Previous Entries
March 21 - April 1, 2000
Date: April 1, 2000 Name: Dan Winters Location: Long Island New York Comment: Dear Ken -
It's been a couple of years I think since we last exchanged emails. Seems like I've missed a lot. Thank you for allowing those of us who just can't seem to get back home a chance to revisit and be up to date. Gina (Gray) Lee's family told me about your site - I'll be sure to pass the word on to everyone else I know from around those parts. I hope you and your family are well. Is it possible to post an email listing from the guest book - it would be neat to try to touch base with long lost friends. If it can be done, be sure to include mine.
Date: April 1, 2000 Name: Gina (Reeks) Utter Location: Madisonville, TN Comment: I grew up in Dexter, ME ... traveled through and visited Corinna many times during my childhood years and even now when we come home to visit. It is a great town. Was just there in January ... heard about the plans for the Mill and Main Street. Your web site is great ... made me feel a little closer to home.
Date: April 1, 2000 Name: Bobbie Bryson Location: East Wilton, Maine Comment: Hi Kenny!
My brother, Lyle, just e-mailed me this site. I'm so glad he did. Tony will be very interested to see this, as I am. Great job! What the families neglect to keep us updated on, now I can just come here and get all the news! Main Street sure looks different than it did years ago, huh? Such a shame.
Thanks, Bobbie
Date: April 1, 2000 Name: Lee Willette Location: Pembroke, NH Comment: Ken, you continue to do a wonderful job with this web site! I check in faithfully every day! Thanks so much for the time and dedication you have put forth, along with that of the Contributors you have cited. The picture sequence of the tower coming down was fantastic! For me, like many others I expect, it was viewed with mixed emotions. Growing up in Corinna, and working in the mill during my high school and college days, it seemed unimaginable that the place would ever close - say nothing about being totally removed from the Corinna landscape. The tumbling of the tower serves as a fitting finale to the demolition of the building, and perhaps as the start of a new beginning for the little Town so dear to us. Many know of, or lived through, the setbacks of recent history; the fires destroying Moosehead Woolen, Snowflake Canning, the Main Street business block, and the one heavily damaging Davis Supply and prompting their relocation. The plans for the cleanup and! revitalization are exciting! It's great to see the work being done on the clock tower and is exciting to see the Stewart Library Building returned as the prominent landmark of the Town after being overshadowed by the mill for so many years! The Town is so fortunate to have the Superfund monies available for this project. So many New England towns remain marred by the presence of abandoned, decaying mill buildings. I look forward to watching the "new" Corinna emerge!
Lee Willette
Date: April 1, 2000 Name: Jim E Location: Corinna Comment: Ken,
I guess I must tell you that I am among the small group of people that have have been to the top of the now defunct water tower. My good pal Steve Burrill and I went to the top several times when we were in high school. When you see Dick Jones , he can attest to this. It seems we scared him more than we should have been scared ourselves. I still remember the fantastic rush I got from standing on the very top and the spectacular view from there. I also remember that the last several feet of the climb were kinda scary due to the way the ladder stopped leaning in and started leaning out. Thanks for the memories
Jim E
Date: March 31, 2000 Name: Lori A. Ellis Location: Marlborough, Mass. Comment: Dear Ken,
Still enjoying your web site. Am most interested in the water tower comming down. I wish they could leave it as a land mark of some sort but i'm sure they know what they're doing! Just out of curiostity? What "are" the new plans for where the mill was? More stores?? Keep up the good work Ken!
Lori Ellis
Date: March 31, 2000 Name: Joan Bradley Location: Detroit, Maine Comment: Brenda Seekins, Bangor Daily News reporter, told me about your site. It's just great that you are preserving this part of your town's history. I really enjoy the aerial shots and the postcard story.
Date: March 31, 2000 Name: Janet (Willette) Macdonald Location: Hampton, NH Comment: Hi Ken -
Visiting this website has been a daily ritual for me since last fall when my Dad first gave me the link. Today when I saw the big green tower down, it wrenched my heart.
I remember gazing at it from my back yard - for as long ago as I can remember - wondering what it would be like to climb that tiny little ladder to the top!
I am hoping for all new wonderful beginnings for our little town of Corinna!
My fond memories will remain forever of the busy little main street that once was...."Carl's Store", the Rexall and the penny candy, Western Auto, and of course, the mill where so many of my loved ones earned their living. It was a treat to get the okay to "visit" on a Saturday morning! (I even took my dog with me!) Thanks for the memories! Janet (Willette) Macdonald (
Date: March 31, 2000 Name: Betty (Tedford) Matteson Location: Corinna Comment: Dear Ken, Ever since I learned of your Web Site, I have followed it with much interest, even though I live right here in town where I can see first hand what is going on.
