Previous Entries
October 10 - November 11, 2000
Date: November 11, 2000 Name: Jeff Jacob Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, I demand a recount! Today the Cattail Press counter said "3973 since Oct 28...Plus 53,000 visits since Oct 15".
Well this is more confusing than a Florida state ballot. You don't really expect us average Americans to add these massive numbers ourselves do you?
Would the McDonalds sign ever say "10 billion sold since two years ago"? I think not.
At the very least, just think of the children.
KUTGWJeff- I still don't know what happened to the counter. I liked having that big number there. -Ken
Date: November 11, 2000 Name: C.R."Bing" Grindle Location: Beautiful Roanoke Virginia Email: Comment: While the cleanup coverage has been detailed and excellent, can we back space to some early information about the situation. How was contamination first discovered? Were people being harmed though food grown in the area, or air they were breathing, or what? What type of poison comes from the contamination? Has dye contamination been discovered elsewhere in the United States under similar circumstances? Perhaps all these background questions have been answered before I came onto the Cattail Press scene. The daily coverage of cleanup activities has been outstanding.
Bing- Excellent questions! Others must be wonder, too. We should assemble a background document. -Ken
Date: November 7, 2000 Name: Lora Pressly (Metivier) Location: Missouri Email: Comment: I have to say Corinna although mostly a summer vacation growing up has never let go of me- my best childhood memories are right there and who could ask for a better setting! It seemed heartbreaking at first when I saw the Ole Mill gone and even more my childhood home but after seeing all the changes the town has had in the last 2 decades that I experienced, it's hopeful that things are moving in a forward direction that will be a productive town once again. But I hope not to the point that the serenity and beauty of the area is ruined. I can't imagine that happening - people of Maine know what they have. I know I want my children to enjoy the grand memories of exploring the wonderful area that I did as a child.
Thank You for this website- I enjoy it very much!
Date: November 6, 2000 Name: Corinna History Buff Location: In Gods Country Email: Comment: Hi Ken, site still is looking great! I noticed the Cattail Collection , nice! I have been checking out the chat some! Its great , hope others pop into it! I would like to note to Sal Harris - Hi - hope you will check out the chat sometime! Met Lorraine on it the other night. Hope to via contact email or chat with you! So keep eyes open for Buffy...Hi to Kay too. Hi to Rita too. Saw you at Pauls 50th or what his 60th, gosh forgot! How time flies when youre brother in law ages!!! Still would like to catch up with Beverly Woodsides email, tried it but doesnt go through. Is it correct??
Well keep up with the great site Ken. Remarkable site...Buffy! Maybe Ken you will pop into the chat sometime too , havent been able to spot you or others on there yet..its fun..Thanxs!
Date: November 5, 2000 Name: sPeNcEr uDeLsOn Location: aTtLeBoRo mA. Email: Comment: iCaNt wAiT tO sEe YoU gUyS uP tHeRe! hEy! HoW's tHe bAnD mUsIc CoMmInG aLoNg? hOpE tO SeE yOu sOoN!
cOoL tYpInG BuT iT's rEaLlY sLoW
Date: November 4, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: I seem to recall some time back, seeing a plan of what Corinna might look like, or was that just all of us speculating and dreaming about what it might be? If there is no plan, will there be? It would seem in order for businesses to grow in Corinna, some sort of area should be created and part of that plan be to have regulations about appearance. Has anyone checked into the Main Street U.S.A Program? That may possibly be about restitution of existing buildings. I'm going to contact them and find out. More later :-)
Date: November 3, 2000 Name: Jim Worster Location: Plymouth ME Email: Comment: For all of use that grew up in the town of Corinna, this is a great way to remember all the changes the town has went through in years passed.
>From the Fires to the floods and now this, all must change.
No matter what happened to the people of Corinna they always come back with
a smile on their face.
Their strong proud people.
Date: November 3, 2000 Name: Rebecca Wagner Location: Dallas, Oregon Email: Comment: I drive through Corinna every summer, to our camp on Whetstone Pond. Please visit my website, for great articles on health, interactive tools, supplement reviews and suggestions, and also secure shopping for scientifically formulated herbals. Research your own health concerns. Learn how to live long and healthy lives!! Enjoy!!!
Date: November 1, 2000 Name: John Hartley Location: Lawrence MA Email: Comment: I used to work at Eastland Woolen Mill. When They went under. The State of Maine sent me to College. I went to NMTC and was Hired as a tester Anilizer for Lucent Technologies.
It's sad to see the Mill gone, but I'm better off now. Thank you Eastland Woolen Mill, If it weren't for you I [wouldn't have my present job.]
