Previous Entries
July 1 - July 31, 2000
Date: July 31, 2000 Name: Danny Parker Location: New Bern, NC Email: Comment: The cattail has been a chance to get reunited with some of the friends I had in CUA. The memories of others are much like my own of the town, the kids, the adults that run the stores and last but not forgotten the teaches. I can still smell the Snow Flake Canning Factory where Davis Supply and now
Seaman's Leather Co. now is. I did graduate in 1968 from CUA. It's to bad the the teachers didn't have more control of the students like then.
Danny Parker
Date: July 31, 2000 Name: Bill Parker Location: Sunny, hot, and humid Long Beach, MS Email: Comment: This web site is still great. It makes me so....homesick and then I look at your daily high temperature and I just get envious--70's and 80's is much better than 90's and 100's. Great job!!!! Maybe you could include some different pictures like of some of the other buildings, Post Office, Stores, Churches, etc. Maybe even a few people shots (might be to many pictures). Thanks keep it up.
Date: July 31, 2000 Name: sam Location: carmel maine Email: Comment: nice site keep up the good work.
Date: July 31, 2000 Name: Cora Albert Location: Buxton, Maine Email: Comment: Hey, Cousin Ken!
I finally found your site; I'm impressed! I have a new Power Mac G4 with multimedia features, like Adobe Photo Shop and Premiere for video/audio!
It's nice down here...we're out in the boonies on 50 acres of land, yet it's only 20 minutes to Portland! So, I get the best of both worlds!
Bye for now...Cora
Date: July 31, 2000 Name: Patty (Veazie) Pelletier Location: South Paris, Maine Email: Comment: I appreciate your efforts to keep up this website for all of we "Corinnians" to enjoy. Great Job. I teach Marketing Education at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School in South Paris, Maine. The school is the result of a $29 mil project, which was completed two years ago. It's a great place to work and a wonderful community to live in. Keep up the great job!
Date: July 31, 2000 Name: Cecil Reed Location: Dexter MR Email: Comment: Have been following this web-site through from the beginning. So informative as to everything that is going on. The aerial views and ground views what adds so much to this web-site. Great!
Date: July 31, 2000 Name: Charles Location: Virginia Beach, VA Email: Comment: Brian, I believe the dog was GIGI a German Shepard. I don't recall my grandfather having any other dog in that time period. Also, dog or no dog it would have taken some courage to go into that house at that time. Thank You.
Date: July 30, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester, NY Email: Comment: I continue to check your site daily and truly appreciate your efforts. We are temporarily living in Rochester but this will very likely become permanent within a year. We still have our place in SC, of course we also still have a house in Palmyra. If this move takes place we need to stop leaving property behind.
It is interesting to read peoples' memories of the past in Corinna. Quite frequently while looking through the web site I have thought back to times delivering newspapers through the mill and the west side of town. I took the route over from Joe Perkins and then added someone else's route to it.
I am thinking that you may have taken over the route from me? Recently someone mentioned Lena Welch, she was one of my customer's and I always remember her generosity with tips for newspaper delivery and spending 15 minutes or so on Saturday afternoons while collecting. Harland Micue live upstairs and the same routine applied, often they were both together, smoking "Kool" non filters and "Lucky Strikes" (I think) and sipping on the contents of a warm "GIQ". This was probably purchased at Shirley's (Howes) Store just across the line. These folks often tipped the the amount of the paper as did a few others.
Papers were 48 cents a week and if you were lucky you were told to keep the the 2 cents. When the BDN went up to 50 cents my profit margin took a big drop.
Another person who was generous for a little extra service was Charles Sawtelle, his house is mentioned often and about to be torn down. Charles was confined to a wheel chair and I used to take his paper to him in bed and if he was awake I might get him something he needed. The routine also included letting his dog out for a few minutes. The dog was a ferocious protector until the paper boy spoke to him. I can't remember the dogs name, someone must remember. I do remember Dick Jones' collie Major. He walked that paper route for years. He was at the drugstore laying on the newspaper bundles when I arrived and he would follow me all the way to the end and then walk back home for his breakfast. At the end he was too lame to make the whole trip but he would meet me going down the street to get the papers and follow me back to his house.
It is to bad we have gotten to a point where much this would be unacceptable today for any number of reasons.