I found your pictures and comments about the falls on the Exeter Road of particular interest. As a "kid" I lived about .7 of a mile up the crossroad beyond Cobbie & Lilla Eaton and used to walk daily to their place to catch the schoolbus. At that time there was an old road to the right just below their corner. It led to an old long-abandoned house which I am sure no longer exists. I recall my Dad calling it the "Barker Place" and believe he said it was where Angie Barker Griffin grew up. She later lived on the Chamberlain Meeting House Road and was a neighbor to Myron Skinner (the great-grandfather of Peter Smith who sent you the postcard). I suspect the old picture is indeed the same area as where you recently took pictures. I went to "good ole CUA" at the same time your parents did - so ! you can see I have been around a while! (They will appreciate that) I would love to hear from any who care to contact me at the E-mail address given.
Date: March 31, 2000 Name: Lisa (Ellis) MCarthy Location: Holden, ME Comment: I have finally got to see what Linnie Parker would be so proud of!!! I will really enjoy checking in to see what's happening in Corinna. I am another of Linnie & Lawrence Parkers grandchildren. I have many fond memories of visiting there. I live in Maine now, but I don't get to Corinna as often as I would like. Thank you for creating this site!!! My mother, Marilyn (parker)Conway, and my sister, Lori Ellis check in daily. Hi guy's!!!
Date: March 30, 2000 Name: Bill Freudenberger Location: Nokomis Regional High Comment: Ken,
What a great service you are providing for the town of Corinna. Keep up the good work. It is also nice to see the names of some of my former students who are away and checking in on home - Hello to all of you and I hope things are going well.
Date: March 30, 2000 Name: Dave & Deb Henderson Location: Amery, Wisconsin Comment: Just got the address for Corinna. My brother is Darryl Henderson, he and his wife Linda own Henderson's Grocery in Corinna. I am very interested in whats happing to the town and what it's future holds for the folks that live there. I try to get back every other year or so to visit and have been following this mess with the mill and the State it seems for years, I hope it is all settled soon the good folks of Corinna can get on with their lives.
Date: March 29, 2000 Name: Tina Pitchford Location: Ben Lomond, CA Comment: My family and I are relocating to Maine within the next 12 months. We are looking at the surrounding areas of Bangor. Doing lots of research, that's how I found your site. It's great. Thanks so much.
Date: March 29, 2000 Name: Jerry Wood Location: Norridgewock, ME Comment: Hi Ken Just wanted to say HI.
And tell you I was operating the red and white excavator from the end of December til the 14th of March. When a colleague of mine decided he could not work nights on another job. so I was asked to go to work nights, and he got my job. so I just want to say thank you for the web site. I can keep in touch with what is going on in Corinna. thanks to you. PS keep up the good work. thanks.
Date: March 29, 2000 Name: Robert & Doris Young Location: Bangor, Maine Comment: Doing a great job. It is nice to be able to follow the history of your hometown where we attended school, worked at the mill and have watched the changes of the town over the years.
Date: March 29, 2000 Name: Douglas Holmes Location: South Portland, Maine Comment:
Date: March 28, 2000 Name: Bruce Ireland Location: Hermon, Me Comment: Nice job
Date: March 28, 2000 Name: Location: corinna me Comment: dear ken
where is the waterfall?The water fall is in the woods, on the right, beside the Exeter road, about half way between the Tibbetts Road and the Chamberlain Meeting House Road. -Ken
Date: March 27, 2000 Name: Terry Temple Location: Swanville, Me. Comment: Great site, very nice to be able to have pictures of this great little town. Would be very interested in seeing any pictures anyone may have of the old dam on rt7....if anyone may have any please forward to me. Thanks and keep up the great work.
Date: March 27, 2000 Name: Kelli Clukey Richardson Location: Corinna Comment: Dear Ken
Every day I check this site out and learn something. I would like to know what the large steel tanks beside the road are. I didn't notice these until the boiler room was demolished. I think they must have something to do with that? Also I too would love to hear from friends that used live and go to school in Corinna. My email is
Like others who have taken the time to sign the guest book I too commend you on all your hard work and effort going into this. What a dedicated and giving person you are.
Kelli Clukey Richardson
Date: March 26, 2000 Name: Richard B. Martin Location: Marshfield, MA Comment: Ken!
