Previous Entries
April 1, 2001 - April 24, 2001
Date: April 24, 2001 Name: Zenie Hartley Lockwood Location: windsor, vermont Email: Comment: check out the forum/picture info. i forwarded along some names remembered from karlenne poland, my classmate/sister :-)
Date: April 24, 2001 Name: Judy Cuddy Location: Bangor, Maine Email: Comment: Congratulations on receiving the 2001 Environmental Merit Award from the EPA and the Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence, Ken. You are doing great work! It has been a genuine resource for the community, Thanks.
Date: April 24, 2001 Name: Sharon Herron Location: Portland, Maine Email: Comment: My parents have a camp in Dexter and I pass thru Corinna many times during the summer. I found your site this morning and found it very interesting to see the pictures of the changes on Main Street. I'll see them in person in a month or so. In the meantime, I'll keep checking the pictures.
Date: April 24, 2001 Name: Bridgit Buckland-Cayer Location: Etna Email: Comment: Mr. Dow,
Congratulations on winning such a prestigious award. What an honor it is to everyone in the community to have you watching over our "home". I just visited the site for the first time. It's a living history, and I'd like to thank you for doing what you do!
Date: April 22, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: Congratulations on another well deserved award. You certainly have put Corinna on the map. Also you should be proud of more then 100,000 people visiting your site. There are many popular sites I visit that haven't had that many visitors over a longer period of time.
I guess I am surprised to hear there isn't a high speed internet service available in Corinna.
Shortly after we left Palmyra (1994) they had service available in a pretty sparsely populated area. This was extremely important when leasing the house. Anyone running a business or with the opportunity to work at home through virtual office will definitely require such a service. Congratulations and thanks for the site.
Date: April 21, 2001 Name: Ron Russell Location: Rumford Email: Comment: I too want to congratulate you on this prestigious award, I can't think of a more deserving person in all of this great country than you to receive it. You have really put the little town of Corinna on the map throughout the county with your web site. You have brought a lot of us who live away from Corinna back together with each other, and have made us proud of the fact that we were raised in a community that has such a high commitment for a better environment. Keep up the good work
Ron- Thank you and also to the others below who have sent in congratulations. I am very honored by the award and by the response from the readers of The Cattail Press. -Ken
Date: April 21, 2001 Name: Darrell A. Brooks Location: San Bernardino Ca. Email: bndbrooks@aol,com Comment: Congratulations on another well deserved award. Have been a frequent visitor to this site ,and certainly appreciate the time you and your family devote to it. Thanks to you .we can continue to follow the changes taking place in Corinna. Keep up the good work.
Date: April 21, 2001 Name: Wayne Brown Location: Fort Myers, FL Email: Comment: A day or two late but I do wish to add my congratulations on your receiving another well deserved reward. I plan to be in Corinna for the CUA alumni banquet June 2. It will be interesting to see in person what I have enjoyed seeing the last year or so of changes. Hope I may have the opportunity to meet you while I am in Maine. Oh, yes. The photo you had on line a few days ago of your greatgrandparents. I did not remember them but was impressed with the family resemblance of him to his son, your grandfather, Herbert Dow, Sr. who was a good friend of mine. Keep up your good work.
Date: April 21, 2001 Name: Norm Clarke Location: P Town Email: Comment: Ken,
Kudos once again for a job well done and ongoing.
It's fitting that you received this award in Boston, site of the "Big Dig". I guess Corinna can be considered the "Little Dig". Probably will not cost as much either. This award is but one more of many others to come.
Date: April 20, 2001 Name: Wes Harris Location: FT Gordon, GA Email: Comment: Ken...Congratulations, on yet....Another, well deserved award. Keep up the tremendous job.
Wes- Thanks to you and the other signers below for all your kind words. -Ken
Date: April 20, 2001 Name: Betsy Dorman Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Congratulations, Dow! You are becoming quite famous! All the way to the big city for yet another award. Wow!
Unfortunately, I have been banned from Boston ever since the early '80's when Al Lee (former Nokomis I.A. teacher) and I (former Nokomis Home Ec teacher) took the Nokomis German Club to Boston for a weekend trip. Now you may be wondering why the I.A. teacher and the home ec teacher took the German Club to Boston, but that is a very long story and I don't even want to go there. Suffice to say that we had a great time. Rollie even went along, too, along with parent chaperone Cindy Preble and Sylvia Cray as our bus driver. The only snag we hit all weekend was that we lost one girl, an exchange student, for several hours, but she eventually turned up again. The students that we took were of the classes of 1982-1984 vintage (Tricia Cray, Kathy Cray, Laura Manson, etc.) and were more fun than a barrel of monkeys. It was great!