But on a positive note Corinna and most of Maine still has many of the old values and definitely a wonderful place to live and raise a family. Looking forward to watching the completion of the rebuilding.
I am wondering if Danny Parker from New Bern, NC is the same that lived on the Dexter road almost to the Dexter town line. He would have graduated from CUA in 1968.Brian's memories are especially important to me. I took over that paper route from him. He had built it into the best route in town. I knew each of the people he describes so well and the dogs too. Thanks, Brian, you brought back some wonderful memories. -Ken
Date: July 30, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, OK Email: Comment: Have any of you readers noticed the "Cat Tail Forum" at the bottom of the page? I'm giving this some thought and hope others will too. Ken, what did you have in mind when you created the "Forum" that would be different than commenting in the "Guest book"? Checking out the Cat Tail Press is the first thing I do every morning. I called my brother (Harold Parker) a couple of weeks ago while sitting at my computer, and it was fun to tell him "I'm looking at a picture of your house right now on my computer". Of course his house was a white dot on the hill, but I grew up on that hill and know pretty well where everything is. YOUR SITE JUST GETS BETTER AND BETTER KEN!
Marilyn- Thank you. I will put something on the front page today about The Cattail Forum. -Ken
Date: July 29, 2000 Name: JOEL A. MORNEAULT Location: BANGOR, MAINE Email: Comment: Ken:
Enjoyed very much looking at your work. Keep it up. I met your folks in Bangor recently and they mentioned this address so I could look. Excellent
and interesting!
You might like to look at MY work also (Four family history Volumes about Morneault-Martin-Levesque-Soucy and Autobiography at:
My best to Herb and Betty.
Joël Morneault
Date: July 29, 2000 Name: Danny Parker Location: New Bern, NC Email: Comment: Ken,
Will be in town the week of the twelfth.
look forward to seeing some of my school mates.
Have a great time reading your guest book. Keep up the great work!!
Dan Parker
Date: July 26, 2000 Name: Dave Poland Location: Corinna, for the time being Email: Comment: Ken,
Mary was right about the potato blossoms. I have been noticing for the past couple of weeks how beautiful they blossoms are this year. Thanks for taking the time to share them with all of the Mainers who can't be here at this time of the year. You continue to do a fantastic job with this website. Thanks again.
Date: July 23, 2000 Name: Mary Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, Have you been out by Everett Simpson's lately to see the beautiful potato blossoms? I enjoy your site, first thing I do every morning is turn on your site. Keep up the good work!
Date: July 23, 2000 Name: Claudia Breslin Location: Wickford, Rhode Island Email: Comment: Hi everyone, I just returned from your beautiful town. Things are coming along nicely. I enjoyed the new museum. While on my visit I shot many photographs in and around your town. I have some beautiful sunset shots over Lake Crundal. The sunset and the cloud formations were reflected in the still water. Also have some shots of the farm reflected in the water. Can't wait until my next visit. Only complaint, those trucks seem to backup a lot. That beeping sound is all I could her at my sisters house, of course she is right in the middle of all the work.
Date: July 22, 2000 Name: wade brewer Location: newport me Email: Comment: very nice website keep up the great work. nice to see pictures of the old turf.
Date: July 22, 2000 Name: Judie Hartley Location: Pawcatuck, CT Email: Comment: Hi Ken! The last time I was home I noticed that my brother Steven had a picture of the library on his computer. I thought it was great! I checked out the site to see what other wallpaper pics you had and I was wondering where the one of the ploughed spring field was taken?
I still enjoy checking out what's new at Cattail Press and look forward to more history about Corinna.
Judie HartleyThe Spring Field photo(#6) in the Wallpaper Collection was taken on the Exeter Road, facing North, just before the Morses Corner Cemetery. -Ken
Date: July 21, 2000 Name: Past Corinthian ! Present in heart ! Location: Down Memory Lane ! Oh Yah! Email: ------------------------------- Comment: OKAY LETS BE FAIR GIRLS ! Well now lets not forget the girls that went under neath there , on the slim boardwalk - mmmmmmm - who were they again ?? Walking the small underground sidewalk!!
What was it used for - smoking under there ??? Now lets hear it from you girls !!
Oh and while focused on memory lane guys - who threw my bike into the water from the dam at the swim front , and gee remember the local swimming front singers that sat upon the rope guides where to swim singing their hearts out !!
