Previous Entries
January 6, 2001 - February 26, 2001
Date: February 26, 2001 Name: Brian Hatfield Location: Palm Harbor Fl. Email: Comment: Hello friends in corinna. Has anyone visited the bangor mall lately ? The company I work for just put a Ruby Tuesday in there and I have heard it is doing great. I personally am a Managing partner for two of there stores down here in Fl. and am interested in anyones thoughts on the restaurant.
Thanks , Brian Hatfield ( Grandson of Martha and Hubert Hatfield ) Ken great shot of grandads farm thanks for thinking of us she is going to love it.
Date: February 26, 2001 Name: Jim Worster Location: Plymouth ME Email: Comment: Ken is there any photos of the 1975 fire?
I can remember the fire very clearly. We had just moved from the farm, it is now Rick Veazie`s.
It was a long night and week for the hole town.
Date: February 26, 2001 Name: Jean Hatfield Location: Clearwater, FL Email: Comment: This note is to Brian Knowles and Ken. Brian, that is a picture of Hubert Hatfield's barn on 2/18. It brings back many, many memories to me also. Ken, thank you for the picture. I will bring it to Martha. It gives her a little touch of home and brings her so much pleasure. She is still talking about getting back up there this summer. It has been almost 2 years now since she has been home. Your site and pictures help immensely with her homesickness. Thank you for all your efforts.
Date: February 26, 2001 Name: Elvin Hawes Location: Moscow, ME Email: Comment: Hello Ken,
Just for your info. The 2001 CUA Banquet will be held June 2, 2001 at the Corinna Elementary School. Announcements will be mailed out soon. Looking forward to another great time.
Date: February 26, 2001 Name: Eddie Brodeur Location: Gardiner, ME Email: Comment: Still checking in every day. The pictures on the cattail continue to bring back memories.
While checking for our class of 1962, I noticed Nelson Curtis listed. Sure would like to contact him. Nelson, if you are checking the Cattail, please e-mail me. Or if someone else has his e-mail address, please send it to me. Love to hear from you. Also, any
other classmates from 1962.
Date: February 21, 2001 Name: Sue Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Seems strange not to see new photos every morning. Was glad to see another beautiful barn scene. You certainly deserve a little vacation from so much work. We all enjoy it immensely. Thanks for brightening my day. Sue
Date: February 19, 2001 Name: Pat Bell Location: Sangerville, ME Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
Enjoy reading the Cattail Press! Nice site! You've kept us all up to date with what's going on in Corinna. Keep it up!
Date: February 19, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: Just checking in. The photo published on the 16th is an absolutely great picture. The colors you have captured are unbelievable and the whole setting is great. My wife does some water colors and old barns, both summer and winter, are some of her favorite subjects. Also I'm pretty sure the barn and forge shop is Hubert Hatfield's, which also holds many fond memories. My first dog came from a litter raised under the barn.
The dog was black, sort of Labrador and sort of German Shepard, this was when dogs were just dogs and no one heard much about pure breeds. I can remember putting hay in the barn and helping take care of and riding the horses. Just because there isn't much happening on the clean up don't stop with the photos from around town. Conversation has slowed down, some of these photos should generate more memories.
Thanks for the site.
Date: February 19, 2001 Name: Jackie Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Kenny You know your readership is going to suffer from 'Cattail Press withdrawal' don't you. You DESERVE a much needed vacation from your regular job and the work you do on the Cattail Press to keep us all informed of the goings on in 'good 'ol Corinna'. Most of us will still check in daily just out of habit.
