Previous Entries
February 10 - February 15
Date: Feb. 15, 2000 Name: Juanita Staples Location: Dexter, Maine Comment: Great Site! I come by this every day and night traveling to work. I look forward to coming to this site to see the changes in daylight. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Date: Feb. 15, 2000 Name: Virginia Agostinelli Location: Manchester, CT Comment: Brenda Seekins, my sister in law, told me about your web site. I loved it. Keep
up the good work, I will be checking in from time to time.
Date: Feb. 15, 2000 Name: Lorna Fanjoy Location: Auburn, Maine Comment: Ken,
So pleased I found your web page. Thank you for taking the time to give us updates on the mill project. Any plans to have a sight for the Historical Society?
Viewing the guest book really brings back memories. Its nice to see where people are now living and to know they haven't forgotten Corinna. My mom, Eva Young, worked for many years as a weaver in the mill. I worked for a short time in the office when they first got computers. The town will always remember the Striar family. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you this summer. Say Hi to everyone at the Family Affair Restaurant.
The Fanjoy Family
Date: Feb. 15, 2000 Name: Michaela MacGown Location: Hartland,ME Comment: Hey there Ken, Julie, and boys; Coming from Texas, I hardly knew anything about Corinna, or anyplace in Maine for that matter but my grandfather, Don McDougal, suggested I take a look. When I did, I was mesmerized by the view. I pass through there quite a bit each week and I am so happy to follow the transaction from the old to the new. Don't quit now, you are doing a great job!
Date: Feb. 15, 2000 Name: Helmi Perry Location: Zephyrhills, Fl. (winter) Comment: Heard about the site from Kelli Richardson and it is great. Now we will not have to wait until April when we come back from Florida to see what it looks like in Cornna. I can remember going to Corinna with my friend, Irene Furbush from Palmyra to take her mother to her room across the street from the mill so that she would stay there for the week to work in the mill. I lived in Pittsfield then and Frank and I moved to Dexter in l970 because of the credit union. Cannot wait to actually see it in reality when we pass through on our way home in the Spring. Great web site--keep up the good work. Helmi and Frank Perry
Date: Feb. 15, 2000 Name: Richard Hodgkins Location: Nashua, NH. Comment: A friend in Bangor sent me your site address and I visited it this morning ...
very nice and its well organized presentation made my visit a pleasure.
While I've never been to Corinna, many of my ancestors (Hodgkins/Farris) were from the Milo, Sebec, Stillwater, and Nobleboro areas of ME. I had the great pleasure of visiting those areas in Spring 1959, working on my family geneology. I have no specific plans, but I do plan another visit to those areas and will try to visit Corinna. I suspect it may be like
Milo in terms of its size, beauty, and the generous and always courteous nature of the residents.
In reading through the comments in the Guest Book, I noted one by a Mark Hodgkins from Bartow, FL. I have a son named Mark Hodgkins here in Nashua. Would you be kind enough to pass my e-mail address to the Mark Hodgkins in FL? It would be awesome to learn that
we are related through one of the many branches of the Hodgkins family. Thank you ... and thank you for a pleasant 'visit' to Corinna this morning.
Date: Feb. 15, 2000 Name: Vic Buckland Location: Newport Comment: Ken: In my earlier comments I neglected to mention my grandfather (William "Billy" Buckland). He also worked many years at the mill. Thanks, Vic
Date: Feb. 14, 2000 Name: ALAN CLARK Location: Corinna Comment: Ken you have done job on the web sight. I haven't had the chance to check it
out for a while, looks great. As the newly appointed fire chief I look forward to working with the town to make things better, and I hope the new road decision is for the best for the town. Again you have done a GREAT JOB and keep up the good work!!!!
Date: Feb. 14, 2000 Name: Carrie L. Clark Location: Corinna (and Bangor), ME Comment: Well, where do I begin...I can not explain the feelings I had the first time I rounded the sharp corner of Rte. 7 coming home from school (Husson College) one weekend. I guess the best word to describe it is "WOW!" Even with the remains of the building still there on the ground, seeing so much of the sky from that angle for the first time in the almost 20 years I have lived in Corinna (all my life) is just BEAUTIFUL... I am SO excited to see the whole mill down, let alone the completed project (i.e. movement of the road etc.) My ONLY complaint is that because everything looks so different I swear I have almost hit that new barrier 10 times gawking at everything!!! Thanks again for an awesome sight... Hello to everyone at home!!!