Once again, congratulations on your most recent award. You rule!
Date: April 20, 2001 Name: Mark and Tanya Berube Location: Hendersonville, NC. Email: Comment: Congratulations on your Award. Great job!
Date: April 20, 2001 Name: Sue Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Congratulations on another much deserved award. Certainly keeps everyone up to date. Great for T.J. in San Diego so that he can see the changes back home. He will be graduating on May 11 and home for 20 days before reporting to Norfolk, Virginia. Loved the photo of Nan and Grampa Dow. Sandy has a copy but I had never seen it. Keep up the great work. Sue
Date: April 20, 2001 Name: Darrell & Judie Hartley Location: Corinna Neighbor Email: Comment: Ken:
Congratulations on yet another award. The EPA "Environmental Merit Award" That is great!
You deserve it!!!!
Date: April 20, 2001 Name: Mel Russell Location: Orlando, FL Email: Comment: Wow! Congratulations, Ken! This is a very impressive award - and if anyone deserves it, you do. Your hard work and dedication to Corinna and the cleanup process is inspiring. Thank you for having a vision and bringing it to fruition - it is a tremendous benefit to the entire community (no matter how widely scattered that community has become!). Keep up the great work - we all appreciate it!
Mel Russell
Date: April 18, 2001 Name: TOM WOLFE Location: GETTYSBURG, SD Email: Comment: KEN,
Date: April 18, 2001 Name: Terry Seaney Location: St Augustine, FL Email: Comment: Hello Ken (and others),
It's great to be able to follow the changes that are going on back "home". I visit almost every summer but I enjoy coming on here to see what is going on.
Date: April 18, 2001 Name: Jeff Jacob Location: Corinna Email: Comment: WQW! I can't decide if I'm more impressed with your hundred thousandth hit, or the fact that the Cattail counter actually expanded from five digits to six! Congratulations.
Date: April 17, 2001 Name: Jayne A. Randall Location: Newport, Maine Email: Comment: I grew up in Corinna and am at awe every time I pass through my old home town. It is quite a change from the time period that I lived in Corinna when we had the drug store, grocery store and restaurant etc all on main street.
Date: April 16, 2001 Name: Bob Wallace Location: Duluth, MN Email: Comment: Just an observation that the pageview counter should go over the 100,000 mark by mid week. That in itself speaks volumes to the popularity of this site and the enjoyment that it provides for so many who love Corinna, or just Maine for that matter, and find themselves living away. I check the site every morning and find my day better for it. You do a fine job Ken and make a lot of folks very happy. I am looking forward to your reporting of the clean up activity this summer.
Bob- Thank you. I am amazed by the number... never thought it would reach 100,000! -Ken
Date: April 15, 2001 Name: Sandra McIntire Location: Taylor, Michigan Email: Comment: Thanks for the picture of the Charles and Addie. It was wonderful. I downloaded it so that I can put it in my family photo album that is on the web.
Date: April 14, 2001 Name: Karlenne F. Page Location: Peoria, AZ. Email: Comment: Ken, Thanks so much for the great work you have done with this site, we have been in AZ. from November 28 until April 18 so your site has been a great enjoyment to us, it has been our only real contact with home, each we check out the old weather chair and all.
I moved into Corinna in 51 and I went to the Corinna center school, from fourth grade we went to Corinna Eastland school and then to CUA, keep up the good work and we will see you all soon. Karlenne
Date: April 14, 2001 Name: Judy Doore Location: Town Office Email: Comment: Ken, This site is wonderful even with the activities in the village, temporarily down!
I hear you and your family will take a trip next week. We will look forward to a report on the Cattail Press! Tell Julie to just hold your hand as you tour Boston (so that no one gets lost) and enjoy the city! Have a great trip!Judy- We'll take pictures and publish the scoop on Thursday. -Ken
Date: April 13, 2001 Name: Ronald Russell Location: Rumford Email: Comment: The Corinna Center school was operational until the opening of the Eastland School, I think it was the fall of 1954 when we all gathered our books and marched over to the new school. then the kids from the Center School joined us in the village.
Date: April 13, 2001 Name: Barbara Cloutier Location: Newport, ME Email: Comment: Ken,
With so many interested in a book of photos think of the possibilities of helpful volunteers. Norm Clarke certainly would make a good candidate! It really is a fantastic idea. You have done a wonderful job of all facets of the Cattail Press.