Plus from the junior high - thank goodness the building was saved with all those memories of great schooling! Lets see one guy skipped out of math was it (?)math- class onto the roof for a short while. And the fake - oops- on the floor !! OH my what a bunch !! The stories that town can tell !! What about the closet in the class that had - more books to look at and esp. during testing - who remembers those days !!
I know some of you are in here reading these guests lists !! What was it Mr. Smiths class ??
Some of you guys really could run a " 30 second - 15 foot race run back " to their seats after checking out some of those special books!! If I recall it was uhhhhhhhhh social class ??
I recall kids going under the old foundation over near to the old snow flake , under the past Davis building across from the school!! Going under to the cement foundations playing , plus what ever else they did there too !
Lets too not forget the cloth rolls that somehow were put into the water ways, I guess some of the guys decided to do their own underground plumbing !! Why ? who knows why, maybe some can shed some light on the subject !!
Great site Ken - I dont know you, at least I dont think I do, what years did you teach at CJH was it ?? What subject ?? If it was when I was there, you know who went out onto the roof and climbed back in around to the other window ! Guess most kids did generation after generation things !!
We all can connect to the site for sure ! Glad to see Corinna being rebuilt , I saw the fire that burnt the apts. and the great ole soda / drugstore ! Truly miss the good ole days of yester year !! Plus Shirley's store - no ones mentioned that yet ?? !!
Date: July 21, 2000 Name: Danny E Roberts Location: Spokane Washington Email: Comment: Just got to your site. It is real interesting to hear about things going on back in the State where I was born. We went back to Clinton, Waterville and Dover-Foxcroft, Maine and a bunch of towns up north that I can't spell. I can remember going to a reunion at Kay and Clair Sawtelle's when I was about 5years old. We drove all the way back to Dover-Foxcroft before we knew that we had forgot one of the kids that came with us. Well I got to go cool off so keep up the good work. Danny
Date: July 21, 2000 Name: Helen Stewart Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Was there an apartment down stairs behind the Odd Fellow building? As a child I was often told there was. Your web site is great!
Found a class mate I hadn't seen in over 50 years. Keep up the good work.
Date: July 20, 2000 Name: Deanna Tardiff Location: Stetson Email: Comment: It is so nice to read all the things that all the people who grew up in the town. Its funny to read all the things our elders did before the stupid things we did in our growing up. Guess they had as much as we did as kids. It's really nice to read all about the history, and the things that people have done in our little town, it makes you laugh, and makes my day in the mornings. Thanks again Ken for all the hard work that you put into this web sight, you are sure doing a real fine job, and I want to thank you for putting the swim front in the program. "That was my favorite place" Thanks again, and keep all the letters coming from people that I don't even remember but enjoy reading about all the things they done.
Thanks again
Date: July 20, 2000 Name: Norman Hartley Clarke Location: In front of the computer screen Email: Comment: Ken,
Thanks again for the great web site! I enjoy all of the various letters from Corrinians far and near. I enjoyed seeing you at the CUA building and thoroughly enjoyed touring it. It had been a while since I was there. Since I graduated, in fact. I was surprised at how little things had changed. It even smelled the same!
I stood on the spot where the candy counter stood. I worked it with Phil Shepard for a couple of years. Stood in the typing room and could still fell Mrs. Russell's eyes upon me admonishing me not to "look at the keys!" Still do. I even think she rapped my knuckles a bit too.
Could still see Mrs. Pinkham putting a throat lozenge in her mouth and saw the closet where Charlie Young jumped out at her one fine day and hauled her back into the closet. Enough about that.
The window where Phil, Gary Wentworth and I jumped out of and went downtown during a few all day test sessions. We were on our honor and left alone in the class room. That was a mistake. I can't remember how we got back in but I guess we did.
The recent picture of "under the bridge" brought back memories of cigarette breaks there before or after school. I don't think we were alone in exploring down there.
Enjoyed the Alumni Banquet this year too. A good turn out. Hope to see many more folks there next year. We are planning some big changes. Next year it will be on June 2, Saturday.
Keep up the good work.
Norm Clarke
PS: Purchased a few bricks for the walkway which is fitting because the teachers all thought I was as thick as one of them.