Date: February 16, 2001 Name: Bruce Clarke Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hello to Stephen Fish. I went to school with your sister, Marjorie. Our family moved away in Oct 66 and never knew that you also left very soon afterward. I returned in 1979, and every day since then I pass by what I remember was your home, the white home on the right just after the sharp corner on RT 7( the one that used to be lined with maples before they rebuilt the road. Wasn't is across from the Dyer tree farm, I think? Anyway, to make the world smaller, my younger brother, Warren, now lives in Marlborough! I don't remember your age, but he's 42 now. I'm a bit older, although WAY younger than my much older brother Norm Clarke(hee-hee)
Date: February 15, 2001 Name: Bud Hilliker Location: Jacksonville, FL 32246 Email: Comment: Dear Ken,
I haven't had so much fun in years. You are to be congratulated on the fine work with The Cattail Press. After my second message I had a call from Bob Pearson and we talked about half an hour--his dime. He never forgets to remind me of the night we dropped the water balloons out of the top window over the bowling alley, skating complex. The senior Mr. Pearson had some very unkind words for us---but had a sort of a grin when he said them. Perhaps he was reminded of his younger days. Bob forgot to mention the time we went to the Judkins Maple House and were given some well aged cider. Thanks to the snow banks we never arrived home with it inside us.
Val Clifford and I ended up on LST 276 for a time during WW II. I was transferred to LST 537 and spent two years on that ship. The only time I have ever seen Val since I left the 276 was in Orono. He was getting a speeding ticket from the police. If anyone has kept in touch with Val, please let me know. I won't tell you the stories we had together without his permission.
God bless you all,
Date: February 13, 2001 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, OK Email: Comment: In case some of you have not checked out the "Forum" recently, there is some very interesting dialog between Bob, Carl, and Ken starting 2/10. I certainly hope people realize the need for restrictions on building in the new village area. The ideas Carl mentioned sound just wonderful! As I've traveled around the country I have seen what can happen to a small town that is allowed to just spring up like an old mining town, and then I have seen towns that fell into disrepair and are now a delight to visit because the citizens of that town worked hard to renew it and make it attractive. I'm really excited about the possibilities for Corinna and hope all the hard work will result in a town to be proud of.
Date: February 13, 2001 Name: Yvonne Young Location: Millersville, Maryland Email: Comment: We love the weather chair. In our area we have not had snow yet this year. It is nice to see some, even though I know you might be getting tired of it. Thanks so much.
Date: February 11, 2001 Name: matia azevedo Location: brockton, ma Email: Comment: hi ruth, its saturday and i just received the throw. thank you so much its beautiful. please write me i lost your e-mail address. matia
Date: February 10, 2001 Name: Stephen Fish Location: Marlborough, MA Email: Comment: I was directed to this site the other day by Jim Emerson. Thank you Jim! It really IS like coming home. He found me, I'm not quite sure how, but I'm glad he did! Our family lived in Corinna from the fall of '57 until November or December of '66, 1900 series, NOT the 1800's!
I regret to say I've only been back twice since, but I've always wondered how the town has fared. It's quite a shock to see what they've had to do to Main Street, but remembering some of those colors the river was; Phew!! I'm not surprised. I'm glad the town is doing well and from the sound of things on this site, it's going to strong part of the new millennium.
Hi Jane (Freese) Schissler! I can't call you Janie, at least not yet, :) you were always Jane to me. I sent you email the other day, but now that I know about Ken's wonderful site, I'll be visiting often.
For those of you who knew us, my father passed away in the summer of '93. Mom's still with us, still living in Pepperell, which is where we moved after Corinna. Gary and Marjorie are doing well.
I look forward to the future, both here and in Corinna.
Again, great job Ken. Thank you. I'll probably be back daily. :)
Date: February 10, 2001 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: Today's photo of the Morses Corner School House sure brought back a lot of memories. I always looked forward to the Vacation Bible School that was held there each summer. I also remember some really nice Christmas programs the kids put on for their families, and great meals. The minute I looked at that photo I could envision the layout of the kitchen and all the activity that went on in there. Thanks again Ken!
Date: February 10, 2001 Name: Philla-Mae ( Curtis) Morris Location: W. Swanzey, N.H. 03469 Email: Comment: Ken; Thanks for adding my letter; there was a mistake on my e-mail address. I just changed over and had part of the old one. The above address is correct. Thanks.
Date: February 10, 2001 Name: Norm Clarke Location: here Email: Comment: Ken,
I flipped back to the photos of the Eastland tower coming down and it stirred memories, as does most of the material on this site.
The tower was the landmark I looked for on trips to Maine when I was a kid. When I saw it, I knew we were close to Grammie Hartley's.
