Lately, in Corinna...
For July 2003
July 30, 2003
a field on the Exeter RoadJuly 29, 2003
looking north from the Exeter RoadJuly 26, 2003
Potato blossom timeJuly 25, 2003
Scenes from "The Cat In The Castle"July 24, 2003
bulldozer is on top of the pileJuly 23, 2003
Finale from "The Cat In The Castle"July 21, 2003
SLB look-alikeJuly 19, 2003
inside the big white plastic buildingJuly 17, 2003
gray tanksJuly 16, 2003
all four of the soil bedsJuly 14, 2003
stage and auditoriumJuly 12, 2003
tour of the facilityJuly 11, 2003
Concert on the Library LawnJuly 10, 2003
a little look backJuly 9, 2003
house just behind the Stewart Library BuildingJuly 8, 2003
help in naming the new parkJuly 7, 2003
The stage upstairsJuly 5, 2003
from the Corundel Dam looking downstreamJuly 4, 2003
Happy Fourth of JulyJuly 3, 2003
a costume design sessionJuly 2, 2003
Here's another oneJuly 1, 2003
field of lupine