Date: Feb. 14, 2000 Name: Jim Hartley Location: Keystone, Colorado Comment: Thanks so much for a great site and the picture of my parents house. I was
home the morning you took the picture and just got back to Colorado today. By the way in case anyone is interested, I'm the one that had to shovel that driveway. (I cheated and used one of them Dodge trucks with one of those fancy plows on the front.) I especially enjoyed seeing some of my childhood school-mates signing the guest book. Thanks again
for the hard work. Your dedication has put a smile on a lot of faces.
Date: Feb. 14, 2000 Name: Regina Cote Ouimette Location: Lompoc, CA Comment: I really enjoyed your web site. Very informative, I grew up in Corinna and left
in 1974, so I especially enjoyed the 1972 photo. It was great news to hear about the mill. This will become a regular site for viewing. Keep up the good work.
Date: Feb. 14, 2000 Name: Lonnie and Karen Edgett Location: Salem, MA Comment: Great job on the website. Really enjoyed the logo and design layout. Will visit the sight to catch up on what's happening in Corinna since Ruth Edgett is a part of your community. It has been several years since we have actually been to Corinna. Great effort - keep it going!
Date: Feb. 14, 2000 Name: DORIAN KLAM Location: BANGOR, ME. Comment: GREAT JOB ON THE WEB SITE, KEEP IT UP
Date: Feb. 13, 2000 Name: Iris Buzzell Location: Bangor, ME Comment: I haven't been through Corinna in some time but I was aware of the changes
being made there. After a relative steered me onto your site, I've visited it several times. I can see why all your old friends are so pleased with what you are doing. No matter how far away from home we get, or how long we're gone, we all appreciate being able to see what's going on there. You're doing such a good job for them and for the town; these pictures are wonderful and will make a great history of this big change.
Date: Feb. 13, 2000 Name: ed michael thomas Location: Newport Comment: I like it plan and simple I check it out everyday
Date: Feb. 13, 2000 Name: Elmer & Irene Bolstridge Location: E BARKER ROAD, Corinna Comment: We are glad to see the great job you have been doing on this web site. Now this just might get me to buy a computer of my own.
Date: Feb. 13, 2000 Name: Frank Perry Jr Location: Milford ME 04461 Comment: This web page is fantastic for all the people that's left Corinna over the years. I'm sure the termination of all employees from the Eastland mill resulted for hard times to some of the citizens of Corinna and surrounding towns. The destruction of the mill could be a new outlook on life in such a small town. As we all know the people that live here are hard workers an will find newer/better paying jobs. Thank you for all your hard work so we can monitor the progress that Corinna makes each an every day. Thanks again ! (TOP OF THE DAY TO EVERYONE WHO LIVES IN CORINNA)
Date: Feb. 13, 2000 Name: Delainie and Morgan Location: Corinna Comment: We thought your site was awesome and looking for more to come. And finding
something on our own home town was pretty neat.
Date: Feb. 13, 2000 Name: Barb and Brent Mower Location: St. Albans Comment: Great website! Really liked the aerial photos. My son said, "WOW I didn't
know there was a lake behind the mill. It sure will look great when its done.
Date: Feb. 13, 2000 Name: Mike Pomeroy Location: Winston-Salem, NC Comment: I guess I am one of those "transplants" you are referring too. Looking at all of
that snow..makes me chilled just seeing that chair sitting there. You may have came up with a new revolutionary idea to make an official measurement of the freshly fallen snow. Pass that on, others may catch on...Maine will always be in my heart, you can take me out of Maine, but, can't take Maine out of me. They tell me here in NC, that I have an accent..I thought they had the accent. God Bless, and keep up the great work!
Date: Feb. 13, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Simpsonville, SC Comment: Great idea! Just logged on so haven't had an opportunity to look through the
site. But look forward to checking in and keeping up with Corinna's latest event. Thanks
Date: Feb. 12, 2000 Name: Laurel Emerson Ouimette Location: Gulfport, Ms Comment: Just found out about your website and have really enjoyed it. Keep up the good
work and will look forward to seeing more about the happenings in Corinna.
