Previous Entries
January 17 - January 23
Date: Jan 23, 2000 Name: Mel Russell Location: Casselberry, FL Comment: My parents alerted me to your web site - great job, Ken! It's fun to watch the
goings on in my old hometown, although it's a little sad too, when I think of all the people who used to be employed there. But change can bring wonderful opportunities, so it will be interesting to watch and see what happens in the future!
Keep up the good work!
Date: Jan 23, 2000 Name: Marilyn Harris McAlpine Location: Newburgh, Me Comment: I to was brought up in the house your great-great grand father built. My sister
Lorraine told me So I just had to let you know how much I enjoy the site. Please keep up the wonderful work
Date: Jan 23, 2000 Name: Cyndie Dorman Location: Corinna Comment: Kip,
As always, the website is great. Thanks for the photo of Ian. We all got a kick out of seeing both those turkeys. Sorry to hear that you were injured in the line of duty. Hope your body and the camera will be mended soon.
Love, CidEditorial Comment: To explain Cyndie's reference to injury, I fell on some ice Saturday while climbing down the bank of the Mill Pond, trying to get a picture out back of the mill. I am okay, just some very bruised ribs. But, my camera smashed on a rock in the fall. That bothers me more than the ribs. It's out of commission for now but will be repaired soon, I hope. -Ken
Date: Jan 23, 2000 Name: De & Arthur Tweedie Location: Prescott, Arizona 86303 Comment: Sister-in-Law and Brother of Ruth Edgett. Interesting home page.
Date: Jan 23, 2000 Name: Faith A Boen Location: Newport, Me. Comment: The mill was a starting place for a lot of people, myself included. I look forward
to seeing more. Thanks for your time.
Date: Jan 23, 2000 Name: Mike Sawtelle Location: Hudson MA Comment: Great Site Ken
Date: Jan 23, 2000 Name: Lorraine Hunter Location: Corinna Comment: Ken, What a wonderful sight.
Was brought up in the house that you're great-great grand father built. Keep up the wonderful work.
Date: Jan 22, 2000 Name: Jack & Madeline Tweedie Location: Horse Shoe, NC Comment: Cousin to Ruth Edgett. Very Interesting.
Date: Jan 22, 2000 Name: Deanna (Temple) Tardiff Location: Stetson Comment: What a good web page Ken, You are doing a great job. It is very interesting to
See how the town has changed from then to now.....That is the most interesting part. Would like to see more older pictures. I lived there for many years. A lot of memories. Keep up the good work. Love the page
Date: Jan 21, 2000 Name: Dennis/Susan Vealey Location: Warwick, Rhode Island Comment: Ken--Again, thanks for the insights ,info and inviting photos of Corinna!
Date: Jan 21, 2000 Name: Ruth E. Edgett Location: Corinna, ME Comment: THE MAN-next door sent it to me to just now--(he said make sure that you
bookmark the page. Boy did I ever. Thank you, so much for doing this. I have many people who will now understand what I have been saying all these years. You are doing an incredible job. Thank you again. REE
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Lee & Mari-Lee (Seavey) Rockwell Location: Bedford, Texas Comment: It has been a long time since we were in Corinna. Our current plans are to
return sometime this summer. We enjoyed your site and wish we were closer so we might have collected your test bottle.
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Jeff Jacob Location: Corinna Comment: My friend who now lives in Nashville, TN had to alert me to this web page about
my own town!
I really admire your nice collection of photos, and expert commentary. Thanks.
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: TJ Emerson Location: Great Lakes, IL. Comment: Hey Ken,
You have a nice setup here thank you for showing me my home town. It's nice to show my friends where I grew up.
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Carol Ann King Location: Corinna, Maine Comment: Still enjoying your pictures and information from Corinna. Keep up the great Web page that you have created.
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Lee & Mari-Lee Rockwell Location: Bedford, Texas Comment: It's been awhile since we have been back to Corinna. Thank you for developing
this site. Our current plans are to return to Corinna sometime this summer.
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Corinna Town Office Staff Location: West Main Street Comment: Thank you for the great then and now pictures! Great Web Site!
Thanks for keeping us in the public eye.
Date: Jan 17, 2000 Name: Yvonne Young Location: Millersville, Maryland Comment: My family and I just found out about this web page and we are now visiting it
often. It is very nice to see a place that we are not always able to visit every year. Thank you for taking the time to do this.
Date: Jan 17, 2000 Name: Dave Poland Location: Pennsville, NJ Comment: Thanks again, Ken. I sure enjoy visiting the site and I do so most every day. I
like to see what new photo you've posted. I really like the before and after shots that you have been doing. Many thanks for keeping me in touch with Corinna.
Date: Jan 18, 2000 Name: Jim Emerson Location: Dexter Voc Center Comment: Kenny,
Just wanted to see what you have. I've heard a lot of great comments. Keep up the good work!
Date: Jan 18, 2000 Name: Alice & John Guay Location: Corinna Comment: Hi Kenny,
We love your web-site. We have given your web address to many former Eastland employees who are interested in the mill. Thank you for keeping us so informed. You are doing a great job!
Date: Jan 18, 2000 Name: Charles Cossar Location: Newport, Maine Comment: Mr. Dow
I think you are doing a very good job
Thank you for the memories of Corinna
Date: Jan 19, 2000 Name: Carol & Pete Metivier Location: Corinna, ME
Date: Jan 19, 2000 Name: Tebob Buckland Location: St. Petersburg, Florida Comment: I can't believe all this. I enjoy it very much and check it every day. This has to
rank with all the best that ever came out of old CORINNA Maine.
Date: Jan 19, 2000 Name: Chris Kelley Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Susan (Knowles) Mathews Location: Tucson, AZ Comment: HI I'm glad I finally found your Web site. Now I can see what Dad has been telling me about the revamping of Corinna. I plan to visit this site often.
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Millard Boss Location: Ottawa OH Comment: Ken: I usually visit your web site about every day but just today I realized that you have a GUEST BOOK, so I guess I should sign it. As I have mentioned before, Excellent Web site and interesting too. MOB
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Jackie Emerson Location: Corinna, ME Comment: Kenny, Really enjoy checking in on your website. Even though I live in town
it's nice to see the great pictures and commentary you have been posting. Keep up the GOOD WORK.
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Carol and Pete Metivier Location: Corinna, ME Comment: Hi Kenny,
Signed your guest book yesterday, but I don't think our comments went. Just wanted you to know that Pete truly enjoyed reminiscing. I heard all about the different building stages that went on while he worked there in his "younger" years. Many many tales about the "old days" - - wonderful pictures too! This "flatlander" really enjoys hearing and seeing info about the earlier days here in Corinna. Great Job! Carol & Pete
Date: Jan 20, 2000 Name: Frances Cookson Location: Newport Me Comment: I was born and brought up in this area. Spent many hours roller skating in
Corinna. Your pictures bring back many memories. Good job.
Other Guest Book Entries
- March 21 - April 1 (38 entries)
- March 6 - March 20 (60 entries)
- February 24 - March 5 (36 entries)
- February 16 - February 23 (51 entries)
- February 10 - February 15 (46 entries)
- February 7 - February 9 (36 entries)
- January 31 - February 6 (18 entries)
- January 24 - January 30 (11 entries)
- January 17 - January 23 (30 entries)
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