Previous Entries
September 1 - September 23, 2000
Date: September 23, 2000 Name: Dan Winters Location: Cave Creek, Arizona Email: Comment: Hi Ken -
We've relocated out West since I last wrote - although my job keeps me back in New England on a monthly basis.
I had the thrill to come through Corinna about three weeks ago. I say thrill, but it was also a huge surprise. As good as your pictures have been, they didn't capture for me the total devastation of main street. I felt like I was staring at a long lost friend who had changed so much that I had all I could do to recognize him.
It was nice to see all of the progress though. I noticed that "Eastland School" has had not only an addition, but a name change as well. When did that happen and why? I assume the name "Eastland" doesn't carry as much weight in the town as it used to!!!
Keep up the great work. I'll look you up if I get through again!!
Date: September 23, 2000 Name: Jeff Jacob Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Ken, I've been checking the Cattail Press every day for many months now, and I have only one question:
How on earth do you manage to keep this web site supplied with fresh pictures, text, and features every single day of the year? I get exhausted just thinking about it!
Let me just say 'thanks' for letting us share your labor of love with you; you can be sure it's well appreciated. KUTGW
Date: September 22, 2000 Name: Norm Clarke Location: my office Email: Comment: Ken
I guess I missed an entry where the Odd Fellows Hall move was explained.
I understand, through the grapevine, that the OF, or tenants, were offered $300.000 for a new building and were happy about it. Also, the hall was in danger of not making the move intact.
Suddenly, it became a historical landmark and must be moved, not destroyed. What happened? I hope it does not become the Odd Fellows Memorial Pile of Lumber.
PS: With all the comments from people regarding going under the hall, down by the river, and smoking, perhaps part of the soil contamination under there is nicotine.Norman - Ed Hathaway of the EPA sent in a summary of the Odd Fellows Hall situation. You can read it here. - Ken
Date: September 21, 2000 Name: Paul Shaw Location: Corinth Email: Comment: It was nice to see the people still care about Corinna. I know that I will never forget my childhood days in Corinna. I hope they don't tear down any more homes that I lived in as a boy. I might get a complex.
1972 - 1991
Date: September 20, 2000 Name: Bob Wallace Location: Duluth, Minnesota on Lake Superior Email: Comment: Ken, I continue to enjoy your daily photos of the work being done on the cleanup.
I found the panoramic view today really put the scope of the work in perspective. Can you show a current shot of the piles where all this stuff is going. There must be a mountain by now! I hope the Odd Fellows Hall holds together for its next (and hopefully final) move.
It sure looks questionable from the pictures. I also hope the cost isn't as bad as what is being talked about, but it probably is. Keep up the good work. It sure is enjoyed.
Date: September 19, 2000 Name: Jason Brown Location: Portland, ME Email: Comment: Roland Beauregard makes a valid point regarding the expense of relocating the Odd Fellows' hall. Moreover, rumor has it that the building is not likely to survive a second move, according to one of the contractors. I understand that the decision is final, and that we must respect the wishes of the surviving Odd Fellows. That said, I hope extra precautions are taken to preserve the stained glass windows in the hall, particularly if there is any question as to whether or not the building will make it in one piece.
Date: September 19, 2000 Name: Melanie Seamans Young Location: Strafford, NH Email: Comment: I have been checking in regularly and have enjoyed the photos and updates of the town's progress, though nothing compares to seeing the real thing. My last trip though town was a few months ago and as I rounded the corner I nearly drove off the road. "Beruit" was the first thing I thought of. Thanks keeping us abreast of the project!
Date: September 18, 2000 Name: Lynn Miller Location: Chippenham, England. Email: Comment:
Date: September 13, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: Ken, My great great grandfather would have been Ursula Knowles Sawtelle's great uncle. As that starts to get into cousins I have always had trouble figuring out 1st, 2nd, 3rd and once, twice, and so on, removed. Someday I'll have to try to figure out those relationships.
Date: September 13, 2000 Name: Roland Beauregard (senior) Location: Saint Albans,Maine Email: Comment: A "usually reliable " source tells me that relocating the Odd Fellows building is going to cost $300,000. That's not a typo. I said three hundred thousand dollars. I hope and pray that my source is wrong .
Those of us who voted in the website poll in favor of tearing it down aren't going to feel very good knowing that taxpayer dollars are being "squandered ???" in this "worthy???" fashion.
Date: September 13, 2000 Name: Roland Beauregard (senior) Location: Saint Albans, Maine Email: Comment: The current and former residents of Corinna are very fortunate to have a dedicated person like Ken Dow who has done such commendable work in keeping everyone posted on the happenings with the Superfund Cleanup.
Date: September 12, 2000 Name: Lorna Young Fanjoy Location: Auburn, Maine Email: Comment: Ken
Enjoy your pictures very much and love to read your Guest Book.
Thanks to you I met two of my classmates that I hadn't seen in thirty five years. Your sight has really brought people together.