It also reminded me of the "Martian" invaders in "War Of The Worlds". Not the movie version monsters built the original metal, long legged giants like in the book.
Date: February 9, 2001 Name: Philla-Mae (Curtis) Morris Location: W. Swanzey, N.H. 03469 Email: Comment: I was born in Corinna, Maine, 9-9-1929; my sister, Margaret and I attended the grade school there. Mrs. Stewart was our favorite teacher. I visited her at her home in '94 and had pictures taken with her, which I treasure. I reminder her of the time us fifth-graders left a May basket on her doorstep; she came out, had to do a lot of running, but 'caught' each of us, giving each one a hug. My dad, Martin Curtis lived to be nearly 100 years old; he was the overseer in the Card room at the Moosehead Woolen Mill until moving to N. H. in 1947. My mother, Lillian Curtis, is 97, and in good health. She does some housework, and goes shopping with us. I have lived in MA. NY. NV. CA. New Brunswick, Canada, and PEI, but remember Corinna most fondly. We also had a farm in Exeter where we had ponies and farm animals. It was a wonderful childhood; we look forward to he photos of 'home' each morning, and appreciate all the work that makes this possible. Thank you!
Date: February 8, 2001 Name: Sue Stratton Location: Across from the auction barn Email: Comment: Ken,
Three cheers for Marvin!!! We were stuck at the end of our driveway from all the snow and as he went by he stopped and plowed the snow out of the way so we could get our cars out out. He was also seen helping other people yesterday with their snow banks. What a great guy! Thanks Marvin. The Strattons
Date: February 8, 2001 Name: Jean Ketch Location: Milford, ME Email: Comment: Loved the picture of the Methodist Church. Edward and I were married there on Jan. 23, 1959. I know my brother Alden & his wife Corrine were married there also. I have been printing the posted pictures and am making a scrapbook for my children (hopefully they will be interested.
Date: February 8, 2001 Name: Eric Smith Location: Orangeburg, SC Email: Comment: This may have been mentioned in the Guestbook before, but I realized yesterday that the banner picture on the top of the Mid-Maine page of the BDN website is a picture of downtown Corinna. It is the 'old' Corinna though with the mill still visible. I wonder if they got that picture from The Cattail Press?
Maybe we should request them to update the photo so visitors see the 'new' Corinna??Yes. It is a picture they must have taken from the bell tower. I had not noticed that before. Sharp eye, Eric! - Ken
Date: February 7, 2001 Name: Janie (Freese) Schissler Location: Email: Comment: Ken,
Your Cattail Press becomes more popular with each passing day. You have done and continue to do a
superb job in the preservation of the history of Corinna.
I am looking for a lost student that went to school with us back in the 1960's. His name is Stephen Fish. His father was at one time Superintendent of Schools in Corinna. I believe he had a brother Gary and a sister Marjorie. They lived in what is now the Alton and Dot Bird home on Route 7 in Corinna. His last whereabouts was somewhere in Massachusetts. If anyone out there knows his address, would you please let me know or send it to: Miss Evelyn Brooks, Secretary for the Corinna Union Academy Alumni Association. Her mailing address is: P.O. Box 232, Corinna, ME 04928
Ken, keep up the great work.
Janie (Freese) Schissler
Date: February 6, 2001 Name: Jeff Jacob Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken,
Just when you think a great thing can't get any better, suddenly we see the new Cattail Press Search Engine. It is nothing short of phenomenal! I typed in a simple key word and found an abundance of entries that I had previously missed. Now we truly have an "En-Cattail-Pedia" to search Corinna history at light speed! Thanks.Thanks, Jeff. The search engine is fun. I am pleased with the way it works. -Ken
Date: February 6, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: Thanks for adding the search engine, it should help to quickly look up past information. I hope the search engine isn't too smart, or your example of looking up "dummy" might bring up all kinds of names!!!!!!!!!
Yes, maybe that wasn't such a great example to use. I'm surprised that a picture of me isn't the first thing that comes up for that search! -Ken :-)
Date: February 5, 2001 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: Thanks again for the site. I continue to check in almost daily and go back an catch up when I miss a few days. I don't miss the below 0 weather. We have only been in the (plus) high teens a couple of times and the low last night was 25.
