Previous Entries
June 4, 2003 - August 30, 2003
Date: August 30, 2003 Name: Bill Parker Location: Stennis Space Center, MS Comment: Ken,
I have just returned from the greatest vacation back to Central Maine. I continue to be awe struck by the changes there. The emotions of loss, change and even a sense of newness struck me for just a few minutes when first I drove through the new downtown. So many things remained the same but so many different things. I toured the [Odd] Fellows Hall, the Town Hall, my old Middle School (CUA Building), saw Rev. Jaworski, Nokomis High, and went to places in Maine I did not know existed. I had forgotten how much beauty there is there in Maine. I even got a short tour of Newport Lake from a very good and, like me, not to old buddy of mine.
I want to say thanks for the pictures here. It made it easier seeing the new.
PS: when I was there in early August I saw the temperature climb "all the way up" to 80 degrees. HUH! Ya'll said it was hot, unbearable, wished it would finally cool down, can't stand it being so hot...... Let me say one thing. Ya'll don't know hot. 90 degrees and 99% humidity is hot. Down here it is that way for seems like forever in July, August and into September.
PSS: Hope I didn't eat out your supply of lobsters and clams while I was there.Bill- Glad you had a good vacation. You can keep the heat in MS!
What we do get, is enough for us. -Ken
Date: August 19, 2003 Name: Bing and Geri Grindle Location: Roanoke, Virginia Comment: Ken, your coverage, pictures and information continue to be great for which all your viewers appreciate we're sure. (As you will recall you and I share background memories of that Redman/Dow house on the corner that no longer exists...neither the corner or the house exists!) Anywho, the reason I'm writing this is to get any update on the total cost estimate for the clean-up proceedings as of today. At one time your "Background Information" part of Cattail estimated more than $40 million. My wife and I continue to be amazed at what the total cost may be to put the size of Corinna back into clean condition. We may get to Corinna this fall. Bing and Geri- Good to hear from you. Thank you for your comments.
I think the cost is now close to the $40 million mark. I will ask for a
more precise figure and let you know. Hope to see you when you visit. -Ken
Date: August 16, 2003 Name: Carrie M. Pau Location: Coralville, Iowa Comment: Hello. I came across your website doing research on a cousin of my Grandmother's for Genealogy. I
noticed that the Social Security Death Index record for Melba A. (Mares) KOCI stated that her last
residence when she died in JUL 1984 was Corinna, Penobscot county, Maine. I was intrigued about the
town in Maine and so I started doing a search for it on altavista. It was in that search that I came
across your website. I have to say that I am very impressed by your website. I love all the photos.
I would be interested if anyone from Corinna knows anything about John L. KOCI and Melba A. (Mares)
KOCI if they would let me know. From the research that I have accomplished so far it doesn't appear
that they have any descendants still living in the Corinna, Maine area.
Thank you in advance for any information that anyone would be willing to share about this couple. And
I look forward to browsing through your website some more.Does anyone recognize the names, John and Melba Koci?
Date: August 16, 2003 Name: Mary Bowden Location: Comment: Our thanks go out to Mrs. Jaworski for a wonderful summer of concerts! Very good turn out to each
one Now we, the town people need to help out with our donations for the coming year. The downtown circle was a nice place for the final one.
Date: August 16, 2003 Name: Norman Clarke Location: Comment: Ken, I know that the name Eastland is not well received in Corinna. However, as in previous letters, many folks worked there over the years. The wages were small but the people were friendly and yes, even Max and Bernie Striar.
We all looked forward to the annual turkey give away!
Anyway, I worked there for three and a half years. First, I wrapped cloth for shipment and then, three years as a Finish Percher. We had fun, worked hard and made lasting friendships. There are some great stories. Would any other Cattailers, if they too worked at Eastland, be interested in sharing what they did.?Norman- I would be happy to post stories about working in the mill. If
anyone has photographs of people working there, I'd be pleased to post
them also. -Ken
Date: August 16, 2003 Name: Buffy Location: Comment: Hi Ken,
Buffy here! Long time no chat with....have been many moons off line ! Darn, but have kept up on some of the interests that has been going onward regards to the town....
