The mill to be torn down by the EPA
July 23, 1999
According to an article in today's Bangor Daily News, the Eastland Woolen Mill in Corinna has been placed on the federal government list of the most polluted sites in the U. S. This establishes the funding for demolition of the building and removal of the contamination in the soil on and around the 21 acre mill site.
Last summer I took this aerial photograph of downtown Corinna. The red brick and clock tower of the Stewart Library Building is just to the left of center. Pleasant Street passes to the right of that building with West Main Street to the left. The Newport Road runs out of the picture on the lower left. Main Street passes diagonally toward the lower right. (The airplane strut is visible in the upper left.).
The mill is the huge building complex occupying the entire north side of Main Street. The multipart, black-roofed section shows here with the mill pond to the upper right. The large "new part" of the mill extends along the left side of the pond. With a floor space of over 250,000 square feet, the demolition will be something to see. The entire building complex will be torn down. The removal of contamination from the soil in the area will then begin. Soil will be excavated and heated to remove the contamination. After treatment, it will be put back in place.