Starting yesterday I couldn't access the guest book letters, it appears I can sign in, maybe it is my computer. I'll check from work on Monday.
Keep up the great effort and thanks.
Date: February 4, 2001 Name: Lorraine Metivier Moyer Location: Chesapeake, Virginia Email: Comment: Just turned on to your website. I love it! I spent early years in Corinna. Would like to contact classmates. Hi Benita!!!
Date: February 3, 2001 Name: Cheryl Curtis [ Higgins] Location: St. Albans Email: Comment: I more or less grew up in Corinna my dad used to have a farm on the Packard road. I remember the drug store and the train most of all and I miss our farm. I'm not sure who lives there now but they tore the old house down and built a new house there. We had no plumbing and had to run across the street to get water but it was home and I miss it. My dad passed away in January last year so we will miss the vegies. If any one remembers our family please feel free to get in touch. this site is great.
Date: February 2, 2001 Name: Lorraine Hunter Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken ,
Still hanging on, Got a nice e-mail from Ron Russell saying when the chat came on his pc it wouldn't let him on. He now has one that will. So if all our chatting friends would like, how about getting on Fri. and Sat. night any time after 7:00 pm. and give him a nice big welcome?
Date: January 31, 2001 Name: Bert & Gail Pike Location: North Swanzey,N.H.Hi, Email: Comment: Hi,
Although we have never lived in Corinna we have visited there many times as we have friends living there. (We use to be neighbors back in the 60's & 70's in Upton, Mass.) We enjoy your news and really want to thank you for the beautiful pictures. We have your waterfall on our desktop and enjoy looking at it everyday. Our cousin married a girl from Corinna who told us she use to go to the falls for picnics. She lives near us and was the one who gave us your address. When we saw her desktop we knew we wanted the same picture, it looks so restful & peaceful.
Keep up the good job you are doing. Bert & Gail
Date: January 28, 2001 Name: Eric Redman Location: Seattle, WA Email: Comment: For those of us who are great grandchildren of Dr. Fred Redman, it was nice to see his photo and his car, courtesy of Bing Grindle, my father's (M. Chandler Redman's) cousin, even though all the relatives say the lady in the car was not Bing's mother. As a prized possession, I have Dr. Fred's striking clock from Corinna, which, according to a note my grandfather Charles W. Redman inserted in it (in 1950), Dr. Fred bought for $2 in 1893 when he bought the practice of "Old" Dr. O. H. Merrill, "who died much later [Granddad wrote] at the ripe old age of 40." Besides his clock, I also have my great-grandfather's eyes, as my wife said, looking at this photo! Thanks for posting it.
Date: January 27, 2001 Name: Marsha Doherty Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hi Ken : The other day when I wrote how nice the people that are working on the cleanup project are I omitted the Corps of engineers, sorry guys. My new friends from the corps are Randy, Conrad, Chris, Jake and Dave. Soon all the crews will be leaving Corinna till spring, they will be missed by me and the other townspeople. A few may be here, but the rest will all be back in the spring. Ken some of them would like to meet you, they check out your website and think you have done a tremendous job with it. We'll have to get together sometime and have you meet some of these great people . Keep up the good work. Marsha
Marsha- Things will be slow downtown when they shut down 'til Spring. I'd like to meet the guys. Maybe we can arrange something later on. -Ken
Date: January 27, 2001 Name: Mel Russell Location: Orlando, FL Email: Comment: It was interesting to read Bud Hilliker's entry yesterday. I, too have some memories of Roy Pearson, although from later in his life (I'm not old enough to remember the skating rink). His yard and flower gardens were always beautiful in the summertime, and as a teenager I cut his lawn for a couple of years, as well as shoveled snow for him in the winter. I remember one particular cold snap when I was perched on a ladder chopping ice from his gutters with a hatchet while he directed me from below. Roy was always very interesting to talk to, and a pleasure to work for as a young boy.
Mel Russell
Date: January 26, 2001 Name: Morris R Page Location: Yarmouth, Maine Email: Comment: Hi Ken.
