Previous Entries
December 10, 2000 - January 5, 2001
Date: January 5, 2001 Name: Judy Doore Location: Corinna Town Office Email: Comment: Ken,
Your photo of the Carcieri House is beautiful!! It perfectly describes the vison we have for our community. I was really pleased to see the communication between Dan Morabito (Gates & Leighton) and you. Again, I must say, your contribution to this community in "keeping folks informed" is priceless!
We who snowmobile, look forward to your weather chair being "covered"! Happy New Year to the Dow family! Judy
Date: January 5, 2001 Name: Dustin Charrier Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hi I'm Dustin Charrier. I'm 10 years old.
Date: January 4, 2001 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, Nebraska Email: Comment: First of all, we want to say "hello" to Herb and Betty in Florida. Your weather isn't much warmer than it is here in Nebraska. Glad you are keeping an eye on the "kid"...He's doing a wonderful job.
Secondly, - we just received our copy of the Corinna Historical Calendar and it is just great. We have the one put out in 1991, also. This is a good way to keep in touch with the past. We highly recommend it to anyone interested in this sort of thing.
Date: January 3, 2001 Name: Betty and Herb Dow Location: Zephyrhills, Florida Email: Comment: Still cold only got up in the 50's today. But no snow to shovel. Raining a little now and need that as it is very dry here. Great to have the Cattail Press to get a message to you. You are doing a great job. Love,
Mum and Dad
Date: January 3, 2001 Name: Phil Young Location: Augusta Maine Email: Comment: I just want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.
And just to add now, Wayne, there are two of us signing in on January 2nd 2001 from the Class of '36. We ain't dead yet!
Again, my thanks to you, Ken, for all your endless efforts. It's appreciated.
Date: January 2, 2001 Name: Morris R. Page Location: Yarmouth, Maine. Email: Comment:
Date: January 2, 2001 Name: Edgar Rockwell Location: New Bern, N C Email: Comment: What a rare time we live in, few live to see a new millennium. Happy New Year to all from New Bern N. C. Ken, I too appreciate all the hard work you put into The Cattail Press, also the history of the town and lives of the individuals that make Corinna a nice place to have lived. Folks, you can take the man out of Maine, but you can not take Maine out of the man.
Date: January 2, 2001 Name: Wayne Brown Location: Fort Myers, FL Email: Comment: I sent a brief message to the Forum yesterday, but for those who are more apt to read the Guest Book, I just want to wish the greatest and Happiest New Year to all of you an your families. A few of you I know, some by family name only, and others I enjoy your messages because we are all related by a common theme - CORINNA
Date: January 2, 2001 Name: sylvia welch pearson Location: old town me Email: Comment: just noticed the picture of the gene and hazel welch homestead. i was married to phil welch who passed away in 1973. the welch homestead is for sale and as mentioned in one of the forums does have a picture of mount kathadin painted on the kitchen wall. this was painted by hazel. this would be a great buy for an interested person.
Date: January 1, 2001 Name: Wilfred Colin Parker Location: Greenbush Rd. Corinna Email: Comment: Happy New Year Ken and everyone that looks at this site.
Date: January 1, 2001 Name: Buffy Location: Gods Country Northern Maine Email: Comment: Hello to all the people on the Cattail - Happy New Year that's to come ahead and to the town of Corinna....I read about the weather chair the other day but did not spot it till today's 31st date! Very cute....oh just wanted to mention Ken make that 2 votes and counting....for Governor!
This is just beautiful what you have done for all of us for a gift into the new year thanks so much, may more people enjoy Corinna's love and pleasant lifestyle and that it will Bless others too.....May God Bless !
Hope to catch you on the chat sometime! Buffy.....Drive safely - to all!!!