I have a few pictures of events and people in Corinna over the last forty years. I have Bucks Falls, Bowling Alley, JV Days, Fire in Corinna,
Uncle Razor and many other people. I would gladly share those with anyone that would be interested.
Great Job, keep up the good work.
Date: September 12, 2000 Name: Jean Schmitz Ketch Location: Milford, ME Email: Comment: Hey, Alden called me to tell me about this web site. I find it very exciting and am looking forward to hearing from friends from Corinna.
Sylvia Welch Green told me I could find some history of Corinna with information about my father and the Corinna Taxi. Where to I find that?
Date: September 12, 2000 Name: Catherine Quine Carter Location: Meriden, Connecticut Email: Comment: I am the great grand daughter of Albert Rufus Day. I have been told that his name graces one of the beautiful stained glass windows in the Odd Fellows Hall. I am so glad to hear the hall will be preserved. It is my goal to visit Corinna sometime this year. We still spend our summers at the camp my great grand parents built in Eastbrook. Would like to be put in touch with someone from the Corinna Historical Society.
Date: September 11, 2000 Name: Daniel Parker Location: New Bern, NC Email: Comment: Has anyone noticed that in the picture of the town in 1919, when it is blown up looks like an angel in the clouds?
Date: September 11, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Rochester NY Email: Comment: Hello Ken, I guess we missed each other on Friday (Sept. 1), I assume you were back to work. We did make it to town for the day. Went to the town hall to get photos of ancestors. While there we meet Marvin Lister, Marvin arranged for us visit the Private Library. I hadn't been in there 35 or 40 years. Marvin told us much of the items in the private library. Thanks Mavin. We went through the Corinna Center Cemetery gathering family history. Again it had been years since I had visited that cemetery. While there we ended up at your grandparents lot. Charles Sawtelle was married to a Knowles who would have been my great, great aunt (I think and will confirm the relationship.
To Brian Hatfield I am sure we have never met, but I knew your father and grandparents well. As a boy I spent a lot of time at your grandparent's farm. They gave me my first dog. A mixed breed, that was before we knew there was such a thing as pure bred dogs. I have mentioned them in earlier Forum entries. Please say Hello to your Grandmother for me.
Ken keep up the great site, it is wonderful to keep up with everything that's happening.Brian- Sorry I missed you. I did know that Aunt Sula was a Knowles but never made the connection. -Ken
Date: September 11, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: I've never asked, but have often wondered why the Odd Fellows Hall was important enough to move so many times in order to preserve it.
I would also be interested to know how the structural quality has survived all these moves. If anyone is interested, I looked up NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORICAL PLACES to find out what was required to be eligible for listing. I did not have the time to really dig and read it all, but that is a good place to go if you have questions. Now I'd like to know what qualifications the Odd Fellows Hall had. Next time I'll be looking up the MAINE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. Thanks Ken for putting the names of these places in your comments.
Date: September 10, 2000 Name: Marilyn Harris McAlpine Location: Orrington, ME Email: Comment: hi just a line to let you know how much I enjoy your pic. and stories about our home town Keep up the great work.
Marilyn Harris McAlpine
Date: September 9, 2000 Name: Jane Quimby Biscoe Location: Waldoboro, Maine Email: Comment: What an amazing series of events have occurred to give our little town the opportunity to literally re-invent itself! Ken, your pictures continue to be so well done, as is the commentary that goes with them. Seeing the rubble that was John and Grace Philbrick's house makes me remember the late Hannah Bowler. Hannah was the kindest and friendliest lady but for some unknown reason my grandmother Jen Sprague's Scottie dog Angus used to go absolutely ballistic whenever Hannah walked by the house.
Gram's house was almost directly across from the Philbricks', next to the old Mullen house where Bernard and Vivian Davis now live. It's definitely a sign of advancing age when we remember things that happened THAT long ago! Thanks for bringing back memories for all of us who love Corinna, though we may have been "away" for a long time.
Cheers! Jane Quimby Biscoe
Date: September 9, 2000 Name: Marilyn Parker Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: Brian, I was delighted to see your mail and learn where Martha was. Please tell her I said hello and inquired about her. Now does she like living in Florida? Does she get back to Corinna occasionally?
Date: September 8, 2000 Name: Brian Hatfield Location: Palm Harbor, Florida Email: Comment: HATFIELDS CHEVERON
Hello everyone in Corinna this is Brian Hatfield son of the late Clayton Hatfield.