Just going over some of the older entries in the guest book as I have not been connected to the Cattail Press to long. Noticed some one had talked about the old Cannon Balls in front of the Stewart Free Library. Well I can tell you they was there before 1927, as I used to play down around there when I was about 5 years old and remember them from that time also new Edna Hutchens and Mr. Hutchens and his Brother they run the lumber yard and saw mill on the corner just before the old school house going around the bend leaving Corinna to Newport. In fact I went to that school in 1937 and 1938, in fact I graduated from the 9th. grade there in 38 Prof. Morse was the Prins. and my teacher that year. Also took Howard Hartleys Farm truck and took the 8th and 9th grades to Fort Knox in Bucksport that year Howard went along as I was Kind of young to be hauling school kids around the country, To day they would have one in Jail in two minutes if they tried to load 35 kids in a truck body and take them that far on the hi ways of today, Enough history for to night.
Again good Ken on the web.
Date: January 26, 2001 Name: Ron Sawtelle Location: Marlborough, MA Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
Great site! It has been a long time since my last visit. Boy do things change in a short while.
Great work - keep it up
Date: January 26, 2001 Name: Bing Grindle Location: Roanoke, Virginia Email: Comment: Ken, the first thing my wife and I do each morning is pull up the Cattail Press. We were surprised (and pleased) to suddenly see that antique car of my grandfather's as today's feature picture. I've learned by the way that the pretty gal beside him in the big hat was in fact not my Mother but someone named Lou Wood. I guess my grandfather and she didn't have something going or he wouldn't have showed her off in public in Corinna's first car! On the back of the photo I have my Mother had written in more recent years that she "supposed it was a Ford". But I'm not sure. Perhaps some of your readers can identify what kind of a car it is.
Date: January 25, 2001 Name: Bud Hilliker Location: Jacksonville, Florida Email: Comment: I felt compelled to add some more trivia after spending hours with the CATTAIL PRESS. I worked at Pearson's place all during my high school years.
My job was to put on skates, rack up pool balls, set up candle pins by hand, pump gas, guard the lady's john when the men were in there trying to beat the machines. I even drove the 1936 Ford Woody Wagon to pick up school children and also drove the big yellow bus to pick up skaters from Dexter and Newport. I made one trip to Augusta with a church group and for some reason they never scheduled the bus again. Earlier, Bob and I ran a refreshment booth at the Pea Vinery where Roy was the boss. I liked to stay with Bob because Carrie made me take a bath and at the farm we had the old tin tub. Bob loved to come and stay at the farm during the week because we took baths mostly on Saturday night. Roy Pearson taught me more than I learned in any of the 7 colleges I attended. I've even forgiven Bob for putting the pepper in my slide whistle.
Date: January 25, 2001 Name: JJ Sawtelle Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Wow Ken, I could be mistaken but are you getting a little nostalgic for the old stuff. LOL. I am too it seems. Great stuff lately. I am very envious of that camera of yours too. Mine can't quite live up to yours. But thanks to you we are getting a really good looks at things. I wish we had had the roller rink while I was growing up, wouldn't have had to go all the way to Detroit.
Date: January 24, 2001 Name: Craig Kimball Location: Stanwood Washington Email: Comment: Hi there, my name is Craig Kimball. I was born in Dexter in 1959.I am the second son of Norman Kimball who died in 1972 and the nephew of Malcolm. I found this web site because Uncle Mac is over here visiting. He and Karlene are getting the Washington tour.
My wife and I are hoping to come to Maine this fall with our three children. Looking at the pictures of Corinna is bringing back a lot of memories from our visit in 1970. I only lived in Maine until I was three but in my heart I still think of it as home, so I am very exited to show it to my family. Thank you for building such a nice web page, I'll be checking the progress of Corinna.
Craig Kimball
Date: January 23, 2001 Name: Morris R Page Location: Yarmouth, Maine. Email: Comment: Hi To All.
Just a short line to let you all know that most of the ones that write to the Cattail Press are people that are descendents of friends of mine from the time I lived in Corinna. I lived just up the hill from the old town hall in 1927, and we moved out on the Dexter road the next year you all know where we lived right next to the Pea Vinner at the foot of the hill just going north almost up to the Straton farms. This tells you how old I must be getting. As I left Corinna in 1940 to go to the Army and when I got out in 1945 I lived in Dexter For A year or so then have been away every sense that. Would like more E-Mails from any one and will answer them as soon as I can get to them.
