Lately, in Corinna...
For October 2001
October 31, 2001
Corundel Lake DamOctober 30,2001
the intersectionOctober 29, 2001
from the bell towerOctober 27, 2001
downstream from the bridgeOctober 26, 2001
pile disappearOctober 25, 2001
from last OctoberOctober 24, 2001
looking downstreamOctober 23, 2001
other side of the roadOctober 22, 2001
where the bridge will crossOctober 20, 2001
out in the countryOctober 19, 2001
waiting sheltersOctober 18, 2001
filling the holeOctober 17, 2001
the recreational trailOctober 16, 2001
biggest water beds aroundOctober 15, 2001
Old HouseOctober 13, 2001
filling in the holeOctober 12, 2001
temporary channelOctober 11, 2001
the retaining wallOctober 10, 2001
cobble factoryOctober 9, 2001
the retaining wallOctober 8, 2001
Fall colorsOctober 6, 2001
a depth of 39 feetOctober 5, 2001
blocked by diggingOctober 4, 2001
traffic delaysOctober 3, 2001
a great fishing spotOctober 2, 2001
a very deep holeOctober 1, 2001
aerial of the cleanup site