Date: Feb. 12, 2000 Name: Susan Herring Bogle Location: Dexter, Me Comment: I was raised in Corinna on Pleasant street and although I have been gone for 35
years (30 in Virginia and 5 in Dexter) it will always be home to me. You are doing a wonderful job and I check daily for news even though I drive by each day going to work in Newport. I tell everyone
about Cattail Press. I also told my brother Mike in Las Vegas. Thanks a million.
Date: Feb. 12, 2000 Name: Debbie (Perkins) Parrill Location: Redmond, Washington Comment: Ken and Julie, Just received word of your website from Mom with copies of newspaper clippings. Thank you so much for what you are doing. I am sitting at my computer with tears running down my cheeks. I might have grown up in Exeter, but as you know my ties to Corinna run deep. Talk about making someone homesick!! The last time we were home for a visit everything was still in place. The next time more than likely it would be so completely different. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to see the in between. Hope that both of your families are well.
Date: Feb. 12, 2000 Name: Robert & Elsie Mann Location: Dexter Comment: Very interesting and informative. Keep up the good work. Have passed on your
site to several people who had not heard about it.
Date: Feb. 12, 2000 Name: Bethany Engelhardt Location: Pittsfield, ME Comment: Ken:
This is a GREAT site! I really haven't been through Corinna since July of last year. Things sure are changing! I can't imagine downtown Corinna without the Mill, but I also know what the hopes of the citizens of Corinna were before I got done at the Town Office. I'm glad that this project has finally begun. I have missed seeing all of the towns people
and wish the Town the best of luck with the daunting task of redesigning Main Street. But I know with the many capable and dedicated citizens involved it will be well worth the wait. Hi to all !
Date: Feb. 12, 2000 Name: Claudia Breslin Location: Wickford, RI Comment: Just dropping in to visit the frozen north. I just love your web-site. I have added it to my favorites. I enjoy checking the progress of the mill demolition. I have always used the big green mill as a landmark. Now I know I won't get lost on my next visit. I just can't imagine how different it is in person. My sister is already planning gardens for the back of her house now that is it so visible. She said she is snow bond today and without the mill her house looks as though it just landed on the hill.
Date: Feb. 12, 2000 Name: Beeuw van Kuijeren Location: Stetson Comment: The Bangor Public Library recently received thousands of Maine postcards. I am the volunteer who has the daunting task of stamping these cards. Let me tell you, it is an enjoyable job. The reason I am telling you this is that I have seen OLD postcards picturing the Mill and Main Street - dating back to about 1910. Pictures of the Mill in various phases.
It is so important that you are capturing what is happening now in your town so that your children and grandchildren in the future an see how the town looked.
Date: Feb. 11, 2000 Name: Annie Goodwin Location: Charleston, Me Comment: My Grandfather Fred Weeks ;who lived in Corinna worked in the woolen mill; also
I think my uncle Royce Weeks might of too. I lived in Exeter and went to high school at C.U.A.
Date: Feb. 11, 2000 Name: Deirdre and Carmie Location: Corinna Comment: We found this most interesting and look forward to seeing how the town
develops as time goes on.
Date: Feb. 11, 2000 Name: Jack Clifford Location: People's Republic of Newport Comment: "I can't think of any practical reason to advise you to buy a home computer..."
K. Dow to J. Clifford
October, 1983Editorial Comment: Jack, I still can't. -Ken
Date: Feb. 11, 2000 Name: Mary Ann (Russell) Allen Location: Dixfield, ME Comment: Thank you Kenny, for all the great pictures and commentary. It really brings back memories. My family has the opportunity to pass through Corinna several times a year on the way to our camp on East Grand Lake. Also, my mother and father, Ron and Annie Russell, and aunt, Rena Russell, took a nice walking tour of Corinna last August.
We toured the Library building, including the "basketball court" and peeked in the CUA (jr. high) windows. You were my substitute teacher there in 7th grade. What a fun class! It sure will be different to visit town by next summer.
Date: Feb. 11, 2000 Name: Rev. Lou Harper Location: Jewett City, Connecticut Comment: Ken and all the folks in Corinna, You should be very proud of your site and the wonderful future that your town holds. The obnoxious smell, although many used to say that it smelled like money, and the eyesore to the town that the mill has caused since closing is finally coming to an end.