I kind of lean towards the Corinna Village Park myself after pondering on the other and my own thoughts
of it. Really pleased how its worked out so far and by golly the intertwine S like turn I am getting used to
I read here recently that the bricks are $50.00 ? I thought it to be $20.00 per when this started ? Can you fill me in on this one...
Is the CJH all repaired and do they still use it for the Historic Soc. ?
I purchase at times postcards, which I came across one I bought on the back read of a name : Mrs
Ernest Titcomb R.1 Bx 47 to Dear Folks...I cannot read the year, but it does have an older Lincoln stamp
reading .04 cents on that was a few ago.... the pic on the front ---Indian Creek Hotel, Miami Fl.
Signed Lil and Dave ( ? ) Figured to put in my 1 Cent worth of History added to the rest!
Truly enjoyable the part where the clock work of old and replaced new where shown quite sometime
ago. Yrs ago I used to help a friend of mine wind the clock when it was time, quite fascinated from that it
of course gave me as I'm sure others smiles as well.
How is the weather chair added still? Maybe you should too place that in the park as a well for its own
sentiment for others to enjoy! Incredible site glad the world is enjoying it!
I do miss the town buildings, them being so broad apart from others in business. I hope it will be sort of
rebuilt as had been in the past for TOWN Business purpose's, rather than spread outward as spreaded
City Newport ! Do they keep this in consideration still. Every time the town has been rebuilt it still is the
throughway for centralized business. In a sense the town still could take a drastic change ahead even so
the road has been majored. I haven't read in regards to this, if it is posted within your archive please help
me locate if you would what passage.
Newport is growing bigger and at a very fast pace. I pray the town of Corinna will precede its known
quality of name and town related connections as said to be of: CORINNA VILLAGE -- PARK.... not a turn for
the Park and no said Village persae.
It would certainly show others that the town would be of what is said and known for its: Village Town
I gather this is long enough for now....Thanks again for your major involvement to keep us all Corinthians informed !!
P.S. Hi Laura how's the new addition to the family? Drop me an email, it wont go through on your end for
some reason......
you may reach me at :
P.S. Kelli I know your out there I spotted your input on the guest book! Email me ASAP! Do you need
some horse input or what ! Even Mr. Ed got after his owner at one time or another ya know!
What do I have to say : Horsefeathers! Gotcha! I'm online here now, lets get on the CHAT soon ! Or do I
need to come down there and feed you some oats! LOL - Guess !Buffy- This link will take you to the page telling about the park bricks.
It is the first announcement of the program on June 10, 2000. CUAM
has been beautifully restored. -Ken
Date: August 8, 2003 Name: Tanya Berube Location: Comment: Just a note to say HELLO to everyone in Corinna.
Its been a while since I checked in. Seems like Corinna has changed for the best. Thanks Mr. Dow for all your hard work on this site.
Take care.Tanya- It is good to hear from you. I hope all is well. After all the
changes, things in Corinna seem like they are standing still right now.
Soon, though, re-development will begin. -Ken
Date: August 8, 2003 Name: Don Seavey Location: Augusta Comment: Ken, I really enjoy the old photos. Thanks.
Don- Thanks for your Guest Book entry. The old photos are interesting.
I like them too. -Ken
Date: July 29, 2003 Name: Dylan T. Cookson Location: Corinna Maine Comment: My name is Dylan T. Cookson from Corinna Maine.
I think we should name the new park Corundal Side.Dylan- I added the "l" at the end of Corundal above. I assume it was a
typo and that's what you meant type. If not, let me know. -Ken
Date: July 26, 2003 Name: Karen Gallison Location: Corinna Comment: Want to thank all for the nice play Wed. p.m. My grandson just loved the whole thing. Was so cute telling his Bampa Tell and his parents about the whole play. Could almost tell it from start to finish. Still talks about the cats and their long tails. Was a great evening for us too (his grandmother and Great grandmother). Keep up the great work so this younger generation can see what fun it can be to do live theater. Ken, as always you and your family are doing a great job with the Cattail Press.
