Previous Entries
August 2 - August 31, 2000
Date: August 31, 2000 Name: Heather Roberts Location: Harker Heights, TX Email: Comment: I enjoy your updates. I lived on Route 222 with my parents (Patty and Frank Roberts) until I moved here. I look forward to seeing how the progress is, so when I come to visit, I will recognize every change. Thanks!
Date: August 31, 2000 Name: Norman Clarke Location: 13 miles south of Corinna Email: Comment: Ken,
Exhaustive research has allowed me to comment on the photos of the VJ Day celebration.
Photo one was indeed Razor. School was out for the summer and the parents didn't want their kids around. So, it was the custom to auction off the
kids for summer employment around town. Most went to area farms or the mill until school started in the fall.
Photo two was about a Statue Of Liberty look alike contest. The girl on the left actually won. She became very sick riding in the truck and turned green. That, coincidently, is the same color as the statue. So you can see how she won.
The third photo is of two strangers from Dexter. There was a rivalry between the towns then and these two were sent in to disrupt the parade.
If you notice, they accomplished their mission. The parade is going the wrong way on Main St.
The next photo is a companion to the first. Children would compete with decorated bikes etc. so that they would end up with a nice farm family for the summer and not end up in the spinning room at the mill. The winners were auctioned off last to rich farmers.
The last photo is actually a scene from Rosemary's Baby, which was filmed in Corinna. The star is in the center and the rest are extras.
Hope this clarifies things.Norman- I appreciate your exhaustive research. It does clarify things. -Ken
Date: August 31, 2000 Name: Deanna Location: Stetson Email: Comment: I really enjoyed the story with the falls and your son. It was a very creative one.
and funny as well. You are doing a great job, and it nice to get up in the morning, and go right in the the cattail press and read.
Thank you for all the good work. Keep it up. And it is very interesting to see what all the other people say. I really liked the cemetery question and
answers that kinda stuck me funny. lol. :)
Date: August 30, 2000 Name: Roland Beauregard (senior) Location: Saint Albans Email: Comment: Terrific job you did on blending the scenes in the panorama.
Looking up Cattails on my pooter is high on my things-to-do list ever since Mrs. Doore told me about it and I added it to my Favorites list. It must be heartwarming to receive so many nice comments from people far and wide. Maybe you could get Tim Sample to do a piece on the happenings in Corinna on his Sunday morning guest segment on CBS. I am sure he'd be glad to do it and some of the local folks could provide some interesting tidbits as well as you providing some pictorial treasures.
Date: August 28, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester, NY Email: Comment: Response to Lorainne Hunter and Julie Dow's comment on the Corinna Cemetery.
I do not know the reasoning behind the placement of the stones in the Corinna Cemetery, but at different points in history, people were buried facing the East to see the new day sunrise. Depending on religious affiliation, this would allow the soul to see the next rising of Christ.
In ancient Ireland, a "priest-killer" was buried facing North or face down so he would never see the next rising of Christ.
I am sure the Morses' Corner Cemetery is set up facing both East and West. I will be anxious on my next trip to Maine to see how the Corinna Center
Cemetery is set-up. We have a 1700's cemetery in the middle of some property in Northern Maine which the headstones face East and we donated
some additional property for the cemetery and set it up so the headstones would face East. I am sure that both a grand view facing a sunrise or sunset would be personal preference but would be cautious of a North facing view.
Date: August 27, 2000 Name: Becky (Gallison) Snyder Location: Ohio Email: Comment: I have been visiting the Cattails for the past few weeks since Terry told me about it. Ken, you are doing a great job. Watching this event unfold is sad and exciting. It is hard to watch old and familiar surroundings leave, but is exciting to see what it will look like in the future. I was home in July and went through Corinna. What a change!!
Thanks to this site I got together with an old friend I hadn't seen since 1962. Hope to see more old friends sign this guest book!!!! Keep up the good work!
