Previous Entries
February 7 - February 9
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Eric Smith Location: Orangeburg, SC Comment: I have been enjoying your site since my cousin told me about it 3 months ago.
You really do a great job with the photographs. I'm glad you were able to get the address.
I am away from home for an extended period right now, so it is great to be able to check out the latest on Corinna, ME even from an Internet Cafe in Perth, Australia.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Carrie Clark Location: Corinna (& Bangor), Maine Comment: Being at school (Husson), it's hard to come home a lot. Every time I do, it looks SO different. I am looking forward to the finished product... Especially when the barriers are down on Main Street so I stop almost running into it because I am so busy gazing at the changes!!! It looks SO good.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Robert Hughes Location: Corinna Comment: After reviewing your guest book, I want to say that I share the sentiments of all
the guests thus far, an excellent effort. I was born & raised in Corinna, going to school with your folks. I have just recently returned to Corinna after being away for 40 yrs. As like some of the others, my folks worked Eastland. In high school I had a turn working the
dye house. Over the years I have told my fellow workers of Corinna & will now refer them to this site so that they may see what I was talking about. This site has been added to my favorites list. Keep up the good work.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Nola & Clif Sawtelle Location: Zephyrhills Fl Comment: Hi Ken, Julie & boys. We have enjoyed the photos & info you have on the Cattail
Press. Your folks have made printouts & we are showing them around. We will see such a change when we get home. Uncle Cliff's interested. He worked at the mill for about 20 yrs. in the spinning dept., started upstairs and then in the new part out back, l949 to l970. We know it is progress and accept it. I, too, worked in the office for several years starting in l946. Jessie Davis was office mgr. and then Jim Louder. You are doing a great job & can see you enjoy it. Just read article in BDN. It was interesting.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Ronald M. Russell Location: Rumford, ME Comment: Great job Ken. It's a fun thing to see the home town as it is being changed.
Hope to get a first hand look this summer.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Claudia Breslin Location: Wickford, RI Comment: My sister Jeanne and her husband David live in the house directly across from
the town hall. The Old Edna Hutchins house. I just found out about your website today. I will be visiting everyday to see how the construction is coming along. As soon as the spring thaw has arrived I will too to visit your lovely town. The people are so nice.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Janet Hartley Miller Location: Taft, California Comment: Kenny,
I'm so happy to finally find your website. I'd heard about it, but not knowing the name could never locate it. I love all the pictures, and thinking back about growing up in Corinna. My kids are having a totally different experience growing up in the desert, but they love to hear what it was like growing up in Corinna. If you can, I'd like to see pictures of other areas in Corinna (my parents' house - hint, hint!) Keep up the great work.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Cecil Reed Location: Dexter, ME Comment: A very interesting web-site. Have myself taken pictures of the present happenings and will do so after the new Corinna appears to see how it has all changed. The new Corinna will surely look nicer than the decaying Spring Street of Dexter.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Michele (Gilbert) Nickerson Location: Corinna, ME Comment: Hi Ken! WOW!! You are doing a wonderful job! I am with the hearts of those who commented on the sadness they feel with the mill going away. I remember getting off the bus after a day at the high school so I could ride home with my Dad. Walking into that mill, the heavy, oily smell, the way you had to be careful how you walked because of the
oily film under your feet, the big smiles of the people inside, the big hug I always received from Donny on my way through to the die-house... <sigh> it was what kept my Dad working close by with a ride home and a nice chat while we fought over our box of Crunch 'n Munch.
Thank you Ken!! It's the people in town like you that make me proud to be from Corinna, and proud to have my children growing up here as well!
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Donald Mckenney Location: Port St Lucie, Florida Comment: I am originally from Clinton. I used travel Rt. 7 many times while I was a
manager for old NET&T CO.. Haven't looked at anything as yet but am sure it will be interesting.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Jeanne F. Carcieri Location: Corinna Comment: I'm new to websites and Corinna. My husband and I are redoing the Edna
Hutchins House. We think Corinna is a beautiful place...the people are the best we have ever met. This website is an example of the greatness of Corinna and its potential. It a community with great heart.