Date: April 13, 2001 Name: rodney knowles Location: zephyrhills fa Email: rodhazk @ 3 Comment: ken ,your picture of the corinna center school house brought memories, mrs pushor taught me for the last 4 years that i attended, i was the janitor for the two rooms for 5 or 6 years for a great salary of 75 cents a week, i have enjoyed your web site very much and view it every morning, congratulations on your award from the governor and the one coming up from the e.p.a. will be headed for corinna on the 26 th of april rodney knowles
Date: April 13, 2001 Name: liz richards Location: dexter Email: Comment: You amaze me with all the interesting pictures. the old corinna center school house brings back lots of memories of classmates, cooks, & bus driver. keep up the good work, we all enjoy the guest book signings, seeing where everyone from corinna has scattered. wish more would use the forum & chat room.
Date: April 12, 2001 Name: Norm Clarke Location: A few fig leaves shy of modesty Email: Comment: Ken,
More great photos! I do hope they get put together in some form, someday. Maybe they can be made available for the open house at the CUA Building Museum when it's open, especially at CUA Alumni Banquet time. Folks who do not get or enjoy the Cattail Press can see them.
I was serious about the signs (Except the part about me) and like some previous Cattail "logger" said, Corinna is starting with a clean slate. Imagine the possibilities. Like the new buds just under the ground waiting to spring forth, Corinna is waiting for just the right conditions to bloom like the Phoenix springing form the ashes. As a reply to Brian, alas, tis brother Bruce who is the true thespian. I only act at being sane in front of the doctors but he has done fine work and been in many plays. If only he weren't so introverted.Norm- I will do something else with the photos. Not sure will be a summer project, perhaps. You are right. In many ways Corinna is a blank slate...many possibilities. The Reuse Committee is working hard to develop ideas and plans for the future. -Ken
Date: April 11, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: Good morning Ken, just want to let you know I am still checking in regularly and continue to enjoy the site. I agree with including The Cattail Press on a Welcome to Corinna sign. Also if Norm's going to get billing I want to be included also.
As I remember, Norm was (and may still be) the thespian of family, class and town!!!! Norm with your great grasp of family lineage and ancestors from the Corinna Center area you should share some family history with us.
Date: April 10, 2001 Name: Norm Clarke Location: three feet from the wall Email: Comment: Ken,
Been reading about all of your "relatives" and just found out that I am your cousin's brother's, neighbors, paper boys' nephew's, pizza delivery boy's, friend! How's that for a surprise.
In any event, the sign idea is a good one. All of us readers know it's great and recognition like that would be nice. How about, welcome to "The New Corinna, home of the Cattail Press" I suppose "The former home of Norm Clarke" would be expecting a little too much?
Did you know brother Bruce is a thespian? This has long been a terrible family secret.Norm- It is a small world. By the way, I've heard this can happen in any family. -Ken
Date: April 10, 2001 Name: J Thomas Location: PA Email: Comment: I found an interesting site for information on chlorobenzene. This may give you some good information around the cleanup for this liquid. Thought you may be interested.
I visit Corinna every year and I really enjoy the area.
Have a great day,
John and Jodi
Date: April 9, 2001 Name: Mark & Cindy Gleckman Location: Email: Newbury, Ma. Comment: We just learned about this website, and are seeing it for the first time. Our son Matt has been in Coos Bay, Oregon with his girlfriend Angela Dow, daughter of David & Lynn, and granddaughter of Herb & Betty.
The site is great, and we look forward to checking in from time-to-time to see what is happening up north.
Corinna is very much like our town of Newbury, Ma-a small farming community just south of the MA/NH border.
Date: April 9, 2001 Name: Claudia Breslin Location: Wickford, RI Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
I drove up for the weekend Friday night. Rainy yucky weather. Saturday was an outstanding day. Explored and shopped had a wonderful time. Today I am driving home 315 miles and it is snowing. Not fair, I am a poor flatlander. I do have 4-wheel drive but...
The town looks so different from my last visit. It is not there. But what a wonderful opportunity to start all over with a blank slate.
Have a good one. When is the next day it will not snow, July 4th perhaps?
Claudia from RI
Date: April 8, 2001 Name: Vic Buckland Location: North Newport Email: Comment: Was reading some of the incoming guest remarks and the thought came to me that in your efforts to redo Corinna maybe you could get a couple of "Welcome to Corinna---home of the Cattail Press" highway signs! That would certainly be cause for discussion on folks traveling through and prompt a few more new "hits"--good luck.
