Previous Entries
September 24 - October 9, 2000
October 9, 2000
Brian Knowles
Rochester, NY
We have been away for a few weeks and it has taken some time to get caught up with all the new entries. While away we did log into our e-mail once at an internet cafe, we had to see our first grandchild, born while we were in Switzerland. The time on the internet was rather expensive but more so, very difficult to use European keyboards, systems and translate German, so didn't spend time checking all our regular sites.
Congratulations on the Governor's award. You certainly deserve this award for all your efforts in providing this great website. Thanks for the site.
Date: October 9, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: Ken, WebShots has nothing on today's photo of Maine foliage!
Date: October 8, 2000 Name: Marilyn (Parker) Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: TO Glenice Willette
I'm wondering if you are the Glenice we bought Dixie from. She was my first pony and I just loved her. Had many wonderful years with her and to this day still miss her.
Date: October 7, 2000 Name: June Jaworski Location: Corinna, ME Email: Comment: Folks might be interested to know that this year we have had several people come into the Library building and "ooh" and "aah" over the overall structure, the private library of Levi Stewart, etc. When the leaves are off the trees, the Library does stand out much more than it did before the town renovations and it is one beautiful building that we can be proud of in this town. Watch for a new project that the Literary Club is coming out with which features the library building.
Yes, wouldn't the Town Hall show up much better if those first two trees on the lawn were cut down. -Ken
Date: October 7, 2000 Name: Glenice Willette Location: Corinna Email: Comment: I have just recently acquired my own Computer and checking The Cattail Press is one of the first things I do every morning; you are doing a great job, Ken. I enjoy reading the Guest Book; it is great finding out where so many people have gone since they left Corinna. Am anxious to see them move the Odd Fellows Building as I know many others are; looks like it will be soon. Keep up the good
Date: October 7, 2000 Name: Judy Richards Location: Petals Plus FLORIST, Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, We're all so proud and grateful for your efforts and those of your family in keeping us informed during this project. Work continues at my front door daily, but I check in with you to
see where we stand. Thanks again!
Date: October 5, 2000 Name: Roland Beauregard (senior) Location: Saint Albans,Maine Email: Comment: Mel Russell, in his Oct. 4 Guest Book comments, poses some very interesting questions and they merit some answers from the "powers that be".
Indeed, the question Mel poses below came up at the TAG meeting on Oct 2. I will pass on to you the answer we get from EPA. -Ken
Date: October 5, 2000 Name: Peggy (Dearborn) Hamblett Location: Wareham, MA Email: Comment: Hi Kenny, remember me???? Riding in your yellow bug bring back memories?? Well I have to say, I visited Corinna over the weekend and was astonished as to what I saw.....Wow....we finally made it on the news....
After reading all the mail, I guess you have been a wonderful source to all the going ons in the town of Corinna.....I have just looked at Cattail Press and am very impressed......Great job, and I will visit this website more often....Also, anyone of my old class mates please email me....would love to hear from you........Peggy
Date: October 4, 2000 Name: Tammy (Bradley) Ludden Location: St. Albans, ME Email: Comment: Great pictures!! Congrats on the Gov. Award, I just got hooked up on the internet and will visit often. This doesn't look at all like the town I grew up in!! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Date: October 4, 2000 Name: Mona L Martin Location: Email: Comment: Hello Ken,
Belated congratulations of your Governor's Award. It is very well deserved.
Today's picture, Oct. 3, reminds me of old pictures I have seen of strip mining, you know, old copper mines, etc.
Date: October 4, 2000 Name: Mel Russell Location: Casselberry (Orlando), FL Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
Let me add my congratulations to those of everyone else who has written in on your recent Governor's Award! Well done, you certainly deserve it!
Today's photo and commentary was interesting. I didn't know they were going to let the stream flow in the old riverbed again. It does raise an interesting question, though - if they haven't finished excavating under the Odd Fellows Hall and the old mill site by late fall, and the river flow is restored, don't they risk recontaminating the sites already excavated?
Wouldn't soil from the areas not yet excavated leach contaminants into the water to be carried downstream once again?