Cant wait till Jan. thaw to see what the weather chair predicts !! Curious, I normally check the Farmers Almanac but looks like this year I will be waiting to see what they both predict!! Interesting for summer time weather watchers what it will say ! mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Date: January 1, 2001 Name: Sandra K. McIntire Location: Taylor, Michigan Email: Comment: I have just spent a wonderful portion of my day looking through the archives. The photographs and dialog, the postcards and the memories are just wonderful. I haven't taken a "walk" through Corinna for a few weeks, and I see I had missed quite a bit. Thank you for the updates. I especially liked the beautiful house on Pleasant that was so lovingly restored to its grandeur. The Christmas decorations were beautiful.
Hope you, your family and all the Cattail Press staff have a safe and happy new year.
Date: January 1, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: I believe the house in 12/31 photo is Gene and Hazel Welches', please confim?
Happy belated Birthday to Wayne Brown.
Thanks for all your work on this site, I really appreciate the end results.
Happy New Year to you and your family and all the those checking into this site.
Date: December 31, 2000 Name: Charlene Emerson Location: Zephyrhills, Florida Email: Comment: Hi Ken: What a nice picture of the Carcieri house. I remember of sitting at my desk in the town office a few years ago, and how Edna would have not liked how it looked, sure glad it is getting back in shape.
The night picture was beautiful. Your weather chair sure will be covered with snow this weekend. Happy New Year to you and your family. Keep up the great work, we sure enjoy it. Charlene & Kenneth
Date: December 30, 2000 Name: Harlow Pease Location: Washington, DC Email: Comment: Very Interesting Site; Reminds me of my childhood in St. Albans.
Excellent work!
Date: December 29, 2000 Name: Gerald Smith Location: Windsor, CA Email: Comment: Ken,
Your shot today of the two landmarks took me back to the winter of 1953.
Thanks so much!!
Date: December 29, 2000 Name: Norman Clarke Location: Pittsfield Email: Comment: Ken,
Enjoyed the letters on the "Carcieri" House. I was inside there back in the early sixties, when I worked at Eastland. Mr. Bagley (can't remember his first name) lived there. He was a boss at Eastland and was a great individual. I can still remember how nice he was. It is great to see that magnificent house restored.
Want to also congratulate you on your photos. They are professional. You, and your family, take some amazing pictures. Being an artist of sorts and an admirer of good photography, I can say that your material compares with some of the finer works I have come across.
Enjoy this site and all of the comments. Your hard work is commendable.
There cannot be many like this anywhere in the US. This truly makes Corinna unique.
Thanks again for bringing this to us.
Date: December 28, 2000 Name: Sue Emerson Location: Corinna Email: acrylicsbysue Comment: So glad to see the lovely photos of the Carcieri home. We have really enjoyed watching the progress in the refurbishment process. The night shot would make a great addition to your wallpaper collection . Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. We continue to check in daily.
Your hard work is still appreciated by so many. Bless you. Sue
Date: December 28, 2000 Name: Alden & Corinne Schmitz Location: Bellevue, Nebrask Email: Comment: To our schoolmate of days long ago, Jane Quimby Biscoe.... A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....
Date: December 28, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: Ken those photos of the Carcieri Home did my heart good. The old house is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for showing the front door, and the night lights. That corner with the Stewart Library Building and that beautiful old house sure gives a good first impression of a well kept little town when visitors see the town for the first time. Just think, when anyone turned that corner before all they saw was that ugly old mill.
I am so anxious to see what the new Corinna will look like.
Date: December 27, 2000 Name: Daniel Morabito Location: Gardiner, Maine Email: Comment: I am one of the Landscape Architects with Gate, Leighton & Associates who will be helping in the design of the Corinna Village. I (we) look forward to meeting with the community and discussing their vision as part of this exciting process. Hopefully we can use this method to inform the community of our progress.
Thank you for an informative look at Corinna.Daniel- I would be pleased to help inform the community of progress in the design of the Corinna Village! -Ken
Date: December 26, 2000 Name: Location: Shirley Maine Email: Comment: Hi to Ken.
This is from one of the branches of the clan. I am in Clifford's age group and do get to the family get-together when they have their pow-wow in August.
I have kept many of your photos of the renovation in your town and have kept up quite well with the developments.
I was very sorry to hear of the Chuck Cianchette accident. His company built the highway in front of our house years ago.
