Lately, in Corinna...
For June 2000
June 30, 2000
break up the floorJune 29, 2000
the Alder Stream at the damJune 28, 2000
northern end of the riverJune 27, 2000
Notice the red spotJune 26, 2000
from up over the upper dam.June 25, 2000
an aerialJune 24, 2000
black plasticJune 23, 2000
in the cellarsJune 22, 2000
This drill rigJune 21, 2000
The soldier's monumentJune 20, 2000
taxidermic perversionJune 19, 2000
the Corinna Union Academy bellJune 18, 2000
will change radicallyJune 17, 2000
square of concrete blocksJune 16, 2000
Notice the belfryJune 15, 2000
on the slabJune 14, 2000
an open houseJune 13, 2000
drilling and testingJune 12, 2000
wall paperJune 11, 2000
cuckoo in the clockJune 10, 2000
Alumni BanquetJune 9, 2000
how the stream will lookJune 8, 2000
stand of lupineJune 7, 2000
waiting to be used as fillJune 6, 2000
engraved paving brickJune 5, 2000
Congratulation to the Class of 2000June 4, 2000
from behind the Soldiers MonumentJune 3, 2000
an indication things are happeningJune 2, 2000
only looking upstreamJune 1, 2000
south of the railroad trestle