Date: November 1, 2000 Name: Paul Gene Howes Location: West Blocton Al. Email: Comment: I was born in Corinna in Oct of 1946. However, my family moved when I was very young. Therefore I have no memories of having lived there.
I did make a visit back to Corinna several years ago, just so I could say I have some memories of it.
I still have family in Maine and visit about once a year. I will be watching this website with interest and will make another visit again in the future. Thanks for a nice website.
Paul Howes
Date: October 31, 2000 Name: Jo Powers Location: Peoria, Arizona Email: Comment: I have lived in Arizona for 30 years but look forward to returning home every summer. I visited the Corinna Museum this summer and enjoyed the trip down memory lane. Living 3,000 miles from home it sure is nice to just click and pull up pictures of my home town. Keep up the great job.
Date: October 31, 2000 Name: Alan & Jean Goodridge Location: Cape Coral Florida Email: Comment: Just discovered this site, you are doing a fantastic job, Keep it up. (We are in hopes that this project will have a positive impact on our Lake in Newport). We should be back there about the middle of June!
Date: October 30, 2000 Name: Bruce Ervin Location: Pensacola, Florida Email: Comment: Hi;
I was home last July and a lot was gone. This is the first time I have seen any pictures since then. Keep up the good reporting. But it still makes me sad.
Bruce A. Ervin USN Retired
Date: October 30, 2000 Name: Kay Gray Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, don't you take a day off? You worked on this all morning!!! I appreciate it very much, it is great! What a blizzard we are having here in Corinna today, huh? I used the Chat Room the last 2 nights and had a blast!! It's great to talk to people I haven't seen for a long time, (my 2 brothers popped in, too)I think you've started something!
Date: October 30, 2000 Name: Norman Clarke Location: Suddenly white Pittsfield Email: Comment: Ken,
Since it's nearing Halloween, I couldn't help thinking about how similar the clean up site story and the grade B horror movies my son and I have been watching these past few days were.
It is like something from Stephen King. Strange substance oozes from the bottom of the mill and eventually eats up the entire downtown area.
Scientists and townspeople try to solve the mystery. Finally, things are looking up. The Odd Fellows Hall is spared, much to the protest of one lone old timer. It is moved to a new location and, at last, the horrible "monster" is contained and eliminated. Or so they thought. The good guys leave town with their hard hats and clip boards.
But...soon, Judy's flowers begin to die, the Corinna School sign is changed back to The Eastland School, Bush and Gore each become president and as the final credits roll, they find out it was The Odd Fellows Hall all along!
Fade to black.
Date: October 30, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: Ken, is it my computer or have you not finished loading the photos to go with the captions? I'm dying to see that Maine snow.
Date: October 29, 2000 Name: Bill Demo Location: Skowhegan, ME Email: Comment: Forgot to mention also that we had structural movers from as far away as Dallas, Texas and Canada visit me on this site while working on this project.
Date: October 29, 2000 Name: Bill Demo Location: Skowhegan, ME Email: Comment: I had the privilege of moving this historical building (Odd Fellows Hall) in Corinna, ME with the Cianbro Corporation, as a structural moving consultant, and found it to be a challenge and a great place to work there in Corinna Maine. Also, the Cianbro Corporation is a great company to work with and I had excellent people working with me on this site. I have been in the structural recycling industry for 28 yrs. and every job brings new challenges and being over the river was one of the big challenges of this job. The building weighed, with steel beams on dollies, approximately 180 ton. I have really enjoyed this cattail press site as I check it daily. Doing a great job...keep it up!
Date: October 29, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Etna, Maine Email: Comment: The aerial photo your parents displayed earlier this week of downtown really hit me for all the changes. I have watched the changes on this site almost daily, but it finally hit, everything is gone. I had a chance to see it all first hand yesterday, quite a change even since Labor Day. I may try the chat room this evening on my daughter's computer. I have had trouble getting in with our computer ( I need to load another program).
Thanks for the site and congratulations on 50,000 plus hits. Quite an accomplishment for a site about a small Maine community.
Date: October 27, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: That was some kind of photo Ken!!!! It just amazes me to see a town disappear. I fully expect it will come back better than ever.
Date: October 27, 2000 Name: Kathleen Coons Location: Burlington, VT Email: Comment: I haven't been home in over a month, and just checked the site to see what's been happening in good old Corinna.. i'm amazed and can't wait to actually see it myself. Thanks Ken!!
Date: October 27, 2000 Name: Lorraine Hunter Location: Corinna, Me. Email: Comment: HI Ken ,
Wondering what they are doing at the swim front. Want to check it out for us?? Please !