I am quite sure it was Chuck that used a Allis-Chalmers HD-5 to dig a spot in our field for a temporary garage. That old building, as feeble as it is, still is used for store some of my junk. It is right across from the upper Shirley corner road.
Not to get off the trail, I have enjoyed your input to the Cattail. Hi to Herb, if you can find him. Cliff and Nola too.
Happy Holidays to all the Family and everyone else within the Santa domain.
Bee Sawtelle
Date: December 26, 2000 Name: Donna Boody Location: Bangor Email: Comment: Dear Ken,
Again, just wanted to tell you how much we enjoy this website.
Congratulation also on the nice article about you in the Bangor School Department's COMMUNIQUE'. Glad you are getting such well deserve recognition! We also want to wish you and your family as well as old and new friends far and wide a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A WONDERFULLY HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR.
Donna & Phil
Date: December 24, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Etna, Maine Email: Comment: Thanks to Wayne Brown for his recent entry. Maybe he could share more information from his Father's diary about turn of the century Corinna.
Thank you Ken for this wonderful site and a very Merry Christmas to you and all your family and to all who check into this site.
God Bless
Date: December 24, 2000 Name: Jeff Jacob Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, Congratulations on getting your Cattail Counter working again! But now another question is nagging at me. Since the counter has only five digits; will we all have to paint a numeral "1" in front of the 00,000 on our monitor screens when the counter changes from 99,999?
Date: December 23, 2000 Name: "Joey" Fanjoy Location: Formerly "Young Farm", Morse's Corner Email: Comment: Merry Christmas! to Everybody! including you too, Ken and all your Families.
Date: December 23, 2000 Name: Roland Beauregard Location: Saint Albans, Maine Email: Comment: Ken Dow for Governor??? Why not?? Ken could do for the entire state what he has done for Corinna and its present and former residents.
He would have my vote!
Date: December 23, 2000 Name: Wayne Location: Fort Email: Comment: Ken, Thanks, you've done it again. The picture of the "old home" that was shown yesterday was so meaningful to me. I lived there from the time dad, Cecil, bought the building (in the 30's until I married in '41), after I went into Navy in '41) and it was the "home" I came back to while on leave and after the war visited when I was able to get back until dad sold it to Pearson in the late '60s. Kenneth "Shorty" Kerr, brother to your great uncle, and his family lived in the apartment over the store for several years. I felt so moved by this photo and comments yesterday that I forwarded it to several members of my family and friends. Have also printed copies for other family members. thanks again and I wish you and your family a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!!!!!
Date: December 22, 2000 Name: Carl D. Smith Location: Hometown, USA Email: Comment: Ken, My public accolades on your contributions to community spirit and documentation of our significant transformation for posterity.
I am very appreciative of today's picture of Pearson's. It is a treasure of our community and Cianbro's have done so well decorating for the Season.
Of course, I have a personal bias, because it was always a delight to reach the intersection from 222 and see the General Store and maybe catch a
glimpse of people I admired and had special fondness for -- Browns, Pearsons, and Hemingways. They all maintained a country store that defines our heritage, and they put much effort into painting (as you know) and maintaining their buildings. I do not know DOT final plans, but think that building would be a jewel as a cornerstone for the "new" Corinna Village. Should we try to place on National Historical Register?
Date: December 22, 2000 Name: liz richards Location: dexter, me Email: Comment: amazing, this site, all ages expressing thoughts @ memories. hats off to the senior citizens navigating thru this new technology and the school children who have the interest in corinna, past, present @ future, looks promising!! i enjoy reading all guestbook, forum entries. the pictures and documentation is great. thanks!!
Date: December 20, 2000 Name: Diane Herring Location: Hermon, Maine Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
Once again, I want to compliment you on this terrific site. What a talent you have, and what a "gift" you have given to the town of Corinna.