Keep up the great work!
Mel Russell
Date: October 2, 2000 Name: Amanda Dorman & Jeff White Location: Gorham ME Email: Comment: Great job U. Kenny, your site just keeps getting better and better.
Date: October 2, 2000 Name: Clyde Smith Location: California Email: Comment: Ken:
Congratulations on the Governor's Award. With all the work you have done, it is well deserved.
I still visit the site every day, I hope that sometime in the future you may do a book about Corinna.
All the best
Clyde Smith
Date: October 2, 2000 Name: Bill Thiele Location: Hollis Email: Comment: Congrats on your award Ken. I don't get up much and don't seem to run into old classmates "70" when I do get there.
Date: October 2, 2000 Name: Paul & Alberta Andrade Location: Westport, Ma Email: Comment: Really enjoy your daily updates and beautiful pictures, some I use as wallpaper on my PC. Enjoyed our visits to Corinna every time we come.
Date: October 2, 2000 Name: Bunny Ingalls Moore and Richard Moore Location: Unity, Me. 04988 Email: ingallside Comment: Dear Ken,
We just discovered your web site. What a marvelous way to document Corinna's trip back to good health. You certainly deserve the Governor's
Keep up the amazing work. I can remember swimming under the street in all the different dye colors. Whoever woulda thunk it! Well done!
Date: October 1, 2000 Name: Miriam Davis Location: Waterville, Maine Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
I really enjoy checking out the updates in Corinna. Your doing a great job and I know people who no longer live in CORINNA really appreciate being able to check out what's happening. Congratulations on your award.
Date: September 30, 2000 Name: Christa Parker Location: Long Grove, IL. Email: Comment: It is great to be able check in on the old home town and see all the change it is going through. Since I move to the Chicago area it has gone through a lot. It also great to read all the comment From the different people, some who grew up in Corinna, and especially the ones who didn't. Who would of thought that the tearing down of one old mill would have reached so many different people from so many different places.
Keep up the good work.
Date: September 29, 2000 Name: Charlotte Lowe Location: Email: Jewell3456@AOL.COM Comment:
Date: September 29, 2000 Name: Gerald Smith Location: Windsor, Ca Email: Comment: Ken,
I now visit your site daily and still enjoy it as much, if not more, than my first visit!
Congratulations on your award, which is very well deserved. Your site is truly one of the few that really convey the power of the internet.
Best regards, Gerald
p.s. Kept those panoramic photos coming...
Date: September 28, 2000 Name: Matt Location: Green Mountain, New Brunswick Email: Comment: Saw the story on NEWS CENTER, tonight. Great work! And congrats on the governors award, it was well deserved. The photos are great.
Date: September 28, 2000 Name: Don Seavey Location: Winthrop Maine Email: Comment: I grew up in Corinna and miss all of the friends that I made there. Thanx for putting up this site, I hope some of my ol' buddies will see my name and drop me an e-mail.
Date: September 28, 2000 Name: Lorraine Hunter Location: Corinna Email: Comment: KEN,
Date: September 28, 2000 Name: Barbara Cloutier Location: Newport, ME Email: Comment:
Date: September 28, 2000 Name: Tom Burrill Location: Uxbridge, MA Email: Comment: Ken E,
Congratulations on the award. The Cattail press is now part of my daily morning routine.
Your work has kept all of us who grew up in Corinna and have moved away up to date with the goings on of the old home town.
Date: September 27, 2000 Name: Carol Ann King Location: Corinna, Maine Email: Comment: Hi Kenny - I haven't written in a while but that doesn't mean I haven't been following you daily - thanks again for a job well done and enjoyed by so many. I too want to add my congratulations on the Governor's Award. Know one deserves it more.
Thanks - Carol Ann
Date: September 27, 2000 Name: Kevin Brodeur Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, I just wanted to take a moment to add my congratulations on a job well done. Visiting the Cattail press has become a regular part of my routine! Once again great job!
P.s. if there are any of my class mates out there who read the guest book and want to drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you at email address above.
