High Water Floods Site
December 19, 2000
Sunday we had rain, wind and very warm temperatures. With all the snow melt and the heavy rain, the streams in the area rose quickly. This is the water coming through the Upper Dam yesterday. Compare this picture one taken Dec 1. |
At the Middle Dam, water rose above the spillway for the first time since Spring. Compare this picture to one taken Nov. 21. |
In this view looking back toward Main Street from down behind the Odd Fellows Hall you can just see the top of the box culvert beside the break the excavator is making in the bank. Granite was brought in to shore up the walls of the gully created to let the water through. Compare this to Nov 20. |
This picture looking downstream from Main Street was taken later in the day Monday. The box culvert is completely covered. The snowmobile trail is washed away. Compare this to Nov 19. |