Lately, in Corinna...
For May 2002
May 31, 2002
white-tail deerMay 30, 2002
planted fieldsMay 29, 2002
outside the Stewart Library BuildingMay 28, 2002
Nokomis Warrior BandMay 27, 2002
Memorial DayMay 25, 2002
Corinna village areaMay 24, 2002
identify this plantMay 23, 2002
close up of a dandelionMay 22, 2002
a mile or two downstreamMay 21, 2002
The EPA will release two reportsMay 20, 2002
The EPA investigationMay 18, 2002
significant contamination downstreamMay 17, 2002
the new river bedMay 16, 2002
mobile crushersMay 15, 2002
EPA has completed the investigationMay 13, 2002
The good ole dandelionMay 11, 2002
Dog-toothed violets and fernsMay 10, 2002
most of the cleanup areaMay 9, 2002
the area south of Route 7May 8, 2002
north of Route 7May 7, 2002
Mrs. Bird's first grade class from 1961May 6, 2002
aerial pictures of village areaMay 4, 2002
four-wheeler clubMay 3, 2002
realignment of the river bed and Route 7May 2, 2002
roundabout abandonedMay 1, 2002
remnant of the old river bed