Date: September 27, 2000 Name: Wayne Brown Location: Fort Myers, FL Email: Comment: We have been away for a long weekend in Kansas City, MO attending a granddaughters wedding. I missed my daily check on your site and am trying to catch up on "previous" links today. May I add my heartfelt congratulations on you receiving the Governors Award. Well deserved. Among the names currently on the guest register I even noticed two or three persons I know. This is rather rare since I have been away from Corinna so long. Keep up the good work. I was also pleased to see a picture of Everett Simpson; I have corresponded with Everett but never met him yet.
Date: September 26, 2000 Name: Norma Kenney Leavitt Location: Harmony Email: Comment: Ken, thank you for providing us with a day-to-day scrapbook of the changing town that is precious to many of us and for so many reasons.
Each day when checking the site, I think how wonderful it is that this site could bring so many people, emotions, and memories together again. . . we have all been blessed by your work and I wish to applaud you for the wonderful job done!
Congratulations on the Environmental Award for Excellence - it is exciting to know that other people recognize the importance of this project that you have created and shared with so many.
Date: September 26, 2000 Name: Sup R Spud Location: Tater Town Email: Comment: Where can i buy one of them big blue tarps? They make awful good bankin' for my house, they do a wickid good job keepin the snow out.
Date: September 26, 2000 Name: Janet Miller Location: Taft, CA Email: Comment: Ken,
What a wonderful award for all your efforts. Congratulations - you've touched many people's lives with the Cattail Press. Who would have thought when you started to document the Mill demolition, that this site would blossom into such a great reference point for so many people? Thank you again.
Date: September 26, 2000 Name: Judy Doore Location: Town Office Email: Comment: Ken, I am really sorry I missed you when you came to the office Friday after the awards! What can I add new to your log? You have received some great words. You and your family are most deserving of this award!
We are so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your talents and your precious time! Thank you to DEP and Governor King for recognizing you!
Date: September 26, 2000 Name: Jason Brown Location: Portland, ME Email: Comment: And to think: while I was in Corinna visiting the folks on Saturday, you were off hob-nobbing with the Governor! Congratulations, Ken! Well deserved!
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Joan Bradley Location: Detriot, Maine Email: Comment: Congratulations on receiving the Governor's award. I have certainly enjoyed your web page. You have done a great service to your community and the whole area.
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Lee & Peggy Kaufman Location: Dexter, Maine 04930 Email: Comment: Great job Ken! Congratulation on receiving the Governor's Award for your educational site on the Superfund cleanup in Corinna. We enjoy all your hard work on this project. Corinna will never be the same, just environmentally safe now!
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Peter Smith Location: Boothbay Harbor Email: Comment: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Ken you truly deserve the recognition you received. I am not sure what is bigger in Corinna, the demolition of Main Street or your great website! Either way your work has made everyone feel they are connected.
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Beverly Stankevitz Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Congratulations on your award. You sure do deserve it. I visit the sight each day, as it is much easier than getting through traffic to see what is happening in our town. You are doing a great job.
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Linda Deering Location: St. Albans, ME Email: Comment: Congratulations, Kenny. Well deserved. I enjoy this web site very much. Checking it has become a daily routine. (Like brushing your teeth)
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Betsy (& Rollie) Dorman Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
I just wanted to say "Way to go, Big Guy!" An award from the Governor! Not too shabby! To think that I can claim that I am a friend and former classmate of one so gifted is almost more than I can bear.
Seriously, I congratulate you on your award. It is well-deserved. Your Cattail Press has been a blessing for many. It has helped, and will continue to help, our little town through its metamorphosis. God Bless!
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: yvonne young Location: millersville,maryland Email: Comment: Congrats on the award. I am happy that others notice the work you do. Once again thank you for a job well done.
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: CELON & AUDREY SWEET Location: St. Albans, Me. Email: Comment: Hi Ken, Congratulations on receiving the Governor's Award. You certainly deserve it and much more. You have made many people happy and grateful by creating this web-site. Celon and I check it out every morning and I have made a notebook of the happenings. Celon spent 25 years in that old mill so he finds all of this very interesting. We drive over from St. Albans 2 or 3 times a week to check on the latest. Keep up the good work, Ken, and we all thank you for your time and dedication.