Your web site is most impressive. Beyond that you are doing a great service to the people of Corinna, adjacent towns and alumni of Corinna. My hope is that you will start to spread out and have correspondents for adjacent towns. Specifically, I am thing of Hartland and Newport. My best wishes for continued success.
Date: March 25, 2000 Name: Dave Denbow Location: Dexter Comment: Ken, As you know, I've been collecting information for a class at Nokomis. You web site is a gold mine of pictures and comments which should provide valuable information for our projects. I have been stopping on my way through and video taping the mill demolition as well and have shots from January through latter March. This is a prime time for memories and learning...for young and old alike. Thanks for all you have done to make this personal and far reaching to all who wish to see, remember, and hope in the future.
Date: March 25, 2000 Name: Wanda Butler Location: Newport Comment: Ken, I've been following your website daily since I've been confined to my house with a herniated disk in my back. Nice to see what's happening from my couch. Maybe this weekend I'll get to ride by. Your daily variety of the happenings in town are very interesting and professional. My home email address is
Date: March 23, 2000 Name: Richard A. Cox Location: Las Vegas, Nevada Comment: I left New England 21 years ago for a career in the US Air Force. I have been home from time to time over the years. My family lives in Corinna. I visit Corinna every time I make it back to New England. Thanks for a great web page.
Date: March 23, 2000 Name: Bonnie Garrett Location: Sangervlle, Maine Comment: I moved to Maine from Pennsylvania one year ago next week. Your great site is helping me learn some history of this part of Maine that I now call home.
Thank you very much.
Date: March 23, 2000 Name: Gary& Linda McInnis Location: Sangerville Maine Comment: We really enjoyed your site, we are losing a lot of history, when people don't take the time to capture some picture to keep the memories alive. Thanks for taking the time to keep History alive.
Date: March 23, 2000 Name: melinda camber (mo) Location: Dexter Comment: Sure is strange to see the mill disappear bit by bit. I worked there late 80's to early 90's. and have a lot of good memories of the place and people that worked there.
Date: March 23, 2000 Name: Michelle+Ryan Stankevitz Location: Mooresville NC. Comment: Job well done its nice to be able to check progress on the mill.
Date: March 23, 2000 Name: Clyde Richards Location: Scarborough, Maine Comment: Nice page and nice to hear of Corinna again. We've lived in Scarborough for over nine years.
Date: March 22, 2000 Name: Tebob Buckland Location: St. Petersburg Florida Comment: Just wanted you to know that Ken and Mim King have been here for a week or so and we checked your progress of the mill every day and they enjoyed it as much as I do. tebob @
Date: March 22, 2000 Name: Don & Dodie Todd Location: Zephyrhills Fl. Comment: We have greatly enjoyed the whole concept of your cattail press web site you have given many people a touch of home through your efforts. Dodie worked in the mill a number of years . Thank you very much Don & Dodie Todd (wintle)
Date: March 22, 2000 Name: Sharon Location: Billerica, Ma Comment: The pics of the waterfall are great. My Mom lives in Corinna. My Mom, Dad and I have all had the opportunity to see this waterfall, of course spring runoff is the best time to see it. Keep up the good work, it's great to have pics to go along with my mother's stories. Sharon
Date: March 21, 2000 Name: Jackie Emerson Location: Corinna, ME Comment: Hi Ken,
Just checked in to see any new additions to your website as I do every day. Great waterfall pictures. What beautiful country we have right here in our own backyard. Would love to hear from any CUA classmates out there who check in to this site. You may reach me at []. Find it very interesting to read the comments sent in by everyone. Keep up the fine journalistic work you have begun.
Date: March 21, 2000 Name: Courtney & Marie Turner Birckhead Location: Lakeland, Florida Comment: We just learned of your website and found it very interesting. You can use our e-mail address. Corinna will always be my home town. We will look forward to seeing more information. Thanks.
Date: March 21, 2000 Name: Joe Krivan Location: Fort Pierce, FL Comment: Married to Debbie Day from Corinna, daughter of Miriam and Richard Day.
Nice Website...
Previous Guest Book Entries
- March 21 - April 1 (38 entries)
- March 6 - March 20 (60 entries)
- February 24 - March 5 (36 entries)
- February 16 - February 23 (51 entries)
- February 10 - February 15 (46 entries)
- February 7 - February 9 (36 entries)
- January 31 - February 6 (18 entries)
- January 24 - January 30 (11 entries)
- January 17 - January 23 (30 entries)
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