Weekly Update and Two-week Projection of Work from Roy F. Weston, Inc.
July 7, 2000
Erik Hall of Roy F. Weston, Inc. (www.rfweston.com) sent the following information to The Cattail Press. Weston is the primary contractor working on the Eastland Woolen Mill Site in Corinna. My thanks to Weston for providing this information.
The following summarizes WESTON's work completed on the Eastland Woolen Mill Site for week ending Friday July 7, 2000:
Safety Update:
- Conducted daily safety inspections on the heavy equipment used on site.
- Conducted daily air monitoring along the perimeter of the mill complex fencing including Area 4, the stockpile area, and the decontamination pad. Preliminary analytical results for all samples were below detection limits.
- Conducted daily real-time air monitoring for the perimeter of the former mill property and the exclusion zone. Results were below the action levels.
- Conducted daily personal air sampling on two workers inside the exclusion zone and one worker outside the exclusion zone. No analytical results have been received.
Work Accomplished:
- Completed initial excavation of Area 4 Building 4 and placed contaminated soil in the north side of the stockpile area. Dewatered area prior to excavation and pumped water to influent frac tank for storage until completion of treatment plant distribution system.
- Collected soil confirmation samples in Building 4 excavation. Analysis of samples was conducted onsite be HLA’s lab. Surveyed excavation and soil sample locations in Building 4.
- Finished construction of stockpile staging area.
- Continued constructing water treatment distribution system.
- Installed electrical for decon pad, water treatment plant, and fuel cell.
- Started tree removal in Area 2.
- Started disposal of HLA drum contents in stockpile area and decontamination of drums.
- Surveyed 1.5/1 slope on west side of Area 2 for location of security fencing.
- Conducted bench line survey of temporary benchmarks.
Two-week Projection:
The following summarizes the anticipated work to be completed for the next two week time period (July 10 through July 21):
- Continue site preparation for areas south of Main Street including erosion controls, construction fencing, security fence, and tree removal. Some increased truck traffic may be experienced.
- Set-up of dewatering and river bypass pumps and hoses.
- Backfill of Building 4 excavation after confirmation sampling is completed.
- Continue disposal of HLA drummed waste in the soil stockpile area.
- Removal of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) from the buildings to be demolished along Main Street.
- Installation of traffic control signs.
- Construct haul road through former Building 4 and south of Main Street for access to Area 3.