Thanxs for all your work,
Date: October 27, 2000 Name: S. Mathews Location: Tucson, AZ Email: Comment: If any of you see my mom or dad (Hazel & Rodney Knowles) be sure & wish them a Happy Anniversary. They are celebrating 54 years together today 10/26/00!!!! Many changes have they seen while living in Corinna all these years.
Date: October 27, 2000 Name: Norma Trefethen Karram Location: El Cajon, California Email: Comment: THIS is a great site as I've told you before It's the cream of the crop (or the hot fudge on the sundae) Congratulations to you on your award from the GOV!
Date: October 27, 2000 Name: Lee Leavitt Location: Zellwood, FL Email: Comment: I've enjoyed looking at your excellent page. Congratulations on your award. Betty never told me she is a photographer.
Date: October 27, 2000 Name: jim young Location: millersville, maryland Email: Comment: I really enjoy seeing the progress of Corinna. GREAT pictures.
Date: October 26, 2000 Name: Sue Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Have been in Greenville working for four days , couldn't believe the difference when I drove through Main St. Thanks to your hard work I got a chance to see what went on while I was gone. What a great closeup view from the "front lines" Glad you shared a pic of the eighth grade class, what fun!
Date: October 26, 2000 Name: Don Seavey Location: Winthrop Email: Comment: Ken, Marilyn,
Thanks for the great site. I have fond memories of Corinna and miss it. Even though there were some rough times for me there, that's where my heart is. Would like to go back in time sometimes, wouldn't we all? Anyway, you're doing a fine job with the Web Site, appreciate it.
If anyone's interested, I have a small page at [see URL below]
dPlease Note: I put the URL to Don's page down here because it would not fit as a link inside the comment box above.
Date: October 26, 2000 Name: Ryan Stankevitz Location: Mooresville North Carolina Email: michellenryan@yahoo,com Comment: First of all i want to congratulate Ken on the governors award.
this sight is truly amazing and being in the computer industry i appreciate the time and work he puts into this and want to say thank you. and the chat room is great lorraine is in there and mariliyn to we have agreed to be on this friday and saturday from 8-9pm maine time and we invite anyone to come in and chat. Even if you are not from corinna we want you to come in and chat there is a lot of fun to be had in there. and you might learn something also will see everyone friday night and thanks again for the
great sight ken.
Alyssa, Michelle and Ryan
Date: October 25, 2000 Name: Helen S Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Dear Ken;
Will there be any kind of publication about the change in down street Corinna. The way it was and the way it will when everything is done? I mean
more or less in a daily order.
Thank you HS
Date: October 25, 2000 Name: Kristen Butler Location: CORINNA MAINE Email: Comment: this is a great online newspaper!!!!!! i come each and every day after school to find out about the world news!! this paper should be printed
Date: October 24, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: Just got off the "CHAT" with Lorraine and Ryan. In an effort to get more people using the CHAT, we are going to sign on from 8-9 p.m. Maine time, Friday and Saturday evening. [That's 7-8 p.m. Oklahoma time :-) ]
Interesting point I learned: You can log on, but do not have to sit there and wait for someone else to sign on. Just do not sign off, and go on to other Internet activities. Then you can toggle back and forth to see if anyone else has signed on. Not sure if I used the correct terminology, but hope you get the idea.
Date: October 23, 2000 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, Nebraska Email: Comment: Hi Marilyn & Everyone..I, too, have been wondering where everyone is on the Forum and also the chat. I have been out of town for the past week or so and went to the chat room last night to catch up on the Corinna (and elsewhere) news and there was no one there. Not even Lorraine. I check in every evening from about 8:00 to 10:00 Maine time. Maybe I can catch you there.
Date: October 23, 2000 Name: Ryan Reardon Location: Waterville, ME Email: Comment: My sargeant told me about the site. Out of pure curiosity, I took a peek at it. I had noticed the work on my way up to the farm in Dexter. I was amazed to see how much had been done. The big green mill was a familiar site on the way home, whether it be from college or other interesting places. You can hardly recognize the town on the way through. I was little depressed to see that Henderson's was closed. That was a great place to stop and get a pizza or soda on the way through.
Your hard work is greatly appreciated. It is nice to see that someone has taken the time to do something so special. I don't get a chance to get up to the area that often. It's going to be nice to check into the guest book to see what's going on. I guess my hope in all this, is that Corinna can have a new start. I can't wait to see what the future holds for the town and it's great people. Good-luck to everyone.
Date: October 23, 2000 Name: Joe Shipman Location: Waterville Email: Comment: Although I don't live in Corinna anymore, I really enjoy reading about whats going on and looking at the pictures. It brings back many happy memories. I travel frequently and was currently in the San Francisco area visiting friends who led me to your site. Keep up the good work.