Date: August 27, 2000 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, Nebraska Email: Comment: My wife, Corinne just returned from a visit in Maine with her sister, Esther Bryson (St Albans) and had the opportunity of visiting in Corinna with other friends. We have been following the Cattail Press progress and Corinne took some pictures of Main St this week to add to the collection. We have already been "rediscovered" by folks in Corinna through this organ and would like to hear from more people who might remember us or our children. Thanks again, for your good work.
Date: August 27, 2000 Name: Betty Location: Dexter Email: Comment: Enjoy your pictures and updates. Please keep up the good work.
Date: August 27, 2000 Name: Polly Nelson Location: Plymouth, MA Email: Comment:
Date: August 25, 2000 Name: Milton and Kim Hughes Location: Kennesaw, Georgia Email: Comment: While being a flat lander from the south I married Kim Buck and now I call Maine home. I have been able to watch what is happening in Corinna and Kim and I have been able to get a little feeling of being home. We have just 33 days left to my retirement from Delta Airlines in Atlanta and we can't wait to get back to family and friends in Corinna.
Thanks for the effort you have put forth to have this site. It has been great to see the progress in the clean-up and to keep a "touch" of home at the touch of a key board. Thanks again!
Date: August 25, 2000 Name: Kaven Philbrook Location: Pittsfield Maine Email: Comment: Thanks, for this wonderful site. We at Cianbro applaud you for doing such a nice job of documenting the Eastland woolen mill demolition project. We have returned recently as you know to demo the remaining buildings on main street and move the odd fellow building to its new location. The project team is excited to be back, If we can do anything to assist you in your efforts please feel free to stop by the on site trailer or give me a call in Pittsfield at 487-2305.
Thanks Again
Kaven Philbrook
Manager of Projects
Date: August 25, 2000 Name: Julie Dow Location: same as Ken Email: Comment: This is for Lorraine Hunter. Interesting observation, but I can only believe that everyone, myself included, wants a place with a view of the water. Nothing more calming than the sounds from a body of water.
Date: August 23, 2000 Name: Lorraine H Hunter Location: Corinna. Email: Comment: Ken ,
I wonder if you or any one out there, knows why in the back of the cemetery, the stones are facing the stream.
The ones near the road are facing the road or facing town!!!
Maybe they couldn't decide what way to go???
It's the cemetery on rt 222 .
Date: August 23, 2000 Name: Roland Beauregard (senior) Location: Saint Albans Email: Comment: I had asked Mrs. Doore to let me know when they started tearing down the Main Street buildings so I could take pictures for my son who is on his ship in the Caribbean.
Today Mrs. Doore emailed me and also provided your nice website address Hope I can get close enough to get some good pictures.
Date: August 22, 2000 Name: Jason Brown Location: Portland, ME Email: Comment: Hey Cuz!
Cattail Press is an impressive piece of work; you should be proud. As a native of Corinna, I have observed the community's gradual decline over the past several years with quiet resignation. The news of the chlorobenzene contamination seemed to me only to seal the town's fate. Now I can see that there are plenty of people who still care about the town and its heritage; people for whom the end is not an inevitability; people who are not prepared to let Corinna limp off into historical obscurity. I applaud you.
On a personal note, hi out there to all the folks who've signed in ahead of me, especially those I know but haven't seen or spoken with in years. I'm alive and well; hope you all are too.
Date: August 20, 2000 Name: Gary R. Barclay Location: Biddeford, ME Email: Comment: Dear Ken,
The stone house shown on Aug. 19th was my home from 1960 to 1974. My parents bought when I was 5 years old when we moved from Newport. It's hard to believe that this picture of a lone house along a rural stream is only about a 1/3 of a mile from the railroad tressel behind main street, at the end of Kenwood Ave. of from Rt. 222 across from the right side drive of Eastland school. Yes people it's true, just behind tne line of trees on the left side of the photo is the back lot of Hendersons and the Oddfellows hall. It only took me about 30 to 50 seconds to sprint form that parking lot on a trail along the river and across the old Snowflake lot to get home (50 seconds daytime, 30 seconds after dark when the monsters came out) The house is made out of granite blocks and was built like a fortress. It was the only structure left standing on that side of the river of the once Moosehead Woolen Mill. I remember that the original door was still on the house when we moved in because it still had the etched glass window pane "Moosehead Woolen Mill". Alot of people probably don't realize that before the lower dam washed out the river behind the my old house was a pond that was at least twice as wide as your picture and ran literally up against the back basement wall of the house.
thanks once again Ken for all you do for Cattails.