Your photos continue to be outstanding, and help to nourish the excitement of watching the "new" Corinna evolve. I have raved about, and shared your site with my co-workers. The beautiful wallpaper that you generously put here, now adorns the laptops being carried by all of us Investigators in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. The "Feds" encourage their "official emblem" as the wallpaper, but I'm afraid that your "artwork" has prevailed thus far. Keep up the great work.Diane- Thank you. It is a pleasure to know the site is appreciated, especially with an eye toward "watching the new Corinna evolve". -Ken
Date: December 20, 2000 Name: C. R."Bing" Grindle Location: Roanoke, Virginia Email: Comment: Hello, Morris Page. The first thing my wife Geri and I do each morning is check GuestBook entries. We were interested in yours today (December 19) as you must be about my age. (Most entries are from those who are in more recent generations.)
I too was in WWII (as a combat infantryman in the 97th New England Division.) Since you grew up in Corinna in the 20s and 30s you may have known my grandfather who was Corinna's physician during the early 1900s (Dr. Fred L. Redman) He lived in the house on the corner where Route 11 comes from Bangor into the middle of the town and where Ken Dow later lived!
My dad, Wade Grindle, was headmaster at Corinna Union Academy for a short time (He married Elvira Redman) so I had family ties in Corinna and used to visit there as a boy in the summer.
Date: December 19, 2000 Name: Morris Page Location: Yarmouth, Maine. 04096 Email: Comment: Just got this info and thought I would drop A short line as I grew up in Corinna and left there to go into the service in 1940 and was gone for five years during WWII and never lived in Corinna again but used to live up on the Dexter road about A mile from town right next to the Pea Vinner. Guess that is why I never came back to stay. Would like to write more later as I have A good memory and do remember the old OFH when Flip Shaw had A store there back in the late 20s and early 30s. Also remember the night prohibition went off and Ed Limerick started to sell 32 beer there in a beer joint. Also remember the old Tricky block and the pool hall there. And remember the old First National Store in the same block.
Write me.
Date: December 18, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester, NY Email: Comment: I agree with Alden, I think the canon balls were in the park even in the early 60's. Someone must have a photo to confirm or deny this. Looks like our weather is going your way. We had snow, then 55 degrees this morning and temperatures dropping this afternoon.
Looks like the counter is messed up again.
Thanks for the site.
BrianBrian and Alden- I also seem to remember seeing the cannon balls in the 50's but didn't trust my memory after finding the "donated as scrap" statement in the reference for the story. -Ken
Date: December 18, 2000 Name: Wayne Brown Location: Fort Myers, FL Email: Comment: Ken, perhaps I should just say "You've done it again." Your pictures each day are wonderful, but the one yesterday was especially meaningful to me. Your grandfather and his brother were both very special friends to me and my first wife, Florence while we live in Corinna - during the late '30s and early '40s before we left in 1942.
Thanks again and keep up the good work. Wayne
Date: December 18, 2000 Name: Ron & Tanya Iacovone Location: Woodstock, Ga. Email: Comment: thanks to les & lynne fillmore for sending this site. enjoyed catching up on the revamp of corinna.
Date: December 17, 2000 Name: Jane Quimby Bisce Location: Waldoboro, Maine Email: Comment: Ken - What a wonderful picture of your grandfather Herb Dow on what might have been his wedding day! What a handsome dude!! He and your grandmother Carmen were such special people - they were devoted to the town of Corinna I have a wonderful photo taken during the V-J Day parade in 1966 of Herb driving the fire truck. My Dad, Millard Quimby is in the front seat with him and Clem Willette is riding shotgun.
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas to you and yours, and to all who fondly remember Corinna's past while looking ahead to its future.
Date: December 17, 2000 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, NE Email: Comment: Ken..I really enjoyed the post cards and your photo of Winchester Park. It was one of the "pretty" spots in downtown Corinna. My memory is that the cannon balls were there later than 1945, but I may be wrong. They definitely didn't go with a 1st World War cannon, at any rate.
