Previous Entries
April 25, 2001 - May 30, 2001
Date: May 30, 2001 Name: Corinna Caron Location: Corinna, Maine Email: Comment: An excellently design web page that keeps everyone up to date on the very latest happenings.
Date: May 29, 2001 Name: Linda Watson Location: Glenburn, ME 04401 Email: Comment: My connection with Corinna goes back a long way. My sister used to own and run the Harris Grocery on Main Street. My mother and sister used to work at Snowflake Canning Company at one time. I even worked in Corinna at Gallagher's Restaurant for a short while. My sister got me looking at this web site. It is great. More small towns should have something like this. You are doing a wonderful job. Thanks.
Date: May 29, 2001 Name: Susan Shields Location: Ledyard, CT Email: Comment: Thank you so much Mr. Dow. Made me cry to see "Gramp" leading the parade, but that's okay. What a wonderful way to help me remember and recognize all of those who served and continue to serve our country. (My husband is active duty for the USN.)
Date: May 28, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Etna, ME Email: Comment: I would like to thank the group (I am sure it is the American Legion) that took care of the flags and remembrances on the graves of Corinna's veterans in the the cemeteries. I only visited three cemeteries but they had all been covered. As ya'll may know my interest is in the civil war. It appears WWI, the Korean, the Vietnam Wars and more recent conflicts are not highly recognized in town. I hope as part the rebuilding of Main Street all veterans and conflicts are recognized. I am amazed at how well the WWII Honor Roll is persevered. Thanks again.
Date: May 28, 2001 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, Nebraska Email: Comment: Hi Brian,..Just a point of interest, - My great-grandfather on my Mother's side fought and died in the Civil War..His name was Thatcher Severence and was born in Belmont, Maine in 1827. He enlisted as a Private in Company H, 1st Regiment of the Heavy Artillery, Maine Volunteers. He did not die a glorious death, however. He died of some kind of disease on the 29th of September 1864. I believe more men died of disease and infections, in that war, then died from enemy contact.
Date: May 27, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Etna (looking at Mt. Katahdin) Email: Comment: The recent photos of the foxes are wonderful. Yesterday morning we had a large healthy fox in the front yard and deer out in the field as we watched the sunset over the northwestern mountains. As the sign says in Kittery "The Way Life Should Be".
Here is a suggestion for a park area downtown; Incorporate some memorials to Corinna's war veterans ie. sell and plant "Gettysburg Trees" along the stream for each of the civil war veterans. Similar things could be done for the other wars, conflicts and actually all who served.
Just a reminder the 31st is the anniversary of the battle of Fair Oaks, VA in which the 11th Maine fought.
Thanks for the site and have a great, safe weekend.
Date: May 27, 2001 Name: Norm Clarke Location: Not all there Email: Comment: Ken,
The question was: how is the brick project coming and exactly where will they be placed?
Date: May 26, 2001 Name: liz richards Location: dexter Email: Comment: hope everyone has a safe memorial day week-end. ken, how about a picture of old cua building and a word encouraging all who attended, to please come to the gathering at the grammar school at 4pm on june 2, then stay for the buffet at 6 pm. am anxious to put faces with names on the cattail press. will your family be there? as everyone says, i enjoy the pictures & comments from corinna citizens, past & present. thanks
Date: May 24, 2001 Name: Susan Location: Ledyard, CT Email: Comment: Wow! What a great pic! The town will be such a quaint village once all the construction is finished. Are there plans for planting trees, etc.? I can't wait for my next visit.
Date: May 19, 2001 Name: Marco Caruso Location: Philadelphia,Pa Email: Comment: I recently moved from corinna not to long ago to philadelphia. I keep checking this website to see the changes and it looks like the construction is going pretty well. I like this website because it keeps me in touch with Corinna and it's changes.
Keep up the good work!
Date: May 19, 2001 Name: Lois Hixson Location: Hancock, N.H. Email: Comment: The pictures of the baby fox is awesome.
Date: May 18, 2001 Name: Tanya Berube Location: Hendersonville, NC. Email: Comment: The pictures of the foxes was great. I can't believe he was able to get that close. Nice work !!!
Date: May 16, 2001 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: Jackie Emerson's comments made me think they should be put on a big sign for everyone to see. Many towns have "Yard of the Month" contests, maybe Corinna could have a "Fixup of the Month" contest!