Date: January 23, 2001 Name: Darrell (Bud) Hilliker Location: Jacksonville, FL Email: Comment: This is the most interesting material I have ever seen. You are to be congratulated on this tremendous effort. I recently spent several months in the Corinna/Dexter area with our son Mike. This time gave me a chance to check a lot of old places where mostly good experiences took place.
I hope you will continue compiling this information for a long time.
The New Corinna has great promise and I look forward to seeing you this summer.
God bless you all
Date: January 20, 2001 Name: Gary Fitts Location: Waterville, Me Email: Comment: Ken, What a fun site to visit! As someone who grew up in Pittsfield and drove through Corinna as a child, the change is incredible. I love it that you have taken on the challenge to document it for all of us.
Date: January 20, 2001 Name: Mum and Dad Location: Zephyrills, Florida Email: Comment: Hi Ken, Just checked in on the Cattailpress and liked the picture of the old skating rink. We seldom missed a Friday night skating there during our teen age years. In 1939 Will Burrill, his son Bill and daughter Katherine, moved to Corinna from Daytona, Florida. Bill and Will were carpenters and builders as were many of the Burrill boys. They had a boat building shop in Florida before moving back to Maine. As I recall Will and Bill worked for Roy Pearson building the skating rink and bowling alleys in the early 1940,s. Will Burrill was a brother to Addie Burrill Dow, your great grandmother. That would make him your great, great uncle. Really strange how things are connected in our little town of Corinna. Roy Pearson's skating rink, bowling alley , and pool room was a great source of enjoyment for people in Corinna and surrounding towns throughout the 40,s and 50,s. Keep up the good work as we check the Cattailpress every day.
Love Mum and Dad
Date: January 20, 2001 Name: George & Peggy Beal Location: Union City Ga. 30291 Email: GEOBEAL@AOL.COM Comment: I was glad to get your 2001 calendar with the Photo by Claudia Breslin. The photo was taken with the camera I gave to her. Welcome South Brother WSB call letters in Atlanta
Date: January 18, 2001 Name: Bruce Fowler Location: Corinna Center Road Email: Comment: Hi Ken! I was wondering if I could give out the website address of Corinna Cub Scout Pack 65's brand new website we just started? I would like to also ask if we could put in a link to "The Cattail Press" from our site? If so, our site is located at ""
The new snowmobile "detour" through the middle of town gives a great perspective on the project. I'd like to thank whomever had the foresight to keep this main artery open for the hundreds of riders who pass through town. Thanks again for the great work you're doing! Bruce
Date: January 18, 2001 Name: Jim Emerson Location: Corinna (where else) Email: Comment: Kenny, Those pictures of Pearson's old store bring back some good memories of the 5 plus years I worked for Bob and Arlene. (with you on many occasions) The view from the window would sure be a lot different today than it was 20 some years ago. Has it really been that long? I sure don't miss hauling that oil hose through the deep snow. Keep up the good work.
Jim- Things were always interesting on that corner. We had a good time. Like you, I have many good memories of being in the middle of whatever was going on downtown. -Ken
Date: January 17, 2001 Name: Marsha Doherty Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hi there Ken. Just wanted to tell you again how much your efforts are appreciated. You are doing a fantastic job. I loved the Corinna mountain. Just wanted your readers to know that working at the local restaurant I have had the opportunity to meet many of the people involved in the cleanup process, from Weston, Cianbro, EPA and all the other companies. They are a great bunch of people, I have made many new friends. To me, they all are now part of Corinna. I hope to keep in touch with some of them in the future here on the net. Just want these people to know we appreciate what they are doing. Keep up the fine work Ken.
Marsha- No one has said it any better. -Ken
Date: January 16, 2001 Name: C.R."Bing" Grindle Location: Roanoke, Virginia Email: Comment: Ken, loved your beautiful January 14th photo of the White Mountains. My wife, Geri, and I pull up Cattail first thing every morning. She's originally from Virginia and I said that morning, "Hey! That looks like it might be Mt. Washington". Then we pulled up the pile of dirt picture. I guess it means you can make something pretty out of anything!