Karen- Thank you. We've (the LSCT) had a great time doing the play. The kids are a wonderful audience. We've enjoyed their interaction with the actors. The young people from the SAD 48 21st Century Grant will present two plays in August and we have plans for a 3-act comedy this Fall, mid October. We hope others from the community will want to be involved. -Ken
Date: July 22, 2003 Name: June Jaworski Location: Corinna Comment: Wow! Thanks to Mel (Butchie) Russell for the picture from FL that really does resemble our library building. Very interesting and it would be interesting to know if there are other such buildings out there. Wonder how old the FL building is-ours being just over 100 years.
Date: July 22, 2003 Name: Jeanne Bolstridge Location: Middletown, CT Comment: Hi,
This past weekend, I drove up to visit family and took a ride into Corinna to see where the park would be. Marvin Lister was kind enough to explain it all. It shows great promise and I certainly appreciate all the positive feedback about the name, CORINNA VILLAGE
Jeanne Bolstridge
Date: July 22, 2003 Name: David Du Bois Location: Kingston, N. Y. Comment: I too think the name of the new park should be "Corinna Village Park".
Thank you for allowing me to state my opinion.
Date: July 22, 2003 Name: Jeff Jacob Location: Corinna Comment: Ken-
I've changed my mind. I also now vote Corinna Village Park as my first choice, but I'll still keep Cattail Park as a distant second choice.
(My third choice was "Jaworski Park", but June said it sounded too much like "Jurassic Park".)
Date: July 22, 2003 Name: Norman Clarke Location: Pittsfield, ME Comment: Ken, While we pause to thank all of the people who have put Corinna on the map, let's not forget the one deserving the most credit: DeLorme.
Date: July 21, 2003 Name: Fred McFarland Location: Corinna Comment: Hi Ken,
I have looked at all of the suggestions of naming a park for Corinna and I liked the one that Jeanne
Bolstridge suggested so much, that I am not going to try for a different one. I am talking about the name of
"Corinna Village Park". Not sure who will make the discussion on the name, but hope it will be the one that Jeanne thought up. Keep up the good work Ken on the Cattail Press. I try and look at it once a week and I do use different photos you have come up with for my wallpaper on the desktop. Thanks a lot for all that you have done and are doing.
Date: July 19, 2003 Name: Don Seavey Location: Augusta Comment: Ken,
Maybe we could do like the sports stadiums do, you know, give us a few hundred thousand and we'll
call it Nike Park or Preparation H Promenade?Don- How about Gatorade Glade or Reebok Walk. Okay, I'll stop. -Ken
Date: July 18, 2003 Name: Jeanne Carcieri Location: Corinna, ME Comment: Ken: You website provides a service to this community that is beyond comparison. Naming a new
park is such a small task but the significance of a name is no small matter. Over twenty wonderful,
thoughtful names have been submitted and suggestions for naming paths will certainly be very helpful.
At this critical time in Corinna's history many caring people have stepped forward to revitalize and rebuild this community. Now is the time to be sure these people get a permanent place in the history of Corinna. Thanks to all people who contribute to this effort..your input is extremely important.
Thank youJeanne- Thank you. The readers of The Cattail Press who send entries to the Guest Book provide the most interesting content on the site. It is so interesting to read their suggestions and concerns. -Ken
Date: July 17, 2003 Name: Don Seavey Location: Augusta Comment: Norm,
I used to work with a guy named Jerry Day, I wonder if he could be related to Columbus Day? Small world.
Date: July 16, 2003 Name: Dudley Ervin Location: Comment: My Two Cents Worth,
Corinna Village Park, sounds great. Here where I live, we have a couple of parks, Haverhill is one, and Dreyher Park is another. Spelling is bad enough, but pronouncing is worse. I live in Florida and Haver Hill is pronounced like it was two words. we do not live in Mass. Dreyher is pronounced like D RA YER. That makes Corinna Village sound real good. Spells easy, sounds easy, and is easy to find.
Dudley Ervin
Date: July 16, 2003 Name: Jeanne Bolstridge Location: Middletown, CT Comment: Hi,
Another possible name for the park could be, "Corinna Crossroads Park". There are 5 roads that intersect at the center. Anyway, it would make a great slogan for my original name like, "All crossroads lead to CORINNA VILLAGE PARK" Just a thought.