Date: May 15, 2001 Name: Jackie Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Kudos to members of Corinna Recreation Department for organizing a Town clean-up on the night of Monday, May. 14. I extend my appreciation to all of those individuals [Town Manager Judy Doore; Highway Dept. members Steve, Paul, and Scott; firemen, ambulance attendants, Recreation Department members, youth of the community, and other adult volunteers] who volunteered their services to help beautify the streets of Corinna. Let's take the next step in cleaning up our community by removing any and all junk from around our homes. We are in the process of 'making a NEW Corinna - let's make it a clean, neat appearing community--one that makes people say, "I'd like to live there." Let's all get on the proverbial 'bandwagon' and CLEAN UP, PAINT UP, FIX UP around our property - rental or otherwise.
Date: May 15, 2001 Name: June Jaworski Location: Corinna, Me Email: Comment: I agree with Betsy Dorman. There was alot of wildlife in that area-deer, racoons, foxes, skunks and rabbits. However, they have all slowly been disappearing. People might be interested to know that the violet patch has been saved, and next year everyone should be able to enjoy it on their way to the water/dam. At this point there is no access there. Also, you might be interested to know that we often have people stop in to look over the Library Building (not the Town Hall, as they kept saying at the public meeting the other night). Some people from Arizona stopped last week! I think this building is a real asset to the town.
Date: May 13, 2001 Name: Lorraine Hunter Location: Just beyond the swim front Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
The picture of the swim front sure brought back some fond memories! That is the place I learn to swim over 60 years ago. It looks some different now. I have it set as wallpaper.
I also enjoyed the picture of pa and ma Dow, they were such nice people. I grew up in the same house as ma "Addie" Dow did. The house was built by Addie's father.
Date: May 13, 2001 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, Nebraska Email: Comment: What has happened to the Cattail Chat in the past number of weeks? I have been checking in on it most days, at different times, but don't find anyone. Lorraine, you need to get this thing organized again...It was a great way of renewing old acquaintances and keeping up with the latest news..Hope we get to "chatting" soon.
Date: May 13, 2001 Name: June Jaworski Location: Corinna,Me Email: Comment: Many of you know I live next to the church on St. Albans road. I have been so thankful for this location where I have village life at my front door and the "country" at my back door which I also love. Today my "country" is gone-looks like a war zone at this point.
I have be re-living some great memories I have of the little patch of woods that was once mill property. Many a time I have skipped down the path when I heard the first geese coming or the loons. Then I might stop in the old apple orchard down there and discover many song birds that aren't in town, on up the hill thru the blackberry patch that many enjoyed and on by the yellow violet patch that I discovered after a few years. I will admit that even I had envisioned a house tucked up there on that hill looking over the dam area, seeing the jersy cows across the water. And maybe 10 years down the road that will really happen and we will have a green hill again with new trees and shrubs beckoning the wildlife again. Most people in town probably never knew about this little spot rich with country life. I enjoyed it for 33 years and am glad for my memories.
Date: May 10, 2001 Name: Betsy Perkins Dorman Location: Corinna Email: Comment: I don't know who wrote the comment about the blackberry patch that has been wiped out by the clearing of the hill above the dam, but I agree wholeheartedly that it is a shame!
Those bushes produced great blackberries! I'll have to look for a new source. That area has also been a frequent fox habitat. There is nothing cuter than those fox "kits". I had hoped that the EPA project wouldn't reach that far back since I am an abutting land owner and I hate to see anything threaten my precious "farm". It has been in my family since the 1800's and I want to keep it undeveloped and unspoiled for the Greenwood/Young/Perkins/Dorman heirs. I'm crossing my fingers that all that will run along my property line is a road that leads to the boat launch, not a big pile of contaminated soil.
Date: May 10, 2001 Name: Sue Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Interesting entry from Bee Sawtelle. We met the Hamiltons this winter when Sandy, Barb Eaton and I went on the Inn tours in Greenville. If anyone is looking for a great place to stay their Evergreen Lodge, as well as a second site they own are fabulous! We were extremely impressed with the hard work they had done to make their properties a cut above the rest. Not to mention they are really great people.
Date: May 10, 2001 Name: Debbie (Peavey)Bickford Location: St. Albans, ME Email: Comment: Ken,
I recently read of your award (in the Bangor Daily News). Congratulations! What a wonderful service to the Community of Corinna (those who still live there and those who have moved away).
Date: May 10, 2001 Name: William C. Mincher Location: Augusta, Maine 04330 Email: Comment: Phil Young, a neighbor and friend, gave me this address, and this is my first visit. Looks like a great idea, and I'm going to check again from time to time. I used to live in Bangor/Brewer and got to Corinna more often than now. Things are certainly changing!
Date: May 9, 2001 Name: Location: Email: Comment: Ken, Have you taken a ride down to the Bog lately and seen what is happening to the hill? Progress, I know but it has ruined a blackberry patch and wonderful bird habitat. Also there is a patch of yellow violets hidden away there in the midst of a bramble patch.