Date: January 16, 2001 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, OK Email: Comment: Ken, I got a kick out of your comments with the cemetery photo on 1/13. I also love that photo of Corinna Mountain - that sky is absolutely gorgeous! Oklahoma is having a very wet and cold winter. Makes me yearn for the cold crisp Maine winters (but not for long). I just yearn for Maine period AND lobster, the best foliage anywhere, gorgeous summers, and the OCEAN!!!
Date: January 15, 2001 Name: Merl & Cathy Meagher Location: Silver Springs, Fl. Email: Comment: We are only away from Corinna for three months during the winter. We leave only because we like the warmer weather. We want to thank you for the wallpaper of Stewart Library building. It makes us less home sick. We can always feel at home when we turn on our computer. Thanks for the news. We appreciate it. Merl & Cathy Meagher
Date: January 13, 2001 Name: richard seavey Location: vassalboro Email: Comment: hi to all corinnanians and cua veterans. great job with this web site. hope you all remember me and my family. i can still name all of my graduating class members of 1968.all 16 of us. it will be nice to keep in touch with you all. corinna will always have a special place in our hearts. we were so lucky to have been raised in such a fine town. corinna people are the best and i miss you all. i still get home every so often and im amazed at the changes taking place. now if you could just get tar on the greenbush road. will be talking again soon. keep the faith. dick
Date: January 11, 2001 Name: Jackie Emerson Location: Corinna, ME Email: Comment: Ken - Have been out of touch with The Cattail Press for 3 weeks. Took the time tonight to go back and read the entries in the guest book and look at all the pictures you posted. I, too, enjoyed seeing the picture of the Carcieri home. Two other photos I really enjoyed were the one of the Stewart Free Library building and the one with the war monument and the library building together. Morris Page - do hope you write some more recollections of olden times in Corinna - they make for interesting reading [reminiscing]. Keep up the fabulous job, Ken.
Date: January 11, 2001 Name: Stacey (Rockwell) Rhyne Location: Brentwood NH Email: rhyne@mediaone .net Comment: I used to love driving into Corinna when I was a little girl. After a long drive from NH, turning right at the mill meant only a few more minutes until we reached my grandparents' (Hazel and Rodney Knowles) house. The pictures do bring back memories....
Date: January 11, 2001 Name: Judy Doore Location: Corinna Town Office Email: Comment: Ken, It is just amazing to look back one year! Image what it will be like in three years! Your archives are priceless!! Judy
Date: January 10, 2001 Name: Patsy Location: Corinna Email: Comment: I grew up in Corinna and still live here. It is a wonderful small town.
Date: January 10, 2001 Name: Dennis Carr Location: Zephyrhills, Fl. Email: Comment: Ken, Once again we feel compelled to tell you how much we appreciate the Cattail Press. We check it every day whether we are at home in Corinna or in Florida. I could say your great photos cost me a lot of money. In October I gave in to my desire and purchased a Sony DSC-S50 digital camera. I'm having real good luck with it and getting some great photos. I'm now using one of a Florida sunset for my wallpaper. Keep up the great work!!
P.S. Marilyn, give in to your desire and purchase a digital camera. You will never be sorry.
Date: January 9, 2001 Name: Jim Emerson Location: Frigid Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, is that the barn on the Bolstridge Rd.? Fantastic pictures. I expect to see the Cattail Press on national TV one of these days. Jim
Jim- Thank you. Yes, that is the barn. -Ken
Date: January 8, 2001 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, OK Email: Comment: Ken you are really causing me to have a great desire for a digital camera. The colors in today's photo of the barn are just wonderful.
Marilyn- Thank you. -Ken
Date: January 6, 2001 Name: Charles Sawtelle Location: Virginia Beach VA Email: Comment: Ken, the Jan 05 picture from the upper dam looks like wall paper to me.
CharlieCharlie- You might be right. [I hope no one minds a little private message here...Charlie, thank you for the calendar. It is beautiful.] -Ken
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