Jeanne Bolstridge
Date: July 15, 2003 Name: Howard Small Location: Yarmouth Comment: Dear Ken. I have been reading with interest proposed park names. Most all have merit it seems. I am only aware of the vast changes to Corinna village from excellent photos you have taken. I have talked to many friends who traveled through Corinna on their way to cottages on Moosehead. They remember the old village and say its now just a bend in the road. I therefore think Corinna Village Park is the appropriate name and hope a real village rises in the future.
Thanks for all you do to keep Corinna alive.
Date: July 15, 2003 Name: Norman Clarke Location: Pittsfield, ME Comment: Jeanne, No shrine huh? How soon they forget. Only one to Columbus? Haven't heard much about him except he had some really wild nights! That's all you hear about today is the nights of Columbus. Anyway, "Corinna Village Park" is the hands down winner around here. At least in my small circle. How about paths around inside the park with names like "Cattail" and "Corundel", "Hutchins", "John Bird" and "Ken Dow" etc.?
It's nice having Amy and Ron next door. They are great neighbors. Grand daughter Vanessa is a sweetie. We have so many photos of her that I have lost count! My daughter Tara has taken quite a shine to her.
Thanks Ken for the photos of the stage and hall. They bring back lots of memories.
Date: July 15, 2003 Name: Kelli Richardson Location: Bond Rd Comment: Good Morning,
I agree with Jeanne and friends. I think Corinna Village Park is a wonderful idea. The word village sound friendly and inviting and that's what we Corinna people are all about.
Date: July 14, 2003 Name: Mary Bowden Location: Comment: Ken, I like Eastland Park myself!
Date: July 14, 2003 Name: Jeanne Bolstridge Location: Middletown, CT Comment: Hi,
Sorry to burst your bubble Norm, but there isn't a shrine named for you in Middletown. The closest thing is a statue of Christopher Columbus down by the old Middletown Yacht Club. Maybe it could be renamed Christopher Columbus Clarke??
That's something, to think you were born in Middletown, and now my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter live next door to you!
Thanks for giving your seal of approval to my name for the park.
Jeanne Bolstridge
Date: July 14, 2003 Name: Cathy Meagher Location: Comment: I suggested the name "Cattail Park" well over a year ago and I still think that it would be an appropriate name. That is my suggestion and I need say no more. Your coverage of the project says it all. Regards,
Date: July 12, 2003 Name: Don Seavey Location: Augusta Comment: Norm, I haven't seen the shrine yet but I love your candy bars.
Date: July 11, 2003 Name: norm clarke Location: Comment: Ken,
I too like Jeanne's suggestion.
I was talking to a friend the other day about the park and the various names. She said, why not just call in "Corinna Park." Add the "Village" and it sounds great!
One other nameless individual said to call it History, History park. Cause history repeats itself.
Jeanne, I was born in Middletown. Have you visited the shrine to me down there yet?
Date: July 11, 2003 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Comment: I wholeheartedly agree with Jeanne Bolstridge. Corinna Village Park is a wonderful name! I definitely believe the park should have the name Corinna in it. If I asked someone from out of town to meet me at John Doe Park I would still have to add "in Corinna" to make it specific where this park was.
Date: July 10, 2003 Name: Jeanne Bolstridge Location: Middletown,CT 06457 Comment: Hi,
As a former 20 year resident of Corinna, I would like to make a suggestion for the name of the park. CORINNA VILLAGE PARK
There are so many worthy individuals and families who have had a hand in the history of Corinna, from the beginning to the present, but to single out one name is next to impossible. CORINNA VILLAGE PARK would simply mean, "the people's park". Yes, Corinna is a town, but the word "village" has a quaint sound.
Thanks for doing such a great job with the website.
Jeanne BolstridgeJeanne- I like your suggestion. -Ken
Date: July 10, 2003 Name: Bud Hilliker Location: Comment: Dear Ken,
I think a name for the park that would create the least controversy would be CORINNA VETERANS' MEMORIAL PARK. Corinna has been providing men and women to defend this country since the Civil War and probably before. This name would give several groups a chance to contribute to whatever will be needed to make it a first class memorial.