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: D. Hallenbeck Location: Pittsfield, Me. Comment: Passed thru your town many times over the yrs. mostly going to & from the foot
Dr. in Dexter. Enjoy the look of the website. Keep up the good work. 73's
Date: Feb. 9, 2000 Name: Nancy Nichols-Pethick Location: Bloomington, Indiana Comment: Well, I can't call you anything but Mr. Dow... This site is just fabulous - it'll be my new home page (that seems appropriate). I've been bothering my poor mother for too long with questions about the mill; she'll be pleased that
I've found a new source for information. The only problem is that I'm doomed to be eternally homesick for my old hometown! Thank you so much.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Mike Pomeroy Location: Winston-Salem, North Carolina Comment: Beautiful job, even though I don't live in Maine anymore, Corinna will not be the
same without Eastland Woolen Mill being a part of the town. Great web site, some thing I can look in on, and keep up on back home.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Kelli Clukey Richardson Location: Corinna Comment: I sat down tonight for a couple minutes?? to see what this website was all about. What a wonderful job you are doing in keeping so many former Corinna folks informed and sharing your thoughts and pictures with everyone. My mom Marcia Schillinger Church worked there for 25+ years. I remember going in to visit her (more honestly bum money) as a kid and it seemed that everyone knew me although I didn't know them. Folks would smile and chat, you know a feeling that you get in coming from a home town. My present husband Ron Richardson worked there as a teenager/young adult and he says its a good thing the back parking lot can't talk, as it would have a lot of stories to tell. Seems like he spent a lot of time out there being naughty. We have been driving down back by the dam just about every Sunday to check out the progress. Its going to be a big change to this town but a positive one. Keep up the wonderful work as you have many followers who are appreciating all you are doing.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Mark Hodgkins Location: Bartow, Fl Comment: Great job on your site. I enjoyed it. Will see the progress in person this summer.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Herb & Betty Dow Location: Zephyrhills, Fl. Comment: Hi Ken
Just read the nice article in the Bangor Daily News about you and your Web site. It makes us very happy to be able to stay informed about the demolition of the mill while we are in the sunny south. We want to thank you for the time and effort you put into your Website.
Mum & Dad
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Richard Eddy Location: Dexter, Me. Comment: Sure hate to see the old land marks going. Won't be much of Corinna left after this is gone.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Cyndie Location: Corinna Comment: Hi Kip,
I have to admit, I've been the biggest skeptic in town when it came to the mill demolition project. Many times I said, "I'll believe it when I see that front wall coming down." I've been watching very carefully and now I do believe it.
During the last several days as I make my morning mail run, it has become obvious to me that I'm not the only one who has been watching. Scattered around the west end of Main Street one sees a number of parked pick-up trucks. And if you look carefully you'll recognize the inhabitants of those pickups to be Eastland Woolen Mill lifers. By lifers I mean men and women who began and ended their careers at Eastland.
At first I thought, How Cool! John has come to see the end. And I chuckled
to myself, The destruction of Eastland Woolen Mill has become a spectator event. But when I looked closer I saw dozens of memories bouncing around inside the cabs of those trucks.
Remember when Joe bent over to pick up that quarter and the whole seat of his
pants ripped out.
Remember how happy I was the day Louie slapped me on the back to say I was doing a fine job. And how proud I was when they gave me that savings bond after the birth of my son. I got another one when we had our
little girl. And how sad we all were the day Max died.
As I zipped home with my mail, I realized, the lifers should be there to see the end of Eastland. And yes it is Cool, in a sad sort of way.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Vergil & Janet Leighton Location: Guilford, ME Comment: We have just reviewed your site and think you have done a great job. Plan to recommend your site to others!
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Brenda Walker Location: Dover-Foxcroft Comment: What a wonderful web site! I lived in Corinna about 3 years ago, for about 3
years. I rented Vivian and Bernard Davis' "little house". I enjoyed living in Corinna and especially enjoyed getting to know the Davis'. I also enjoyed listening to the chime of the clock tower and have missed the sound since I have moved. I look forward to visiting your web site often and getting to know a part of Corinna's history that would otherwise be
unavailable to me. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful gift.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Stacey Gilmore Location: Newport, ME. Comment: Ken, wish I had known about Cattailpress sooner...just glad I found it now! (thanks to the Bangor Daily) I was born and raised in Corinna and although it was only 27 years ago, I think it is great you have created the opportunity for me to see the changes in Corinna back to then and beyond. I drove through town the other day (had not been through in a while) I was startled when I came around the corner on Rt.7 wasn't expecting the void in front of me! I am looking forward to seeing more changes through your site. Keep up the great work, and will be sure to forward this along. thanks again, Stacey
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Brenda Seekins Location: Pittsfield Comment: Hi Ken & Julie, I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed our interview....and I hope you liked the results in the BDN. Hopefully a lot more people will be able to find you and keep up with the redesign of Corinna. It's a great community and I really enjoy having it as part of my coverage area.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Teresa White Location: Newport Comment: Ken, I grew up in Corinna and remember what downtown use to look like. (Even had you for a teacher!) Like Betty MacKenzie, I too remember the Rexall Drug Store on Main Street with the soda fountain. Now living in Newport, I pass the demolition site daily. It's sad seeing it being torn down, but realize for environmental reasons it must be done. Capturing history in the making is hard work. You should be very proud of what you're doing!