Date: August 19, 2000 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, NE Email: Comment: I am married to the former Corinne Weed, daughter of Herbert and Opal Weed, lifetime residents of Corinna. I grew up in an apartment across the street from the mill over what was Mable Holbrook's Dry Goods Store. The sound of the looms in the mill used to lull me to sleep every night, but would also wake me up when they shut down on Saturday night for maintenance. Corinne and I were really excited when we found this website and had a
chance to look at a lot of the pictures. We'll be keeping in touch. Keep up the good work, Ken.
Date: August 17, 2000 Name: Corrinthian History Buff ! Location: North of Maine - Gods Country ! Email: Comment: This is for Beverly Woodside and others --- please resubmit your email again Bev - having problems with the ole send button ! I noted she has been in here so I posted it here instead of the forum, because there isnt alot of different ones that are in there ! Bev's email returns to me as -- not correct email .... last time I saw her it was in the late 70's up on the corner house she lived in above Razor Crossmans auction Barn.
Hi to all of those in the '76 class - when is the next Reunion for us?? Catch you all via email if you wish to get in touch ....
Hi to Mark, Benitta , Dorean , kelly , Janet , vicki , All of the Parkers (Danny, Billy, Regina, Marilyn, Krista, etc.) ... , Bruce n wife !Hey Bruce have you any news of Eric or any of Julie McNichols ?? Been years (say hi to Karrie and my new nephews too for me ) ,<p> Trisha (hi to your mom and suzzz !) , many many others ---
Hope to catch up with some of you via email -- Take Care ; SheWah!
I dont want to forget hi to Kay and Rita ! Love you all !!
P.s. I too would be interested in a live chat or contact in available forum Ken has placed for us. Will check it off and on for anyone of you that may want to get in touch. Real curious to possibly get caught up on some friends I went to school with years back too - via Bruce W. if he would be willing to contact some via email ...
Also Ken You mentioned you taught some - what year and subjects or did I read the post wrong , I have been putting in late hours lately and maybe I read it wrong ?? Curiousity dont you know !! Science class ??Buffy- I taught Science and Reading at Corinna Jr. High, '74-'83 and Computer Apps. at Nokomis '83-'93. Now I work as technology coordinator for the Bangor School Department. -Ken
Date: August 16, 2000 Name: Mary Bowden Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, Elmer has lived in Corinna all his life, and worked in the mill. he didn't realize it was such a pretty body of water out back. We drove out there Sunday Evening about 5:30, it was beautiful! We are Blessed to be able to live in such a nice little town!
Mary- You are right about that. -Ken
Date: August 13, 2000 Name: Carol Welch-Croome Location: Farmingdale Maine Email: Comment: The house that looks like my Grandparents house on the St Albans Road. Hazel & Eugene Welch
Date: August 11, 2000 Name: C. R. "Bing" Grindle Location: Roanoke, VA Email: Comment: The excellent extensive pictorial coverage of the Corinna cleanup in the Cattail Press makes me curious about the relative size of this project. In other words, in the background information you have stated the contamination was so bad that EPA put Corinna on the "Superfund List" for cleanup. My question is how does Corinna compare to other EPA cleanup projects in the United States? Are we unique in that much of a whole village has to be "destroyed" and then rebuilt? And how do we compare cost-wise with other contaminations that have to be cleaned up. Is there a cost figure or estimate for Corinna's? (I didn't seem to be able to use the "Forum" for submitting these questions.)