Date: October 23, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester, NY Email: Comment: Thanks for the site. Great pictures of the OFH move. Did they complete the move? Hope to get a first hand look next weekend. Keep up the great work. I see your getting some help with photography.
Date: October 22, 2000 Name: BAXTER COOK HOUSE AND BUILDING MOVERS Location: Searsport, Maine Email: Comment: I viewed the job of OFH a couple of times. Was there today, watching the move. It is nice to watch someone esle moving and that they are responsible for the move. I worked for Merrill Transport for 20 years and made many trips to Eastland Woolen. I started my own business and have been moving bigger buildings for 15 years. I really enjoyed seeing the progress on this web. It is really nice. Keep up the good work.
Date: October 21, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, OK Email: Comment: Two days have gone by and no entries on the "Forum" or the "Guest Book". Lorraine didn't even show up on the "Chat" tonight! :-) Where is every body? Would like those of you who know my brother Harold Parker that he made it to Oklahoma last week (along with Lurene, Coleen and Danny
Swan). Wonderful visit!
Date: October 21, 2000 Name: Kenneth & Charlene Emerson Location: Zephyrhills, Fla Email: CKEmerson Comment: We enjoy going in and checking everyday on the Odd Fellows building, and will watch to see when the move takes place. We enjoy the pictures and the daily notes you do, nice to keep in touch during the winter months, while were here in Florida.
Date: October 21, 2000 Name: Virginia (Day) Turner Location: Palmyra, Maine Email: Comment: I check this site every day, and must tell you , you are doing a terrific job of keeping everyone informed about the changes being made. So anxious to see that building move! I was in Corinna yesterday and went down to our old house, walked out back to see the path I used to short-cut to main street and good old CUA. What total destruction! The path behind the barn is still there but that is all that is the same. At least I still have the memories, and they were good ones!
Keep up the good work and congratulations on the award!
Date: October 20, 2000 Name: Richard Bragg Location: Dover-Foxcroft Email: Comment:
Date: October 19, 2000 Name: Phil Cleaves Location: Southern Maine Email: Comment: My Mom & Dad Who Still Live in Dexter Told Me i should Check out this webpage , im glad I Did , wow , Things look a heck of alot different since the last time i was up that way! Guess i need to get up that way more often ( Parents threaten me if i dont) haha Great Job on The Page And Awsome Pictures from the Past and Present
Date: October 19, 2000 Name: Bob Gallison Location: Garwood, New Jersey Email: Comment: Ken,
As usual, you are doing a wonderful job with keeping us outta-staters informed with the happenings in Corinna. Will be up with my sister Debbie to close up camp on Puffers on Thursday. Hopefully OFH will make it's trip safely down Main street.
Date: October 18, 2000 Name: Doris Ray Location: Norway, Maine Email: Comment: Ken,
Bless you for this wonderful web-chronicle! What a bittersweet experience for all of you for whom Corinna is home! Last night I just started reading Scott Russell Sanders' book WRITING FROM THE CENTER. It is about being related to a place, being rooted in a specific location that is home. He writes: "To discover our true address, we will have to stay off the interstates, avoid the friendly franchises, climb out of our cars, hunt up guides who have lived heedfully in place, and we will have to walk around with eyes and ears open to the neighborhood." This web site is the "eyes and ears" of the Corinna neighborhood. Thank you for this VERY IMPORTANT work.
Date: October 18, 2000 Name: Ronald Richards Location: Roseville MI. Email: Comment: Keep the Cattail going.
October 17, 2000 Name:
Judy Doore Location:
Oops! The Odd Fellows will be moved a few hundred yards down the STETSON ROAD not the Exeter Road. There is some digging going on a few hundred yards down the Exeter Road but that is a contaminated site and not the foundation of the IOOF Hall. Actually, the foundation of the IOOF will not be poured until after the building is blocked up on site. Judy
Judy- Thanks for pointing this out. As a child I first learned the names of these two roads incorrectly and have been confusing them all my life. I have the same problem with left and right. Never ask me for directions, especially how to get to Stetson or Exeter. I'm a great illustration of that principle of learning, "first learned becomes the rule". -Ken
Date: October 16, 2000 Name: Tammy J Hatfield Location: Florida Email: Comment: Hi, My name is Tammy Hatfield, I am not sure who is doing this web site, I did not see a name. I am the daughter of Clayton and Jean Hatfield. My grandparents are Martha and Hubert Hatfield. I have a brother Brian Hatfield. We grew up in Maine and still visit every year. I thought the pictures were very interesting as I have not been up there now for at least 10 months. If anyone wants to write to me, that would be wonderful and I would enjoy hearing from you and so would my Nana, Martha Hatfield.