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Kaleb B. Jacob Location: Goffstown, NH Comment: Ken,
I really enjoy your work on the website. Corinna should be proud to have a citizen that provides such a service for the salary of mere appreciation.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Midge Morehouse Location: Newport Comment: My husband's company is involved with the demolition of the mill. I visited this
website out of curiosity. What a great idea and a wonderful historical record for the town of Corinna. I will keep tabs on the progress.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Betty (Bowden) MacKenzie Location: Newport, Maine Comment: Hi, I have been checking in with the Cattail Press from time to time and have
enjoyed your photos. I have also driven through Corinna and have seen the beginning of the mill's destruction. Looking at the photo of Main Street now and then and seeing what is happening on Main street now, has bittersweet memories for me. I realize that tearing
the mill down will be much better for the town and environment. However as a young girl I grew up in Corinna, I remember it the way your picture of 1972 shows it. Main Street was booming with businesses, something for everyone, Western Auto, a grocery store, two restaurants, clothing store, barber shops, and a Rexall, which I have to say was my favorite, probably because of the soda fountain. I remember the pharmacist, Dick Jones, and Mrs. Nye were always so friendly and nice to us kids. It seems like it was just yesterday when all this was happening in Corinna. Thanks for the memories of this little town. I am looking forward! to seeing more photos of the New Corinna, on this web site!
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Marilyn (Parker) Conway Location: Prague, Oklahoma Comment: This is fantastic! I've been searching the archives of the Bangor Daily News for
news about Corinna and was thrilled when I heard about the "cleanup" of Corinna. So happy to hear something is finally going to be made of Corundel lake. Having grown up in Corinna, it is amazing that I never really saw that lake. I will be checking in daily to see
new pictures and so check your "guest list" and find out where many people I know have moved. Thank you for a real treat to those of us who still love Corinna even though we live elsewhere.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Bob Gray Location: Newport Comment: Ken,
Great service that you are providing for friends of Corinna around the world. When all the dust settles, the concerned citizens of Corinna, will have a village they can be very proud of.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Karen (Pooler) Leonard Location: Carmel, Maine Comment: What a great thing to do! I have had a wonderful time looking at the pictures
and reading some about some other folks all over the U.S. that have an interest in our little town of Corinna. It certainly brings back many fond memories and yet it is somehow sad to see the change. I do appreciate the way you have kept us up on all the goings on in Corinna.
Date: Feb. 8, 2000 Name: Gregory Ranger Location: Pawcatuck CT. Comment: My brother in law and sister in law (Darrell and Judy Hartley) keep me up to
date on what is going on in Corinna, Me.
Date: Feb. 7, 2000 Name: Donna Leavitt Keaten Location: Canton, Ma Comment: thank-you ken. a very thoughtful thing for you to do. my parents will be thrilled
to get these pictures as well as my children. thank-you again for the labor and time you have devoted to this project.
Date: Feb. 7, 2000 Name: Douglas J. Clukey Location: Winter Haven, Florida Comment: I got your site from Stan Berube and Tim. I enjoy your site and check it daily, especially the photos and the weather report. My dad, Roland Clukey, from Dexter is visiting us here and he enjoys your page also. I look forward to the positive changes for Corinna when we return to Lake Wassokeag for the summer.
Date: Feb. 7, 2000 Name: Mark Gallison Location: Enfield, CT Comment: I'm really enjoying your web site. It's nice to be able to keep track of what is
going on. Keep up the great work.
Date: Feb. 7, 2000 Name: Lynne (Dorman) Fling Location: Ft. Polk, LA Comment: Just wanted to say hello to everyone in my home town and let you all know that
I am visiting this great web site so that I can keep current with all of the progress at the mill. I can only imagine what it will look like by the time we're able to make it up to Maine again! This site is great; keep up the good work, Ken! I'm sure that my mom thanks you too, now she doesn't have to spend so much on postage sending pictures!!!
Date: Feb. 7, 2000 Name: Harold Garnett Location: Marlborough Ct. Comment: Ken, I just got your web page address from my sister (Alice Willey ) this week
and would like to commend you on a great job. Your pictures are outstanding. At one time I lived across the street from your grandfather's house. Most of my family at one time or another had worked at the mill and it brings back a lot of memories. The articles on town history are great, I even saw a picture of the old house I used to live in on the one about
the Dummy on Main Street. I have just retired and now will have a lot of time to keep up with your web page. Keep up the good work.
Other Guest Book Entries
- March 21 - April 1 (38 entries)
- March 6 - March 20 (60 entries)
- February 24 - March 5 (36 entries)
- February 16 - February 23 (51 entries)
- February 10 - February 15 (46 entries)
- February 7 - February 9 (36 entries)
- January 31 - February 6 (18 entries)
- January 24 - January 30 (11 entries)
- January 17 - January 23 (30 entries)
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