I hope that you will check out what I am doing since living for 47 of my 50 years in Maine and being called to a church in CT. I hope, and pray, that someday I will be called back to Maine. Until then, I am in exile in CT. If you visit a CT casino, let me know. Our church is only 15 minutes from either one and offers a ray of hope to those leaving with empty pockets.
Blessings, Lou Harper
Date: Feb. 11, 2000 Name: Jim Emerson Location: Dexter Comment: Hi Ken. I can keep better track of the progress at the mill using your website than I can driving back and forth to work each day. It's also fun to see who checks on your site from time to time. Keep up the good work. Also good to see your wife working back in Dexter again.
Date: Feb. 11, 2000 Name: Steve Pitcher Location: Manassas, VA Comment: Ok, so there are a ton of names here that bring back so many memories. Ken, I
applaud your service to the town. Keep it up, it's one of the only ways I have to see first hand how much home is changing.
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Charles Sawtelle Location: Virginia Beach, VA Comment: Bravo Zulu
Super site Ken. Makes the home sickness worse. Keep it up
Fair Winds and Following Seas
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Linda (Buchanan) Esten Location: Newport Comment: Ken,
Deanna (Temple )Tardiff pointed out the BDNews article to me on Cattail Press and said she visits your site every day. I logged in Tues. night and spent the whole evening there catching up with all your hard work and people I haven't heard about for years. I've read all the comments and have found so many names from former "kids" in the Band, banks customers and my daughters' classmates. I especially love the aerial views and the fact that you have enlarged some of the pictures. All the times that I've been in town, I never knew Corundel Lake was behind the mill.
If you keep doing such a good job with this, you'll have so many requests that you'll have to quit your day job. I'm sending your web site to my daughters. And to Julie (former babysitter): I won't mention Missy and Beth's ages to make to feel old but Missy is expecting her second son and Beth works for Fidelity Investments. Both live in New Hampshire. Thanks Ken, for all the effort you're putting into this site.
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Shawn & Melissa Masterson Location: Nashua, N.H. Comment: Wow! We can't believe we will never see the mill again! We really enjoy your site, you have done a remarkable job! It is a pleasure to be able to see the change happening to a town that will forever hold our child hood memories!
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Dan Brayall Location: Nashville, TN Comment: I really enjoy this site. The picture of main St. 1972 took me back. Born and
raised in Corinna. Graduated Nokomis 1972. Any photos of the old ice cream place that was on the corner of route 7 they had great root beer floats. Any pictures of the inside of the mill? My Dad worked there until he retired. My sister worked there when it closed. I worked there weekends in High School. Thanks again.
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Carolyn Kurro Location: Louisville, KY Comment: Got your website info from your sister-in-law, Lisa, who I went to school with in Newport back in the 70's. I have to say, the change will definitely be for the better! Great job - keep up the good work.
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Bubba Lancaster Location: Pittsfield Me. Comment: Julie will you please put a hat on Ken's head before it gets to big. It has to be
tough for you and the boys to be living with some one so famous. Ken I can't say much about this great web page, it's all been said. Like the song goes "Thanks For The Memories". Great Job.
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Orrison Moody Location: Pleasant St Corinna Comment: This site is a very professional piece of work. I commend you for your meticulous work on this project.
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: JJ Sawtelle Location: Corinna Comment: GOOD JOB Ken, This is just what I've been looking for. Sent it to Charlie, he
will be glad to see it too.
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Seth Bradstreet IV Location: Newport Me Comment: Hey Uncle Kenny,
I love to see all the pictures of the process of the tearing and ripping of the mill. Thanks, Seth
Date: Feb. 10, 2000 Name: Deb Location: Detroit, ME Comment: I am very impressed and pleased that someone took the time to do this.
Other Guest Book Entries
- March 21 - April 1 (38 entries)
- March 6 - March 20 (60 entries)
- February 24 - March 5 (36 entries)
- February 16 - February 23 (51 entries)
- February 10 - February 15 (46 entries)
- February 7 - February 9 (36 entries)
- January 31 - February 6 (18 entries)
- January 24 - January 30 (11 entries)
- January 17 - January 23 (30 entries)
Guest Book | Cattail Press Homepage