Weekly Update and Two-week Projection of Work from Roy F. Weston, Inc.
July 21, 2000
Anne Piekarski of Roy F. Weston, Inc. (www.rfweston.com) sent the following information to The Cattail Press. Weston is the primary contractor working on the Eastland Woolen Mill Site in Corinna. My thanks to Weston for providing this information.
The following summarizes WESTON's work completed on the Eastland Woolen Mill Site for week ending Friday July 21, 2000:
Safety Update:
- Conducted daily safety inspections on the heavy equipment used on site.
- Conducted perimeter air monitoring along the perimeter of the mill fencing, the soil stockpile area, and Area 3.
Work Accomplished:
- Demolished foundation wall on north side of Building 4.
- Completed the clearing and grubbing of brush from Areas 2 and 3.
- Installed traffic control signs.
- Completed the installation of the water treatment system.
- Stockpiled clean fill on Lot 118. Hay bales were installed around the base of the stockpile.
- Excavated large boulders and clean soil from river and banks of Area 3, to ensure stabilization of excavation.
- Continued dust control around the work site.
- Continued installation of three-phase power line from the substation to Main Street through the mill property to replace existing three- phase power line on Main Street.
- Began installation of chain link fence around Sawtelle house on Rt. 7 & 11.
- Conducted air monitoring
Two-week Projection:
The following summarizes the anticipated work to be completed for the next two week time period (July 24 through August 7):
- Continue site preparation for Areas 2 and 3 including ongoing maintenance of erosion controls, construction fencing, and security fence.
- Continue maintenance of dewatering and river bypass pumps and piping.
- Start excavation and confirmation sampling in Area 3, south of Main Street.
- Continue installation of traffic control signs.
- Removal of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) from the buildings to be demolished along Main Street.
- Demolition of buildings on Main Street after asbestos abatement.
- Preparatory work for moving Odd Fellows building.
- Continue dust control and air monitoring.