Weekly Update and Two-week Projection of Work from Roy F. Weston, Inc.
October 6, 2000
Anne Piekarski of Roy F. Weston, Inc. (www.rfweston.com) sent the following information to The Cattail Press. Weston is the primary contractor working on the Eastland Woolen Mill Site in Corinna. My thanks to Weston for providing this information.
The following summarizes WESTON's work completed on the Eastland Woolen Mill Site for week ending Friday October 6, 2000:
Safety Update:
- Conducted daily safety inspections on the heavy equipment used on site.
- Conducted daily air monitoring along the perimeter of the mill complex fencing including Areas 2 & 3, the stockpile area, and the decontamination pad. Preliminary analytical results for samples were below detection limits.
- Conducted daily real-time air monitoring for the perimeter of the former mill property and the exclusion zone. Results were below the action levels.
- Workers in excavation areas continued to wear modified level D personal protective equipment.
Work Accomplished by WESTON:
Completed excavation of Area 2. A total of 6345 yd3 of material has been excavated from this area. Continued backfilling Areas 2 and 2.5 with gravel. A total of 6661 yd3 of material has been backfilled into Area 2 and 2.5. Completed excavation of Area 3 south. A total of 1935 yd3 of material was excavated from Area 3 south. Began backfilling Area 3 south. Backfilled 210 yd3 into Area 3 south. Completed preparation of Lot 88 for excavation next week. Performed water quality readings (temperature, DO, turbidity) above Corundel dam and downstream of Area 3 excavation. Collected a total of 71 soil samples from Area 2 and 2.5. Surveyed all soil sample collection locations. Continued backfilling manholes and re-grading disturbed utility relocation areas. Completed paving of Newport Road. Installed inverts in SMH W-2. Continued preparation for Odd Fellows Building move by removing non-load bearing basement walls, installing tension wires, and installing steel support beams. Began pouring foundation for the new Odd Fellows Building location in Lot 118A. Continued dust control around the work site. Continued night shift monitoring of pumps.
Two-week Projection:
The following summarizes the anticipated work to be completed for the next two week time period (October 16 through October 30):
- Continue ongoing maintenance of erosion controls, construction fencing, and security fence around the work site.
- Continue maintenance of dewatering pumps, river bypass pumps, and all associated piping.
- Complete backfilling of Area 2, 2.5 and 3 south.
- Remove underground storage tanks near building 9.
- Continue preparation for temporary detour during Main Street bridge and road work.
- Continue contaminated soil stockpile maintenance.
- Move Odd Fellows Building.
- Continue dust control and air monitoring.