Date: July 20, 2000 Name: Bill Getchell Location: Phoenix, Arizona Email: Comment: Just found out about your site. Keep up the good work. It's a great way for those of us who are not around anymore to keep up with our local news bits. It's also great to see there are still some citizens who are community-minded. Best of luck
Date: July 19, 2000 Name: rose(azeanith:zenie)hartley lockwood Location: windsoe, vt Email: Comment: had a good time at the alumni, hope to see everyone at the 40th, wish more classmates would give their e-mails (lorna) :-)...enjoy the updates on corinna, like i'm sure everyone does. azeanith
Date: July 19, 2000 Name: Jim Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Well Ken, it appears that at least one father-son team has been "under the town". Just not at the same time. Leave it to TJ to find the pathway to the roof. I and several other classmates spent alot of time down there. I haven't heard anyone else mention that back before the town built a sewer plant, you had to be careful, and watch out for "little brown missiles" shooting out from the several holes in the cement. Those were the Good Ol Days, I think. Sue and I still enjoy your site every day.
Keep up the good work. Jim
Date: July 19, 2000 Name: Frank Roy Location: Mattaseunk Lake Email: Comment: Judy Dorr told me about your site and she didn't lie. It's a great site. Keep up the good work.
Date: July 19, 2000 Name: Tom Burrill Location: Uxbridge, Mass Email: Comment: The shot of "under the town" on July 16 will bring back a flood of memories to many people who grew up in Corinna. I know it was the site of my first cigarette with a few the guys, (who will remain nameless). I don't know how old we were, but I do know I "borrowed" the cigarettes from Aunt Lena (Welch). It was one of those filterless "Kools" she smoked. I was so dizzy from the butt, that on the way out I fell off the ledge and into the river. We all know the water wasn't deep, but in had lots of "stuff" you did not want to go swimming with. I came out of the water faster then I went in, with the laughter of my friends that still rings in my ears. Needless to say I did not learn from this incident and traveled the ledge many more times.
Kenny, I love this site, keep up the good work!
Date: July 19, 2000 Name: Charles Sawtelle Location: Virginia Beach VA Email: Comment: Most of the kids I knew did the Odd Fellows side step, I also know a few who studied for future sobriety tests by walking the pipe.
Date: July 17, 2000 Name: Mel Russell Location: Casselberry, FL Email: Comment: Ken:
Re "sidestepping the ledge" under the Odd Fellows Hall - I admit it - my brother and I did it too. Don't tell my parents!
Mel Russell
Date: July 17, 2000 Name: Wes Harris Location: Germany Email: Comment: Ok Ken....You got me! As a kid, I also spent a lot of time under the road, playing around on the ledge. I remember Bill Doherty and I used to see who could get to the other side without getting the least wet.
Thanks again for the memories.
Date: July 17, 2000 Name: TJ Emerson Location: Everett, Wa Email: Comment: I think all kids did when they were younger. You could get on top of the mill from here too.
Date: July 17, 2000 Name: Lee Willette Location: Pembroke, NH Email: Comment: I expect your list will be quite large of "kids" who have ventured out on the ledge pictured in your July 16 photo. I can remember sidestepping along the ledge in years past. There was never that much light at the end of the tunnel though, with the mill in place! We used to refer to it as "going under the town". At times the water would pass through at a pretty high rate. Sometimes the water was interesting shades of purple as well!
Date: July 15, 2000 Name: Judy Cuddy Location: Bangor, Maine Email: Comment: Judy Doore told me about your fantastic website showing the progress on the Superfund site work. It is fascinating and a real contribution to understanding the amazing work being done. Thanks for a genuine public service! If anyone would like to reach me, you can call me at 945-0417 at Senator Collins's office in Bangor.
Date: July 15, 2000 Name: TOM WOLFE Location: GETTYSBURG, SD Email: Comment: GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN, KENNY!!!
Date: July 15, 2000 Name: Mary Tuttle Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hi Ken-Great job-Madaline Tuttle is my mother-in-law and the farmhouse is not her house. The picture was probably taken by Averill "Avie" Hayden and could have been taken in Exeter or Corinna. It 's said that Avie liked to take pictures. Thanks for the site.