Thanks, Tammy
Date: October 15, 2000 Name: Dawn Davis Smith &
Fawn Davis CondonLocation: Corinna, Maine Email: Comment: Hi Ken:
We want to thank you for putting our Corinna Literary Club coverlet project on the Cattail Press. Many people are excited about our towns new look and we hope these coverlets will give people a lasting tribute to the Stewart Library Building and our town.
We also wish to thank the many people who have already ordered the coverlets. Many thanks again
Dawn and Fawn (The Davis Twins)
P.S. The coverlet is on display at the Corinna town office with order forms.
Date: October 14, 2000 Name: Garath A. Buker Location: NEWPORT, MAINE Email: Comment: Really a very nice site to memorialize what Corinna history was and forever will be. Thank you
Date: October 14, 2000 Name: Brian Hatfield Location: Sunny Florida Email: Comment: Ken lots of new names and some great pictures . Keep up the good work.
Date: October 13, 2000 Name: Marilyn McAlpine Location: Orrington,Me Email: Comment: Congratulations!!!! And thanks for all the hard work you do on the web site.
Date: October 13, 2000 Name: Dan Tarr Location: Parkman Email: Comment: You have a great page, very informational etc., but am curious what you will be writing about once the project in Corinna is completed. Will that be the end of the cat tail press???
Dan- This is good question. I'm not sure yet what will happen to The Cattail Press. It will be around for a while. The cleanup and re-building of the road will take at least another year. -Ken
Date: October 12, 2000 Name: Dave Noyes Location: San Jose, Ca. Email: Comment: Saw the story of the clean-up a couple of weeks ago. Thought I'd check out your site. Actually wrote your site address on a bookmark and could not remember what it was.
Date: October 12, 2000 Name: Jasmine Lee Location: San Francisco CA Email: Comment: Growing up I remember driving through Corinna on the way to Dover-Foxcroft a few times a year. I remember when Corinna was a bustling little town. Driving through it the past few years has been so sad. Now I understand why so much better. Your documenting of the town as it is demolished brought tears to my eyes, as I remember driving by the mill and the stores that no longer exist. I wish the residents of Corinna nothing but joy and prosperity as they rebuild a beautiful part of Maine which holds such fond memories for me!
Date: October 11, 2000 Name: Jackie Emerson Location: Corinna, ME Email: Comment: Kenny - I must echo the thoughts of others that have already written in about the BEAUTIFUL fall foliage shot. The colors seem so much more vibrant this year than they have for a few years. Truly enjoy checking in on your website daily [or most everyday] and reading the comments from former Corinna-ites and those from other parts of this great country of ours. Keep up the good work you are doing.
Date: October 10, 2000 Name: Matt Gleckman Location: Cortez, CO Email: Comment: Just checking out the site. Haven't visited in a while. Beautiful of the fall foliage reflected in the stream. Congrats on all the success with the site.
Date: October 10, 2000 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, Nebraska Email: Comment: Ken....My wife, Corinne, and I have really enjoyed your fall photographs during the past week. I keep updating the wallpaper on my PC as you add them. You do great work and we displaced Mainers appreciate it.
Thank you.
Date: October 10, 2000 Name: C.R. "Bing" Grindle Location: Roanoke, Virginia Email: Comment: My wife and I went through Corinna last week. We were very impressed with the Corinna Historical Society now housed in the beautiful former Corinna Union Academy building. My Father, Colonel Wade Grindle, was a headmaster there in the early 1900's. (My Mother's father was Dr. Fred L. Redman in Corinna.) We met Pam buck in the Stewart Library building who phoned Colonel Bolstridge to meet us at the CUA building. We want to thank him (and Pam) for their hospitality in making us feel welcome.
Colonel Bolstridge was most informative regarding Corinna's history and has contributed very generously to the Historical Society with personal resources and time. What a wonderful gentleman at 80 years of age. We were amazed at the number of different antique items many people have already contributed to the Historical Society. I'm sure it takes lots volunteer time to display them all and would like to help if I lived nearby! I was on a busy 2000 mile traveling schedule with my wife and cousins and wish we could have spent more time in Corinna.
Date: October 10, 2000 Name: Donna Bird Boody Location: Bangor Email: Comment: Ken,
Thanks for the beautiful foliage wallpaper! I have replaced my summer Alder Streen picture with the Fall version. Perhaps a four season likeness of that particular spot would be a good idea?! You continue to do an excellent job keeping us all up to date on the "goings on." Thanks again.
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