Date: April 6, 2001 Name: Fernand Beaupre Location: Caribou, Maine Email: Comment: I just received the address for your sight ,and it is one place that I always wanted to visit when going down state so you give me an idea of the things and places of interest that I am interested to enjoy seeing in this God's hidden country. Some say you are crazy to go back to Maine. Ha I just as soon be crazy then foolish to go to a lot worst place
Fernand- I agree. There must be many good places in the world...Maine is one of them, for sure. -Ken
Date: April 6, 2001 Name: Fred McFarland Location: Corinna, Maine Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
I think I saw you taking some pictures of the oil rigs when I was driving through Corinna yesterday. One of these days, if I am in Corinna, I may see you taking pictures and will try and say howdy to you. This site will be missed a lot if it ever stops. I think you are doing a beautiful job and if you ever do make an album of all the pictures you have taken, then I would also like to get one. If you put that album on sale, I am sure that there are a lot of people out there that would love to buy one. Thanks again for the website and keep up the good work.Fred- That was probably me. I'd be pleased to say hi to you. Maybe I should wear a sign that says, "Toot if you visit The Cattail Press." -Ken
Date: April 5, 2001 Name: Peggy Dearborn Hamblett Location: Cape Cod, MA Email: Comment: The pictures here are so beautiful...but I sure don't miss all that snow!!!! For the last three weeks, I have been working in my yard doing spring clean up.....The rate your going in Corinna, you won't see the bare ground for months.....I do miss the snowmobile trails though, so peaceful...Ken if you ever do compose a photo album, let me know, I want to share the beauty of Maine with my friends and family here in Wareham, MA. Excellent job! Peggy
Date: April 4, 2001 Name: Paul B. Miller Location: Seattle, Washington Email: Comment: I am your cousin in the West; your great-grandmother was my aunt Addie Burrill Dow. I look at your Cattail Press regularly and wonder how you are able to do it all. You are doing a great service for all of us who have connections to Corinna, historical and genealogical.
The town will never be the same, but that's true everywhere. If you want any Burrill ancestral information, let me know. I have a lot. Keep up the great work, we really appreciate it.
Date: April 4, 2001 Name: Jackie (Ready) Estrella Location: California (formerly Corinna) Email: Comment: So great to watch the progress going on there. You're doing a great job. Keep up the good work.
Date: April 4, 2001 Name: Cliff&Katie Lighthiser Location: Zephyrhills Florida[Betmar] Email: Comment: Just came from comp class and loved the pretty pictures of Maine. We are from Michigan and have some also. So many of our good friends are from Maine. Thanks again
Date: April 3, 2001 Name: Lisa Smith Location: Bangor,Me. Email: Comment: Kenny this is really something else. I am one that doesn't get into Corinna much now, and I still can't believe how it has changed so much from when I was a kid (long time). I wish my mother (your Aunt) was here to see the changes with us. I know she is looking at everything anyways and she would really enjoy what your doing. Hope this is still here for my daughter to see it, and understand that this is part of our life. We'll be up again soon. Great Job.
Date: April 3, 2001 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, OK Email: Comment: While talking to one of my Maine friends last night (Nadine McDowell), she commented "You are not going to recognize Corinna!" Naturally I could say "Oh yes I will". She does not have a computer and has no interest in getting one, but I'm working on her. She was pretty interested in hearing about all the old friends I've made contact with.
Date: April 2, 2001 Name: Virginia Turner Location: Palmyra Email: Comment: Love your site and your pictures, I check it every day to see what's new. I also had a pair of cardinals at my feeder for the first time. Hope they make it a permanent stop. Keep up the good work.
Date: April 1, 2001 Name: Jim Ervin Location: Auburn, Maine Email: Comment: I have enjoyed your site and have the coverlet from Corinna. I went to school with your father and mother, and met them in Florida this year.
Date: April 1, 2001 Name: June Jaworski Location: Email: Comment: Ken- I am wondering how the woodcock is surviving this snowstorm. I have had tons of birds, mostly all kinds of finches at my feeders. Wiping me right out of food.
June- Haven't seen the woodcock for the past few days. Guess it found a better shelter. We have many birds at the feeders each day. I saw a pair of cardinals Friday. First I've every seen. -Ken
Date: April 1, 2001 Name: Joy Janvrin Location: Palmyra ,Me. Email: Comment: Love that you still have site up, one of the flaggers from down town Corinna , Joy
Joy- It's good to hear from you. Corinna's not the same without you. -Ken
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