, 2000
...they could almost pick up a dime.February 9, 2000
The gap...February 8, 2000
...working on...Building 3February 7, 2000
...the Cianbro crew putting the sign...February 5, 2000
...we will never park on this Main Street again.February 3, 2000
New lines...on Main Street...February 2, 2000
...even more of the front section...