Date: July 15, 2000 Name: David & Christina Doore Location: Old Town Email: Comment: Judy Doore/Mom keeps us posted on all of the work that is being done. We don't get to the area very often so the web site is a great way to see the things that she has mentioned.
Date: July 13, 2000 Name: Carol (MacDonald) Otis Location: Corinna, Maine Email: Comment: ... this house is not the home on the Center Road. The roof on the house is wrong and the barn isn't the same either Mom has lived in this house since around 1963. I don't know when it was built. The Sterling Biggar family lived there before Mom and I believe Gladys Frost and her husband maybe built it, or lived there before the Biggar family. I'll have to ask Mom but unless major structural changes were made this is not the house on the Center Road.
Thanks, Carol. -Ken
Date: July 10, 2000 Name: Jeanne Sawtelle Location: Peaks Island, ME Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
In regards to the farmhouse of July 4, I just saw it and my first reaction was Clifford and Katherine Sawtelle's home. I read the letters that have come in and I bet that Earl Hartley is correct. Madeline Tuttle was a Hayden. Just a thought, the reason that so many of us ID it as somewhere else is that many homes were built by the same people back then and they basically all look similar. If I recall correctly, the person who took the photo was Arthur Hayden.
Date: July 10, 2000 Name: Jeanne (Ervin) Finley Location: Napa CA Email: Comment: Nice Web Page! Enjoy it immensely, being a Corinna native. -
Date: July 8, 2000 Name: T.J. Emerson Location: Everett, WA Email: or Comment: Hey Ken, your doing a wonderful job with the web site, it's nice to show all the guys here the town I grew up in. I've been checking it out quite often it's amazing what you are able to do here. Everett reminds me of Corinna alot the scenery and the people. Well keep up the good work.
For those willing you can E-Mail me and I can tell you a little about my adventures in the Navy.
Date: July 8, 2000 Name: Michael Sinclair Location: Fort Bragg, NC Email: Comment: You have a great web-site. I hope you keep it up to date, as I'd like to find out what's going on in my old hometown of Corinna. Keep up the good work!
Date: July 8, 2000 Name: Bruce Clarke Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, I was showing the picture of that old farmhouse to my Uncle Earl Hartley, and he identified it as the farm where Madeline Tuttle's house is. The A.L.Hayden, I think, was Lindley Hayden, a long-time Corinna resident. He tells me that Madeline was a Hayden, and the barn burned down, and she evidently remodeled, or rebuilt. I don't think anything remains of the original structure, if our information is correct, and that was the place.
Great job, once again. I check it nearly everyday for pictures. I've got quite a collection now...
Date: July 8, 2000 Name: Robin Greene Location: Clinton,Maine Email: Comment: serching for Mark Chadbourne. anybody got any ideas where he has gotten off to....??? Thanks Robin
Date: July 8, 2000 Name: Tom Thompson Location: Newport, ME Email: Comment: The house is located on the Corinna Center Road where Carol & Skip Otis now live. I live across the street and see it every day. The structure of the house has not changed much over the years. It looks the same today as it did those many years ago.
Date: July 8, 2000 Name: Sharon (Sudsbury) Eaton Location: Garland, ME Email: Comment: Ken, I've not checked this site in some time, but today I spent a fair amount of time looking at your photos and reading the various messages from folks. It was so much fun! I have so many memories of growing up in Corinna....sitting on the Coke cooler at Carl Edgerly's store after basketball practice while waiting for a ride home or going into "The Mill" and helping my mother (Estelle) fill magazines before she finished her shift as a weaver....spending a Saturday afternoon at the swimfront with Marcia Dunham and Sheila Cayford....the VJ Day Celebrations (as a small child, this seemed like such a huge fair). Thanks for a great trip down memory lane. You've done a fantastic job.....I'll check this site more often now.
Date: July 7, 2000 Name: Kelli Clukey Richardson Location: Bond Road, Corinna Email: Comment: Ken
I like the idea of trivia . Keep it up.
I have only one memory of the old swimfront. When I was little we stopped there to eat lunch and I wanted to go swimming. But there was a lot of older kids there being rough and horsing around. My grandmother was sure that I would get hurt and probably drown so I was made to sit in the car with them. I don't think I ever went swimming there cause of those "hoodlums". Anyhow in my teenage years I remember standing on the dam in the springtime and seeing a whole lot of big fish and reporting this to a friend who loved to fish. I mean there were hundreds of them just all swimming around and they were big.... I thought I had discovered something really great. Come to find out they were suckers..