P.S. Ken, my wife Geri and I are looking forward to meeting you. It looks like we will be in Corinna the first day or two in October. But I'll be in touch with you personally when our plans are more definite. In the meantime congrats again on your excellent coverage of the Corinna scene.Bing- I have transferred you questions about the cleanup to this section of The Cattail Forum. -Ken
Date: August 11, 2000 Name: Fran (MacDonald) Henderson Location: Hampton, NH Email: Comment: My sister Carol told me about this website. She said that there was a picture of a house that people thought was Moms. I thought I would
browse the site and see what is happening. Since I retired from the Marine Corps I have been able to get up to Corinna about once a month.
After all the traveling it's nice to be only a couple of hours away. It's kind of sad to see how the main street looks and to see how many houses are for sale. Thanks for all the great info.
Date: August 11, 2000 Name: Marilou Bolan Hines Location: Tulsa,Oklahoma Email: Comment: I've really enjoyed visiting your site, it is wonderful! I stumbled across it while trying to locate the place where my Great Great Grandfather and Grandmother were born. Do you have any information about how the town looked in 1827? That is about when my G.G.Grandfather was born. His name was Timothy Bolan. My G. G. Grandmother was Sarah Pettingell. I am sorry to learn that they will be tearing up Main Street.
Will the old buildings be preserved? I hope the Tower, and other interesting buildings will be left. I am hoping to someday make my way through your beautiful state to "see my history". I loved all the pictures. Thank you so much for making this site, it's great. Marilou Bolan HinesMarilou- I have transferred your question about the buildings on Main Street to this section of The Cattail Forum. -Ken
Date: August 11, 2000 Name: Norm Clarke Location: a little off center Email: Comment: Ken,
Thanks for the notes and references on Route 7 (note the correct spelling
this time). It makes sense to me.
Date: August 9, 2000 Name: Sandy Bean Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hi Ken, Great site, I visit it often. I've lived in Corinna for 22 years now. I'm a 'transplant' from MA. I really enjoy the history of the town. I don't know if these questions have been asked before or not.
What will be done with Odd Fellows Hall after it is moved? Why are the other old building being demolished instead of saved? Especially the old Post Office. It would be interesting to find out. Thanks, Sandy :)Sandy- The OFH will be moved to a lot on the Stetson Road, across from the flower shop. Regarding the other buildings, that is a good question. I'm not sure I know. I think they are in such bad shape that preservation isn't feasible. Maybe someone else knows more about this. -Ken
Date: August 9, 2000 Name: Norman Clarke Location: Pittsfield in Maine Email: Comment: Ken,
Wife Peggy asked the other day why they didn't go straight though with Rote 7 originally instead of making the angle cuts they did. I would suppose they did it because Main St. was there. This may have been answered before but I missed it. Just curious.Norman- That is an interesting question. It did come up back in October. Here is a link to our speculation at the time. -Ken
Date: August 7, 2000 Name: Audrine (Parker) Bishop Location: Plymouth, Me Email: Comment: Hi Everyone,
My father told me about this site when it first came out, but I have been slow about getting on. It probably is because I'm so close to Corinna still. It has been fun looking at everyone's message and seeing the names of people I once knew. It is a great site and a very good idea to have the guest book so lost and forgotten friends can get back in touch with each other if they so choose. So everyone stay in touch and renew friendships.
Date: August 7, 2000 Name: Maria S. Higgins Location: Hickory, NC Email: Comment: We didn't get to visit your town, but we met some fine people from Corinna. Maybe the next time we visit western Maine, we will visit.
Date: August 6, 2000 Name: Wilfred Colin Parker Location: Corinna Maine Email: Comment: Hi Ken A great site, great information. Its real great to see family and old friends names on here. Some good comes from everything.
I think the taxi driver that someone referred to was Harold Schmitz and his son was Guy Schmitz.
They was here around 1955.
I have lived here since I was 13 years old and I will be seventy the 29Th.
I watched them when they were moving the Oddfellows hall across the road and they turned it as they moved it.
Date: August 6, 2000 Name: Craig A. Hartsgrove Location: FT Bragg, NC Email: Comment:
Date: August 6, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester, NY Email: Comment: Thanks for the comparison photo and commentary this morning. You certainly summed things up very well. Excellent! It sounds like you have gone from delivering the morning newspaper to publishing it. Keep it up.