Another source for park names would be Indian History. I doubt that there is any individual name that will not promote a lot of controversy.Good point, Bud -Ken
Date: July 9, 2003 Name: Sandy McIntire Location: Taylor, Michigan Comment: Hi, Ken!
It's been awhile since I've jotted down anything in your Guest Book. I truly love to check out what is new every day on your site. You are truly a master (I wouldn't be just a little biased, would I?).
If I may, I would like to suggest a name for the new park. How about Papillon (the French word for Butterfly)? The butterfly symbolizes rebirth, and that would seem fitting. What do you think?Sandy- It is good to hear from you. Hope summer is going well in Michigan. Thanks for the park name suggestion. I'm told that park committee members check the Guest Book to see what suggestions people send in. -Ken
Date: July 8, 2003 Name: Priscilla O. Page Location: Charlestown, NH Comment: May I too, vote for Corundel Park? I remember how hard Edna Hutchins worked to get the Lake, declared a lake, and named Corundel lake. It could even be named in her memory, as no ever worked harder for the town than she did. Priscilla- Hutchins Park. Another good suggestion. Edna certainly did a lot for the town in her day. -Ken
Date: July 7, 2003 Name: Don Seavey Location: Augusta Comment: I'm still in favor of Dow, but if not that how about Eastland? The mill did carry the town for many years.
The *cough cough* pollution is one thing but the mill was supporting many many people for a long time.
Date: July 7, 2003 Name: June Jaworski Location: Corinna Comment: Has the name Corundal Park been suggested? A name with a geographic connection would make sense to me. I love Cattail Press, but somehow it does not seem fitting for the name of a park even tho' I have to admit Corundal Lake may become Cattail Lake for all the reeds that are growing in it.
Date: July 5, 2003 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Penfield, NY Comment: The photo for the 4th is great. I like the way you captured the library and the civil war monument. How about reprinting it so that it can be downloaded.
It looks like we have gotten names started, let's have some more. We want the committee to have to work to make their decision.
Hey Norm, I didn't know your middle name was Park?
Brian- Yes, all suggestions for park names are welcomed. More is better. Thanks for your comments on the park/library photo. It was taken two years ago, one of my favorites. The format of the picture doesn't lend itself to wall paper. Someday perhaps I'll incorporate it into a collage. -Ken
Date: July 4, 2003 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Penfield, NY Comment: Still check in almost daily and appreciate all your efforts to keep us exiles in touch. I am impressed with your modesty and the suggestion that the park name hold meaning relating to the past and future. I do hope that there will be a lasting tribute to you and the Cattail Press.
Here is my 2 cents. Phoenix Park. As most will know Phoenix is a mythical bird that never dies, the Phoenix flies far ahead to the front, always scanning the landscape and distant space. It represents our capacity for vision, for collecting information about our environment and the events unfolding within it.
The Phoenix deathless inspiration. Also Phoenix Park in Dublin is the largest Park in Europe. Excavations in this park have unearthed items of civilization from 3,500 years B.C. "Phoenix" is actually a corruption of the Irish words "Fionn Uisce", meaning "Clear Water".
There are several other Phoenix Parks, but maybe this one could be known for it's ancient Indian inhabitants, it's long history of forward thinking people and its contribution of "clear water", correcting years of environmental abuse.
Whatever name is chosen, we should remember that we are only borrowing this land from our children.
Everyone have a great 4th of July
Date: July 4, 2003 Name: Jeff Jacob Location: Corinna Comment: Ken-
I understand your reluctance to consider a "Dow Park", or a "Ken's Family Fun Spot Park", but surely you must agree that the name "Cattail Park" encompasses all the criteria associated about what would be a suitable. Let me quote your own words: "The name for the park should reflect Corinna's history while looking toward the future..." The Cattail Press has been a repository and clearing house of every form of Corinna's history: written, photographic, and verbal. It has kept us locals informed during the entire process of demolition and reclamation of the downtown area. It has also been the touchstone of those residents who have moved away and continue to keep current with their roots. And presently there is no other forum I know of that is as qualified to discuss this very question of a name for our future park. (And lastly; with all the cattails growing around Corundel Lake, I'd say the choice of a name is downright obvious.)