I think this site is great!!!!!! I most recently was in Corinna on Labor Day weekend and found out about this site. I now reside in Palm Harbor Florida where my family decided to relocate. My grandmother Martha Hatfield lives here as well. If anyone out there would like some history on this town please feel free to e-mail us. Hope to hear from you Brian And Heidi
Date: September 8, 2000 Name: Sandy Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Hi Ken, Loved the photo of the Odd Fellows Hall in the middle of the street. I wrote a comment and it was answered by one person. Very interesting ideas on why the building was in the middle of the street for so long. I was wondering if anyone else had any comments. My problem is now I can't find my way back there. Please help. Sandy
Sandy- Go to The Cattail Forum. Click on "Readers Poll Results" and you'll find "Moving the Odd Fellows Hall". -Ken
Date: September 8, 2000 Name: ron russell Location: rumford Email: Comment: Lorraine Harris please e-mail me your address
Date: September 8, 2000 Name: Janet Miller Location: Email: Comment: Ken,
Would you please let me know what kind of digital camera you use for the Press? Our graphics/journalism teacher is buying one for class, and I told her how great your pictures look. I think you may have said before, but I've forgotten. Thanks a lot.Janet- I use a Kodak DC280 Zoom camera. -Ken
Date: September 7, 2000 Name: elizabeth richards Location: dexter Email: Comment: great site! everyone says that , hope you know how much appreciated all the effort and time you put into this. nice to re-connect to former classmates and see where they have all scattered over the country. great pics and script of the area renewal. will be glad to see all destruction finished and renewal started. thanks and keep up the good work.
Date: September 7, 2000 Name: Barbara Cloutier Location: Newport, ME Email: Comment: September 6, 2000
Bill (Bill Clukey) and I have watched the demolition almost daily and enjoy watching the changes. He is remembering seeing the Masonic Building being moved for the second time. He has fond memories of it being across the street and he ran it as Jerry's. I enjoy reading the letters and seeing familiar names. You have been doing a wonderful job Kenny.
Barb and Bill Cloutier
Date: September 6, 2000 Name: Alden Schmitz Location: Bellevue, Neb. Email: Comment: HELP!!! This computer business is new to me and I have never been on a chat room before. What am I doing wrong? I follow your simple instructions and all I see is MY name. I am very anxious to join you if someone will tell me how. Thanx
Alden- I'm sure you are doing everything correctly. There just isn't anyone else in the chat room when you are there. I'll be in The Cattail Chat Wednesday evening at 8:00 PM (eastern time). Hope to see you there. -Ken
Date: September 5, 2000 Name: Joe Morancie Location: Port St john, florida Email: Comment: I have many fond memories of Corinna. My mother was raised on the Robichaud farm, and growing up i spent most of my weekends and summers there. Growing up in Brewer, Corinna seemed like a world away the ride would take for ever. the memories of my cousins (seemed like i had hundreds of them), fishing the Alder stream, and Christmas mornings at my grandparents farm will last forever. Thanks for the web site, home is now just a click away.
Date: September 5, 2000 Name: Mary Bowden Location: Corinna Email: Comment: I had a good chat with an long time friend, Lorraine last night.
I think the chat room is great! Thanks again, Ken
Date: September 4, 2000 Name: John and Jodi Thomas Location: Nazareth, PA Email: Comment: We have just left Corinna on Aug.27, 2000. We have a little piece of Maine Heaven on Brooks Pond we purchased in 1995. We were very surprised to see the area on main street when we arrived. Your Web site is very good and will be part of the pages of Corinna history. The pictures are great. This will give us a chance to keep in touch with the clean up as it progresses.
We plan to retire to the area of Corinna and make it our home and are concerned about the contamination of water and soil. Thank you for your information, John and Jodi, E-Mail anytime
Date: September 3, 2000 Name: Lorraine Hunter Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Maybe there are more trying the chat room. We just are on at different times. If it's of any help I get on in the evening. Around 7-9 p.m. We got to get together !!!!
Date: September 3, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: I too have been checking the Chat Room daily, but having never used one before am not quite sure what to do. Lack of use may be because other's like me have had no previous Chat Room experience.
Date: September 3, 2000 Name: Gerald Smith Location: Windsor, Ca. Email: Comment: I just returned from shooting some DV in Corinna and I want to thank Judy, Dawn and Jane for their help.
Ken, I just love your panoramic view photo. Kept up the outstanding work!
Best regards, Gerald
Date: September 2, 2000 Name: Sally & Dave Warren Location: Clinton, MA 01510 Email: Comment: We enjoyed the photos and the comments about Corinna. This is a great site. My brother in law Richard Russell from Dexter told us about the town. We knew Fishbones but have never been to Corinna....yet.
Date: September 2, 2000 Name: Judy Location: Corinna Town Office Email: Comment: Ken, this web site is truly a family affair! Your panoramic work is great!
The new address for the Stone-Ezel Lodge #139 IOOF Hall is 15 Stetson Road. It actually is located on Map 18 Lot 118A on the Corinna Tax Maps.
I spent some time reading the guest book today and am really impressed by the feedback. How you all have time to "keep it up" is a mystery...
Thanks! Judy
Date: September 2, 2000 Name: Linda Location: Email: Comment: Deanna, I have also noticed that no one is using the Chat Room. I have visited several times.
Date: September 1, 2000 Name: Deanna Location: here Email: Comment: well i see there is a chat room for this page, but I do not ever see anyone one. No body must be interested in it huh! Ken put all his work into the program, and no one uses it. that doesn't seem right now does it.
Date: September 1, 2000 Name: Marilyn Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Email: Comment: Ken you have a new section to create in your website. The Funny Pages! I believe Norman Clarke auditioned very well and should be hired.
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