I might add, for those who are concerned about what Corinna will look like in the future, especially those of you who live there or have a vested
interest GET INVOLVED. This is a great opportunity to make Corinna what you want it to be. In the 1900's environment a big industry was the right thing. In the 2000's whatever path is chosen it must be environmentally friendly. All paths are open and I'll bet in 1903 there were the same feelings and I'll also bet that there was a group that ceased the opportunity.
On the opinion poll, do you have a hidden column for undecided ? 1%
Thanks again have great weekend.
Date: August 5, 2000 Name: Michelle and Ryan Stankevitz Location: Mooresville North Carolina Email: Comment: Ken you are doing a wonderful job the site is really great. It is nice to be able to see all the goings on in the ol home town. This must be turning into a fulltime job for you? It is truly a wonderful thing you are doing and we all appreciate it dearly thanks for the wonderful site.
Date: August 4, 2000 Name: TOM WOLFE Location: GETTYSBURG, SD Email: Comment: KEN;
Date: August 4, 2000 Name: Judy Doore Location: Waterbury, CT Email: Comment: Ken, This site still amazes me! I am on vacation, enroute to New Jersey and I can log on to see what I am missing back home. Great pictures, as always! See you all next week. Judy.
Date: August 4, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, OK Email: Comment: For those of you who have not explored the "Cat Tail Forum", I highly recommend it. Also, the new feature this week "Polls" (can't remember the whole title). It is quite obvious the former Corinna-ites are really enjoying this site. Proves we all love our town even though we live far away. The Cat Tail Press gives us a chance to reconnect! THANK YOU KEN! You continue to come up with new and interesting ideas.
Date: August 4, 2000 Name: Historical Corinnthian Buff !! Location: Northern Maine - Gods Country ! Email: Comment: Hi , browsing through again ! Love this site , starting to make me sad some though to see the ole town we once new and loved and lived in being torn down , as recongnized again from whence the past used to be ! From what I have read years past and to see these photos , how many actual times the town has more or less been rebuilt Ken ?
I remember reading in older late 1800' s and early 1900 's how well the town itself has been redone and its industrial concept always shown through ! I recall it used to have a motel/hotel where or near the old Bank area that was across from the Methodist church is (?) any way back then it was quite an upbeat built town way years back !! ( written in an old thick census book that listed business's names, founders , etc .!! Any comments from anyone that recalls memories from that far back?? Actually Corinna was always an interesting historical find to talk about and locate its past history going way back !! Keep up the past n present ! We all love it !
One more comment -- noticed your counter about people that live there now and that are from out of town , how about adding one more if possible -- how many actually have lived there in the past as well to be counted !! Since so many from afar are recorded it would be interesting to learn were actual past corinnthians!! Thanks for this site to all are presenting it and its worth and meaning to us all! May God again Bless Corinna Maine !!
Its so great to see year after years to see Corinna too preserved for what the town means to all of us , and how it remains to be the same over the years - a good family based town !! For those to love and enjoy and for us to hold onto those great memories - generation after -generation ! Signed : Corinnthian Historical Buff still !!
P.S. I noticed quite awhile back June Jawarski left an email comment too -- thanks to Mr. and Mrs. J and the area churches and folks that too have given credit to the area town for there support of prayers too ! May Corinna Be Blessed Twice Fold !!!!
Date: August 3, 2000 Name: Gerald Smith Location: Windsor, Ca. Email: Comment: As a boy, I lived in Corinna from 1950-54. I will be in town August 19th-22th to do some DV taping. Would love to make contact with Janis Stuart and/or Margaret Davis. If either of you visit this excellent site, please do email. Thank you....
Gerald Smith
Date: August 2, 2000 Name: Nannette Carr Donnell Location: Carmel, ME Email: Comment: Keep up the great pictures of the rebuilding of Corinna's main street. I don't get to Corinna often but enjoy the Cattail Press. Hi to all my classmates from the class of '73.
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