I submit the name "Cattail Park" for consideration.
Date: July 4, 2003 Name: Bill Parker Location: Stennis Space Center, MS Comment: Ken,
After so many years of being away I am coming "home" for a visit. I hope to see many old faces and the new town. Your site has given me a peek at what the town looks like today. I'm afraid that I would drive right by and not recognize it at all except for your pictures. I look forward to seeing the CUA building, the Town Hall, the Village area, the schools, and all the points of my history there. I have noticed that there has been some discussion of maintaining the old buildings and what to do with the town.
One thing I have noticed in all my travels and in all the places that I have been is one thing is real important. We as the current holders of our heritage are responsible for maintaining that and passing it along to the new holders. That includes supporting the future: buildings, places, parks, schools, and yes the kids. It also means that it will cost money. But the investment now will pay off. I hope to return to my first home and see a new start and keep returning and watching it grow.
Hope to see ya'll soon at the end of the month and at the Nokomis annual reunion day. I am so ready for a vacation.
Date: July 4, 2003 Name: Norm Clarke Location: Pittsfield, ME Comment: Ken, More names for the park:
Phoenix Park. Corinna rose out of the ashes, or pollution so to speak.
New Beginnings Park
Renewal Park
Excelsior Park. What better than onward and upward?
Cattail Park
Norm Park. I mean Clarke
Date: July 3, 2003 Name: Terry Seaney Location: Comment: Ken,
Just got back from a visit up to the Corinna area. Larry and I stopped by the Corinna Historical Society
and got a great tour from some long lost relatives.
Things sure do look different from when Reggie Lane, Richard McDonald, Bob Nye, the Morrill boys, and
a bunch of us used to play wiffle ball in the lot at the end of Main Street.
Great job on the site, I check it often to look at the pictures and see who's writing.
Terry- Thanks, it is good to hear from you. It's ironic that today there is more empty space in the Corinna village area than there has been in over 100 years but no place to play wiffle ball. -Ken
Date: July 3, 2003 Name: Don Seavey Location: Comment: In response to Mr. Grindle's letter and your comments I think that that would be great to have that Park named after you Ken. Whether you know it or not you are a big part of the history of the town. I couldn't think of a better name for the park.
Don- Thanks for the tribute. I do appreciate it. How about some possible names like River Walk Park, Riverside Park, Warren Park (after John Warren, the man who originally owned the land that became Corinna) or, if this will be an expansion of the current park and connected to it, call it all Winchester Park. -Ken
Date: July 2, 2003 Name: Crosby Redman Grindle Location: Comment: Let me be the first, but I'm sure not the last, to suggest the name Ken Dow Park for that proposed park where the mill was located. (We hope he can hide his modesty long enough to print this!) Seriously, for a long time my wife, Geri, and I have always pulled up the Cattail Press every morning before starting our days' activities. Ken's fantastic coverage of the whole reclamation of Corinna with excellent pictures has kept Corinna in the minds of hundreds of people.
("Bing")Bing- I am honored by your suggestion and appreciate your comments and support for the web site but, of course, such a name would not be suitable. The name for the park should reflect Corinna's history while looking toward the future, a tall order. While the Superfund cleanup has wiped the slate clean in the village area, it is a short lived process in the long history of the area. The fishing weir just 3 miles downstream near Sebasticook Lake shows us that people were living here before the pyramids were built in Egypt. There is a long story of life in this area to consider when choosing the name for the park. -Ken
Date: July 1, 2003 Name: Linda Smith Location: Corinna, ME Comment: We have been talking about a park on the former mill site for sometime now and the park committee has been gathering ideas and plan to start making it a reality as soon as the space is made available by the EPA.
The park needs a name and we would like the readers of the Cattail Press to send their suggestions via the cattail press guest book or phone 278-4353 by July 15 for the park committee to review. Pass the word along to others to send their ideas too. Also bricks for the park are still available for engraving with your name or business for $50 each.
