Ceremony at Faneuil Hall
April 18, 2001
On Wednesday, my parents, Herb and Betty Dow, my wife Julie and I attended the EPA New England's annual Environmental Merit Awards ceremony at Faneuil Hall in Boston. Leaving home well before dawn, we arrived in Boston, four hours later, with time to spare. After a quick bite to eat at Quincy Market we settled into our seats upstairs at Faneuil Hall. |
The building is an impressive symbol of American history, well worth a visit. The original structure was completed in 1742, built by Peter Faneuil for the City of Boston as a public market and meeting place. The building is now a National Park. The first floor houses shops. The second floor is the meeting hall you see here. |
Faneuil Hall is called the Cradle of Liberty. Historic meetings and debates took place here during the Revolution. It was awe inspiring to sit in the same room used by the patriots of the revolution to debate the struggle for independence. |
Other great issues have been debated in this hall, including the fight to end slavery and the right for women to vote. If you visit Faneuil Hall, be sure to look up at the weather vane on top of the building. It is a giant grasshopper, sometimes used as a symbol for the City of Boston. |