Date: May 9, 2001 Name: Thomas N. Flewelling Location: Sutherlin Or. 97479 Email: Comment: I worked at the Eastland Woolen Mill for about a year in 1949, I lived in Dexter. I am glad that the town is cleaning up the mill site. My sister sent the paper article to me.
Date: May 9, 2001 Name: Herbert Fournier Location: Email: Comment:
Date: May 9, 2001 Name: Darell {Bee] Sawtelle Location: Shirley Mills, Maine Email: Comment: Ken
I still enjoy reading your info daily, and noticed the item on Falcons. The Evergreen Lodge Bed n Breakfast next door have Moose cruises from Rockwood Maine and they go behind Kineo cliffs and many times Falcons are seen hovering at the of the cliffs. They go up Socatean Stream a little way, and Moose are frequently seen in that area as well.
The should be starting their cruises soon. Bruce and Sonda Hamilton are the owners, and the vessel is a 30 ft. pontoon boat with 2 [90hp.]Hondas, as I remember.
Hope your day goes well, Everything I have on wheels needs something done to them, so will go and check to see where I left off.
Hi to Herb n Betty
Bee Sawtelle
Date: May 7, 2001 Name: Susan Shields Location: Ledyard, CT Email: Comment: Hello, I was hoping that maybe you had some old pictures of my grandparents to share....Paul and Mary Perkins. Or maybe just a pic of sunshine village so I can see how things are at there. Thank you. So glad to see the land there without any snow. :)
Date: May 7, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: Ken, there were a lot species we didn't see or saw in limited numbers growing up. You had to go to the lakes of the North Maine Woods to see a an Osprey. Remember DDT, the panacea for all our pest, mosquitoes, black flies, etc. I remember the return of the first eagles to the lower Penobscot River. One of the first built a nest near the Brewer waste water treatment plant we were building in the early 1970's. In 1980 or 1981 the first pair of Peregrine Falcons to return to Maine nested on the Kennebec River near a new paper mill we were building complete with clean air and water enhancements. This spring for the 20th year a pair of Peregrine Falcons returned to nest on the roof of Kodak Tower in downtown Rochester. I wonder if it is coincidence these returns are associated with our commitment to clean up our
Thanks for the site.
Date: May 6, 2001 Name: Jackie Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken The name of the cemetery on the Packard Rd. next to Fred Annis is Nutter Cemetery.
Date: May 6, 2001 Name: Peter Smith Location: Rockland, Maine Email: Comment: Isn't the cemetery on the Packard Road known as Nutter Cemetery? And doesn't the metal gate have the name written above the entrance?
Date: May 6, 2001 Name: Diane Perri Location: St Albans Email: Comment: Hi Ken, This is your cousin, formerly Diane Dow of Exeter. The dark haired daughter of Bob. This is a great site, Mike Dow told me about it and I had a friend from Newport tell me as well the other night. Good work. Diane
Date: May 5, 2001 Name: Mark and Tanya Berube Location: Hendersonville, NC. Email: Comment: Heard on the weather channel how HOT its been. Couldn't believe it. Well that should take care of any snow left over from winter. Did you have Mud Season ???
Mark and Tanya- It has been very hot. Cooler today, though. Mud season was short and sweet. That doesn't happen too often. -Ken
Date: May 5, 2001 Name: Malcolm Kimbal Location: Lincoln Mills RD Email: Comment: The little white building in today's picture is the cemetery on the Packard RD showing the old fence and the new fenced area
Malcolm- You are correct. -Ken
Date: May 4, 2001 Name: Anne Tomaszewski Location: Zephyrhills,Fl Email: Comment: Hi to Julie once again enjoyed reading your husbands web site. hope the snow has left Maine things are real dry we have a real lack of rain
Anne- It has been hot and dry here for the past few days...90 degrees! Very unusual. -Ken
Date: May 2, 2001 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: I fully agree with Ron Russell's comment about the Odd Fellows Hall "anything worth keeping. . ."
Date: May 2, 2001 Name: Norm Clarke Location: The Pitts Email: Comment: A reminder to all Cattailers. The annual Corinna Academy Alumni Banquet will be held Saturday, June 2nd at the Corinna Grammar School.
Anyone who graduated from or even just attended CUA is welcome to attend.
Contact Evelyn Brooks at 278-7886.
It's a great place to meet old friends, enjoy a fine meal and entertainment and just reminisce.
The CUA building will also be open that day for tours.