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Maryanne D. Smith Location: Newport Email: Comment: Congratulations on receiving the Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence. Did you ever dream when you began this Web page that it would escalate to what it is today? Not only are you keeping people of this community informed and up to date on the "cleanup", but people from all over the world have logged on to your Web site. We can't thank you and your family enough for your endless efforts. We are so very proud of you. Keep up the great work!!!!
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: ALICIA CARCIERI Location: PLAINFIELD , CT. Email: Comment:
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Darrell & Judie Hartley Location: Your Street Email: Comment: Ken:
We echo the" congratulation" salutations you are receiving from all of the fans of "Cattailpress". A well deserved honor bestowed upon you and all the Dow's by the Governor. You do us all a great service! in Corinna, and all over the country.
Thank you Kenny!
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Jane Quimby Biscoe Location: Waldoboro, Maine Email: Comment: Ken - Let me add my name to the list of those who are so proud of you and your well-deserved honor!! You continue to perform a special service to us all. It is so good to see hard work and dedication recognized.
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Terry and Sallie (Robichaud) Morancie Location: Brewer, Maine Email: BMIKE74@AOL.COM Comment: Hello Ken
Sallie and I left Corinna and Dexter in 1953 for me and 1960 for her. We have been around the Boston area for several years then to New Hampshire and finally moved to Brewer in 1968 working for the FAA. I am now retired and live here in Brewer. Sallie is staying at home taking care of her mother and I work part time for Rec Tech Inc and Lane Supply in Brewer. We have a 5th wheel camper but don't get to use it much the past 2 years.
I remember when "Herbie" Dow was the Fire Chief as I was a fire buff and belonged to Dexter and when we came to Brewer was on the Call Dept for 28 years.
Congratulations on the award, this is a very nice Web Site. Keep up the good work as we really enjoy it even though we get up to town quite often..
Terry and Sallie
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Norman Clarke Location: Email: Comment: Ken, Congratulations! They recognized what we have known all along. Great job and continued success.
Date: September 25, 2000 Name: Jim Emerson Location: Beautiful downtown Corinna Email: Comment: Congratulations Kenny on your Governors Award. You sure have earned it. Everyone in Corinna, I'm sure, is proud of you. The information that you distribute to all who visit your site would be pretty much impossible for them to find unless they live in Corinna, and then I'm not sure it would be that easy for us. Keep up the great work. It looks like you will be pretty busy with the clean-up for a long time. See you around town, Jim E
Thanks to all who have written in with congratulations on the Governor's Award. -Ken
Date: September 24, 2000 Name: Jeanne and Elmer Sawtelle Location: Peaks Island, ME Email: Comment: Way to go, Ken. Congratulations on a well deserved honor! We are certainly enjoying your efforts. It be of great interest when the Odd Fellows Hall is moved. Hope that all goes well.
The weather is great down here and we are getting out, every day, for walks next to the ocean. Great place to recover from serious illnesses.
Thanks Ken, for a special job.Jeanne- Our best wishes to you and Elmer as he recovers. -Ken
Date: September 24, 2000 Name: Dennis Carr Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken,
Congratulations on the Governor's Award. It was very much deserved!!!
Date: September 24, 2000 Name: Sue Emerson Location: Corinna Email: Comment: How wonderful to see you receiving recognition for your "labor of love." In love for community and dedication to education you and your family are performing a great service. Congratulations on a job well done and an honor well deserved. Visiting the Cattail Press is a morning ritual for us and will continue to be so.
Date: September 24, 2000 Name: Donna Boody Location: Bangor Email: Comment: Congratulations Ken on your well deserved award!
Date: September 24, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: WOW!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! An honor well deserved is to put it mildly. So many people have benefited from this web site and we all enjoy it so much. I too am one who gets exhausted just thinking about how you manage to keep up a full time job and the Press too which has definitely turned into a full time job.
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