Make check payable to Corinna Park Project and leave at town office or mail to 8 Levi Stewart Dr. Corinna. Thanks Linda Smith, Committee Chair
Date: June 28, 2003 Name: Norm Clarke Location: Pittsfield, ME Comment: Yes, I did promise to give Don a tour although He wasn't quite truthful regarding the fish in the stream. He told me that the stream was stocked with tropical fish. Only later did I learn that it was actually dye from Eastland that made them that color.
Don and I went hunting together a long time ago. Some hunters, We used to travel with a Hunter's Bible spread between us and a pair of finger nail clippers. Good thing we never saw any deer. After a long day spent "hunting", we would pop into one of Corinna's Main Street establishments for a bit of refreshment and then, go down by the stream and look at the fish. I should have known better. He said he was a Fishacologist. I don't think there is any such thing.
He and I plan to go hunting again soon. We will be looking for weapons of mass destruction! Some of that machinery around there looks suspicious.
norm clarke
Date: June 26, 2003 Name: Herb and Deen Location: Florida Comment: We still read your press each day to keep in touch with the state of Maine. Keep up the good work, tell Mom and Dad we are fine and need a new address from them. God bless all.
Date: June 26, 2003 Name: Don Seavey Location: Augusta Comment: I haven't been up to see the many changes in Corinna, but Norm Clarke has promised to give me a
guided tour. I am impressed however by the pictures that you have kindly provided. I remember that the stream was very colorful, reddish one day, maybe blue or green the next. Fred Holbrook told me once that when he was younger - there was really good fishing in there, be great for future generations if that were to return.
Date: June 26, 2003 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, NE Comment: Hi Ken,
I was interested in your conversation with Tebob concerning the Legion Hall renovation. Will we have
a picture of that?
Alden- Yes, a picture would be nice. I'll get one in the next few days and post it so we can see what they are talking about. -Ken
Date: June 24, 2003 Name: Tebob Buckland Location: Corinna Maine Comment: Hi Ken just saw the note about the Legion Hall and how nice they thought it looked. Wonder if they also noticed the new shutters?? Hope others notice it too, and hope it adds a little to the new Corinna. Thanks.
William Tebob Buckland, Commander Corinna Legion Post 73Tebob- It does look good and every improvement by citizens and organizations helps the town. -Ken
Date: June 21, 2003 Name: Judi Brooks Location: Corinna Maine Comment: HI Ken,
Paul and I came by the Legion hall yesterday and noticed the cupola on the roof. We thought it was quite impressive.
Date: June 20, 2003 Name: June Jaworski Location: Corinna Maine Comment: Dear Ken, I am so glad you gave us a picture of the lupine which is coming back down in the bog area after the EPA cleanup work. There are 2 patches of yellow violets that Rick Leighton also had dug up for me that have survived and were noticeable this spring as you rode down to the bog. Would really be nice if the scouts or some group could mow the couple of areas of grass along that road that would enhance the drive and show up these flowers when in season.
FYI we had 57 children at the first summer reading program yesterday-a good start. I am afraid we are dealing with some bad weather today for our first concert and may have to break our perfect record of outdoor concerts and move inside. Will give people a chance to enjoy our building. Yesterday a man from India stopped in and asked for a tour of the building-was impressed. And our guest magician was really impressed with the auditorium upstairs and used the stage for his program. (He was a good magician-could you make 5 doves turn into a white rabbit? He did!) June J.
Date: June 19, 2003 Name: Brenda Hensley Location: Corinna Maine Comment: Hi, I wondered if you had any photos or information on the old Town Farm? Thanks, Brenda
Date: June 19, 2003 Name: Colin Jackson Location: ALLAGASH Comment: COME TO ALLAGASH FOR LUPINE SEEDS C.J.