Date: May 1, 2001 Name: connie somers Location: zephyrhills, fl. Email: Comment: look at your pictures a lot. i am not much on the web but have been having fun. my dad passed away on dec. 6 2000. his name was ivan chambers. i am bringing home his year book to give to the town. i will be having a service for him the week of may 20 in st albans. keep up the good work
Date: May 1, 2001 Name: Jim Emerson Location: where else? Email: Comment: Hey Ken, I still have quite a lot of snow out behind the house. If you like, I will bring a load down and dump it on the old weather chair. Congrats on all the awards. What would we all do without the" Cattail Press". Jim
Thanks, Jim. A kind offer. We still have snow in shaded places on May 1! Don't bother with the truck. I'll just come look at the snow where it is. -Ken
Date: April 30, 2001 Name: zenie hartley lockwood Location: windsor, vermont Email: Comment: the class of 1953 corinna center school is almost all identified!!! only like 3/4 left, maybe by reunion time we'll have them ALL!!!
Yes. Just a few more to go. Can anyone else help with names? -Ken
Date: April 30, 2001 Name: Buffy Location: Gods Country Up North - Dover Email: Comment: Hello Ken ! Just a quick congrad's on you latest award! My My you are becoming quite famous these days! I happen be getting caught up on the last months guest sign in comments!
I love the idea of the Cattail HighWay-Great way to put Corinna on the map with the Cattail Site to keep it going in far future keeping it alive when alls said and done! Great drawing card!
Any sneak preview on the future of Corinna's plans other than the yellow brick road ?
Great Ole Corinna this is how ones HomeTown should be - Noticeable to all who goes through and sure enough Corinna has done over years of ever changes.
Last to mention too, when I was younger my folks moved from various town to town some in the Central of the area and I found then and as now, the people I went to school with were warm caring people, which through the Cattail I have as many have been in recent contact which is great! But found that still they that living in Corinna have remained as such, warm caring (people) friends that are what comes from a warm loving town folk! Love you all guys / gals! May your next generation of children learn from this and do the same in the far future! May God Bless Corinna to prosper and show others how its done!
p.s. Hows the ole weather chair standing up after the winter? Buffy!
Date: April 29, 2001 Name: Phil Young Location: Augusta (Maine that is) Email: Comment: Hi Ken
I haven't checked in for a while but I still check here about every day.
A belated congratulations from Dot and I on your recent award. I'm keeping an electronic scrapbook of all your many accomplishments.
I hope to see many of you at the CUA reunion in June. Not many of us left in the class of 1936.
Keep up the good work. Our best regards.
Date: April 27, 2001 Name: Ron Russell Location: Rumford Email: Comment: Are they going to paint or put a new siding on the Odd Fellows Hall? It looks awful in the photos that are on the cattail press. If it's worth keeping it should be worth keeping in good repair.
Ron- I'm not sure but I think that will be up to the building owners, the Odd Fellows. -Ken
Date: April 27, 2001 Name: Daniel Parker Location: New Bern,NC Email: Comment: Claudia Shaw, Judy Parker is the next to the last child in the second row, and Shirley Cookson would be the only one that Comes to mind.
Date: April 25, 2001 Name: Rita Sinclair Location: Portage Lake, ME Email: Comment: Ken,
Congratulations on your awards! You are so deserving of each and every one you receive. I do miss Corinna, the people, and working in the Stuart Levi Building. This site keeps me up to date on the changes taking place. Thank you Ken, for all your hard work and the service you provide to all of us with "roots" in Corinna.
Date: April 25, 2001 Name: Bruce Clarke Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Been so busy lately, just getting back to the guestbook. Betsy, dear, remember the tights incident at our first play? Anyhoo, St Albans Players is putting on the sequel to the Exit the Body that we did in '85. Coming up in June, weekend of the 15th. I hope all the former? Levi Stewart Theatre folks come on over to watch. As far as being the family thespian, according to much older brother Norm, I thought I was cured of that several years ago, but it seems I've had a relapse. Congrats, Ken , on another of many awards to come. And the sign could be painted by way older brother Norm, as he's the true artist of the family..
Date: April 25, 2001 Name: Gerald Smith Location: Windsor, CA Email: Comment: Ken,
Love your THEN & NOW photos.
Congratulations on you latest award!
Best regards,
Date: April 25, 2001 Name: Marsha Doherty Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken: Just a comment about the photo of the center school that Danny brought to you.
These kids range from primary to fifth or sixth grade. Congratulations on your award. It couldn't have gone to a more deserving person. You are doing a fantastic job. Keep up the good work. soon cleanup work will be beginning again. I look forward to seeing the great friends i have made who are working on this project. I keep in touch with some of them through email. They have become a part of Corinna too. Thanks for your hard work we all appreciate it so much. Marsha
Date: April 25, 2001 Name: Bill Freudenberger Location: Nokomis Regional High Email: Comment: Ken,
Congratulations to you and your crew for your most recent award. Next stop-the White House. I bet you wish you had a nickel for each of the 100,000 visits.
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