Weekly Update and Two-week Projection of Work from Roy F. Weston, Inc.
September 28, 2001
Anne Piekarski of Roy F. Weston, Inc. (www.rfweston.com) sent the following information to The Cattail Press. Weston is the primary contractor working on the Eastland Woolen Mill Site in Corinna. My thanks to Weston for providing this information.
The following summarizes WESTON’s work completed at the Eastland Woolen Mill Site for week ending Friday September 28, 2001:
Safety Update:
- Conducted daily safety inspections on all heavy equipment used on site.
- All work was completed in level D or modified level D personal protective equipment.
- Performed daily dust monitoring of the area surrounding the entire site including the new-screened soil stockpile, the contaminated soil stockpile, and Area 1 excavation.
Work Accomplished by WESTON and Subcontractors:
- Excavated clean cutback (1760yds), contaminated soil (6160yds), and clean topsoil (112yds) from Area 1 and transported to the appropriate on-site stockpile.
- Decontaminated a total of 416yds of rock from Area 1.
- Performed water quality (temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity) readings south of Corundel dam and south of the new bridge.
- Collected soil samples from Area 1.
- Continued river restoration work south of Corundel dam.
- Water treatment plant treated a total of 171,454 gallons.
- Continued contaminated soil screening operation.
- Transported screened material to new screened contaminated soil stockpile.
- Continued assembling a rock washing system.
- Continued sheet piling installation near the new road along Rt. 7.
- Continued site dust control.
Two-week Projection:
The following summarizes the anticipated work to be completed for the next two week time period (October 1 through October 15).
- Continue Area 1 excavation.
- Complete Mill Pond Restoration.
- Complete sheet piling installation.