Date: June 19, 2003 Name: Sandra Anne Wentworth Garcelon Location: Comment: Nice to see old acquaintances. We were very impressed with the CUA Historical Society. Also, the Banquet festivities. My husband noted, this is in the true spirit of what small town America should be people being dedicated. Sincerely
Sandra Anne Wentworth Garcelon
Date: June 18, 2003 Name: Norm Clarke Location: Pittsfield Comment: On a recent trip to Nova Scotia, we purchased some Lupine seeds. These seeds are sold in just about every tourist shop in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The Lupine is quite abundant there and very pretty. What these fine folks don't tell you is that you cannot bring the seeds into the US. Being honest, we told them of our purchase. They probably planted them at the border crossing.
Date: June 17, 2003 Name: Carl Smith Location: Corinna Comment: For those who appreciate lupines. There are some on the east bank of the river, south of the bridge, behind IOOF. Transplanted by some of our local dedicated ladies. Unfortunately, they are not noticeable when driving by.
Date: June 16, 2003 Name: June Jaworski Location: Corinna Comment: Dear Ken, Just a reminder to folks that our library summer activities begin this week. The Amazing Lou, a magician will kick off the children's summer reading at 2 pm Wed. and on Thurs at 7 pm we will have our first concert on the lawn (weather permitting). Our own local group, Ginger Mae Dyer will start the season as she did last year. If it rains the concert will be held inside. A full list of concerts is available at the library on the hall table. Hope we have another great summer. June June- You have impressive list of summer activities planned at the library. I'm sure all will go well and be exciting for the community. -Ken
Date: June 14, 2003 Name: DANNY DOHERTY Location: Corinna Comment: Hi Ken. You don't seem to have your ducks all in a row. 2nd and 3rd rows are great but your 1st row needs work. Keep up the great work on the Cattail Press. Yup, that first row was a little sloppy. They're young, still.
Date: June 13, 2003 Name: Michael Sinclair Location: Fort Bragg, NC Comment: Just read the news about Mr. Dionne. Very sad news indeed. I wasn't involved in broadcasting, so I didn't really know him all that well. But I do remember seeing him around school all the time. Especially my senior year last year riding around on his little motorized vehicle. A great man, this wasn't how he was supposed to go. Michael- It doesn't seem right, I know. Mr. Dionne recently said that since we don't seem to be in control of how long we live, we should make the very best of the time we have. He certainly did that. It's a good lesson for us all. -Ken
Date: June 4, 2003 Name: Judy Doore Location: Corinna Comment: Ken,
As you well know, the Town has been planning for development and reuse for several years now! The Board of Selectmen have been approached to install a waterline on Route 7 south to accommodate two proposed businesses and, perhaps more in the future. We are holding a special town meeting on Wednesday, June 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Annex. The Selectmen are considering the installation of 900-1,400 feet of water line at a cost of approximately $35,000 (to be reimbursed by developers; over the long term). This work can be done at this "reasonable" cost because we have very capable Public Works Employees. The risk is that $14,000 will be collected early in the process leaving the balance to be repaid over three years and there is no guarantee that we can collect the full $21,000 in three years; hence it does become an investment of the property tax owner. We like to think development is worth the initial investment to gain Town taxbase and Utility Users. Selectmen are looking for Citizen input as they begin this most important task of redevelopment! Up until now it has been conceptual. It now becomes reality and we must make the hard decisions. The good news is this Board is willing to do that! The other good news is that they want to get input from the public before much more time and energy is spent. This special town meeting is the forum of the people to let their elected officials know what they expect in terms of redevelopment and the risk involved. Please assist me in encouraging your faithful readers that we truly need public input (both pro and con!) now, as the wheels of redevelopment are turning (fortunately for us, they are turning quickly!!).
On another note; it is so neat to see such activity on the second floor! We are moving quite well on the phases of alterations. We are also working to removed the rest of the scoreboard in the corner. Good luck to you on your productions! We are looking forward!
Thanks for the past, the present and the future for your work in getting the word out!! JudyJudy- Sounds like some important decisions are needed. I hope the special town meeting on June 11 is well attended. I wonder if the readers of the Guest Book have opinions about this. What are the pros and cons of this issue?
It will be a busy summer on the stage upstairs in the Stewart Library Building. The Levi Stewart Community Theater appreciates your support and that of the Board of Selectmen. -Ken
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