Date: December 17, 2000 Name: John & Jodi Thomas Location: Nazareth, PA Email: Comment: My Wife Jodi, our son Sky and I enjoy a little piece of Maine every year on Brooks pond. We also visit great friends, Mr and Mrs Jordan Fuller in
springvale, Maine. My Wife and I will retire in Maine. (4years ,if all goes well)
Corinna has really changed in five years since we bought property on Brooks Pond. This site really keeps us abreast of the cleanup and other news around Corinna. Thank you for
I use your wallpaper of alder stream, summer then fall. That section of the stream is very pretty. Is there any chance to get a winter snow scene of
the stream?
Have a great day, John & Jodi
Date: December 17, 2000 Name: Tebob Buckland Location: St, Petersburg, Fla. Email: Comment: Hi. Enjoyed the picture of your grandfather and Alton this am, Wish you would do more of that, There were some pretty prominent people from Corinna. Wonder what some of them would think??
Date: December 16, 2000 Name: Jean Schmitz Ketch Location: Milford, ME Email: Comment: Love the weather chair. What a great idea and it is so Maine.
Date: December 16, 2000 Name: Jim Emerson Location: frigid Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, Do you think if you took that snow chair inside, we wouldn't get anymore snow? Just wishful thinking. Hope everyone has a Very Merry Christmas.
Jim- Might be worth trying. -Ken
Date: December 15, 2000 Name: liz richards Location: dexter Email: Comment: wow ,what a nice link to the faroe island country. really is a www. amazing how this site is spreading around the world. pictures, forum, chat, all very much appreciated.
Date: December 15, 2000 Name: Jacquelyn Sawtelle Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken,
I'm absolutely amazed with what you have accomplished with this site. I love the cattail and I love seeing you in the post office.
Congrats on the gov's award. It is most deserving. Have missed much cause of puter problems but am now up and going great guns. I took some time and read a few notes. Would like to say hi to Tim Sawtelle. His memories reminded me of how many times I rode horseback thru main street myself.
Lots on our own horses but several times on Martha Hatfield's horses. I miss all that. What are we going to use for a landmark when giving directions now? I always used the mill to direct people around Corinna.
Take care everyone,
Date: December 15, 2000 Name: Judy Cyr Location: St. Albans Email: Comment: Ken,
Just wanted to let you know what a nice job you have done with this site. It is a great opportunity for those of us who grew up in Corinna to keep in touch with the changes. Thanks!
Date: December 12, 2000 Name: Tim Sawtelle Location: Corinna Email: Comment: This is a memory. I remember riding my bike down the hill to the restaurant <Tim + Ti's>. Going down to see Mom and Dad. The town has gone though a lot of changes since that time. In the long run the town will benefit, hopefully.
Good job on the web site, I enjoy the older pictures.
Date: December 12, 2000 Name: Olga Poulsen Location: Faroe Island Email: Comment: I just met a guy who wants me to visit your website.
Olga- I am pleased you have visited The Cattail Press. I found this travel guide and other information about the Faroe Islands. What beautiful spot! -Ken
Date: December 11, 2000 Name: Lorraine Hunter Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken ,
Miss the chatroom. I'm sure it will be going soon. We lost Tebob but he sent me a card and said he will be on now as he just got his pc going. So, Tebob send me your e-mail address and I will fill you in on the cattail chat!
Date: December 11, 2000 Name: Jim "Nip" Louder Location: Corinna, ME Email: Comment: Wow! The December 10 picture showing the view of Corinna from the south side of the excavation project really provides a sneak preview of what a beautiful little village we will have when the cleanup is finished. This picture has allowed me, for the first time, to sort of visualize the Corinna of the future.
Keep the great pictures rolling, Ken.
Also, what a joy it is to read the comments in the guest book and the forum every day.
Date: December 10, 2000 Name: Alissa Location: Corinna, Maine Email: Comment: Hi, this is my first time at your web site and I thought it was real cool. I would like to say hi to my Aunt Regina, Uncle Jeff, cousin Kevin and Billie Jo. I would also like to say hi to my family out in Michigan and North Carolina.
I go to school in Corinna. Our school is small but a lot of good teachers. I like to play basketball. I have to best friends Jennifer and Savannah. I really enjoyed your web site.
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