Anyhow a while back something had been mentioned about taxi services that served Corinna. My grandfather Schillinger( Leo) had a brother Lawrence Schillinger who ran one. He and his wife Julia lived down on Mill Street and also had a place they referred to as the farm out past Tom Clarks house on the Nokomis Road . Does anyone remember this? I was only little at the time and that's about all I remember of them.
Thanks once more for your dedication to this project of yours. It certainly is a remarkable job.
Date: July 7, 2000 Name: Darrell L Hartley Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Great web site Kenny...Enjoy it daily....
Date: July 6, 2000 Name: Arlene Nelson Location: Kokadjo Email: Comment: Hi Ken, I have really been enjoying your site, kept up with Cattail Press in Florida and now in the backwoods of Maine. The photo of June 29th really brought back memories and all the pictures of the swim front. I can remember playing in the old saw-mill with my cousin's. It is a wonder we didn't break our necks! My kids all took swimming lessons at the swim front and I am sure they have fond memories of that time. I don't know where you find the time to do all this but want you to know it is greatly appreciated, thank you, Arlene
Date: July 6, 2000 Name: Peter Smith Location: Boothbay Harbor Email: Comment: Ken, I have moved and have a net email address. I read the entries about Southard's Mills and the house on the postcard I have.
The old swim area where I also took swimming lessons was once called Southard's Mills. The History of Corinna by Lilia Wood mentioned that William Southard built the dam and a sawmill and the area takes it's name from him. I don't the date he built the dam and sawmill, but he died in 1862, so sometime before that date. I don't know if the dam there now is part of the original dam or one built afterwards. I know that a map of Penobscot Co. in 1875 shows William's mother, and his widow both living near the Southard's mill area and shows the sawmill. His widow died in 1911.
As far as the homes you all have mentioned, are we all discussing the same place or all different houses?
Date: July 5, 2000 Name: Gladys McVarish Location: Hartland,Me. Email: Comment: The house looks like the house my cousin Fred Harris lived in when he was little, on the Ireland Rd. If it was the house it is no longer there a new home now sits in its place.
Date: July 5, 2000 Name: Ryan and Michelle Stankevitz Location: Mooresville NC Email: Comment: Ken the house you showed looks familiar think it is on the center road on the right side at the bottom of the hill by Watsons farm.
Not completely positive but looks familiar.
Date: July 5, 2000 Name: Linda Deering Location: St. Albans, ME Email: Comment: It looks like the house that Carol MacDonald Otis grew up in.
Date: July 4, 2000 Name: Deanna Location: Stetson Email: Comment: awa the swim front, that was the favorite place in the whole town, I think every kid from the town and others almost lived there. How come people don't swim there now?
Just wondering why that the swim front was not a swimming place anymore.
Date: July 3, 2000 Name: Lorraine Hunter Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
I'm still amazed at the web sight and the guest book.
I am sure enjoying the swim front !!!!! Learned to swim there 60 years ago. Cliff Cook taught me how to dive off the dam. As Jane pointed out. It was called Southard's mills ,then Sprague's mills Some called it Slab City. On that same stream, a little further down was another dam and a mill that made shingles.
You make my day-Ken Keep up the good work.
Date: July 1, 2000 Name: wyatt tripp Location: bond rd. corinna Email: Comment: hi
just wanted to say how nice the town is. my wife and i moved to corinna about 2 years ago. we really enjoy the area. we moved from brewer and are very happy that we call corinna our home town and hope to raise our daughter here. we have no plans of ever moving.
Date: July 1, 2000 Name: Jane Quimby Biscoe Location: Waldoboro, ME Email: Comment: Hi Ken - The Cattail Press is a continuing source of pleasure and information! Your most recent picture of the "swim front" and the Alder Stream dam brought back memories of the sawmill operated by my grandfather, O.L. Sprague, in the 1940's right at the same site. The area is still shown on some maps as "Sprague's Mill" but I believe that the
neighborhood was known as Southard's Mills for a long time. Can anyone out there in cyberspace confirm or correct that information? Thank you for your continuing efforts - they are very much appreciated!
Cheers - Jane Biscoe
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