Previous Entries
March 6 - March 20, 2000
Date: March 20, 2000 Name: Paul Carter Location: Kensington MD Comment: My niece, Donna Boody, turned me on to your web site. It's great. In the spring of my senior year at Newport High School I worked the third shift in the mill. Was on an upper floor and saw many beautiful sunrises looking out a window with a view north up the steam. It was 1942 and help was hard to come by. Worked at the mill until July '42.
Thanks, Paul
Date: March 20, 2000 Name: JOSEPH KERR Location: ROCKLAND MASS Comment: HI KEN
We will be coming out there within the next month, to see land that we own. We will look you up. Excellent website and pictures. Please email me at
Date: March 19, 2000 Name: Neal & Ann Pratt Location: East Sandwich, MA Comment: We bought two lots on Brooks Pond about 12 years ago. On one of them Neal has built a very comfortable, modern, non-electric cabin which we use as a family retreat. We love it up there and don't get up nearly enough. We were just introduced to your website and are already addicted. We'll be checking in on a regular basis and we'll be up in Corinna the weekend of 4/15 to check our the work in progress ourselves. Thanks so much!!!
Ann & Neal Pratt
Date: March 19, 2000 Name: Norman Clarke Location: Pittsfield, ME Comment: Ken,
This is great! What a treat to have someone do this for us Corinna alumnus. Soon as I get a chance, I will sit down and go over the stuff in detail. Once again, thanks for the efforts and the memories. It's nice to read the comments from old friends and acquaintances too.
Date: March 19, 2000 Name: Jim Gallison Location: Amherst (buffalo) NY Comment: Hi Ken,
Just amazing what you have done here. This brings back so many memories. I do not get home very often so this is really something I have enjoyed. I have read through all the letters, finding that I know many of the people sending them to you. I cannot believe that I did not see anything, or just missed it, about the Dow's Dairy Cream! We used to bug Cindy all the time there. We even played cards when it was not busy. Some of my fondest memories involved going to Davis Supply with my father when it was right beside the mill. Well, thanks for all the hard work, I will be checking it out now and then. Thanks!
Date: March 17, 2000 Name: Judi Brooks Location: Corinna, Maine Comment: Not only have you given me a beautiful web page to visit, now you've given
beautiful wallpaper. Can't thank you enough. You do great work....
Date: March 17, 2000 Name: Betty Corson Location: Detroit, ME Comment: Great web site!! Keep up the good work.
Date: March 17, 2000 Name: Dody Duplisea Location: Palmyra Comment: Hi, Ken,
I "goofed" on my previous letter so I will try again. Thank you so much for the GREAT web site. My father, Ralph Gray, has really enjoyed it because he has been unable to get out this winter to see it in person. He is 93 years old and always lived in North Newport so Corinna was like his home town. He has really enjoyed the pictures of Corinna in the past. He went to work in the old Kenwood Mill in 1923 and worked there until it burned. Do you have any pictures of that mill? Thanks again, and keep up the good work. Dody & Ralph
Date: March 16, 2000 Name: Melodie Handy Location: Tacoma, Washington Comment: Great site.
Date: March 16, 2000 Name: Ronald Russell Location: Rumford, ME Comment: Ken,
I check your site every day and enjoy the photos and the letters from everyone. I think that the town of Corinna will become a very pretty town when this project is completed. I have read about the Gallison's restaurant but my memories go further back when my mother Irma Russell used to cook in Rachel Turners restaurant on the other end of the street. Her sister Avis Foss was the waitress there also during the same time. Some of the names are people that we have forgotten and would enjoy being reacquainted with them again through your web site. I get over to Corinna several times a year generally during the summer. As my brother and his wife Melvin and Rowena Russell still live there, but are gone during the winter to sunny Florida. I would very much enjoy hearing from any of our friends we have had from the past, my e-mail address is
Ron and Annie
Date: March 16, 2000 Name: Brian Hebert Location: Corinna Comment: Great work. Enjoyed the site
Date: March 16, 2000 Name: Dody Duplisea Location: Palmyra Comment: Hi, Ken
Date: March 16, 2000 Name: Lee Towle Location: Baltimore, MD Comment: Ken
Great web site. My grandparents, Maurice and Nathalie Brooks, told me that the mill was being torn down. It was hard to believe until I saw it on line. I use to work there. I will miss the place, but it is for the greater good that it be torn down. I know that the place will be greatly missed by many people in the community. It will interesting to see what has been done to the town when I come home on leave. Thank-you for the sneak preview.
Date: March 15, 2000 Name: Lori Ellis Location: Marlborough, Mass. Comment: Dear Ken,
I know how busy you are documenting the mill but, could you take me down memory lane by taking a picture from just above Harold Parkers driveway looking down into town.
It's just up from the old auction house/ dairy farm? My mother grew up in that house (auction) and Linnie (grammy) lived across the street. I have so many fond memories of sitting on grammies front porch swing playing a game called..."count cars" and looking down into town. many thanks! Lori Ellis
Date: March 14, 2000 Name: Wayne R Brown Location: Fort Myers, FL Comment: I am back again. Have been in Kansas City MO for several days - a
granddaughter's wedding. Have tried today to catch up on The Cattail Press. Glad to see that Philip Young followed my advice and got with "it". If there are others in Corinna who would like to contact me, my Email address is Hope Philip reads this too. Your sunrise picture is now my wallpaper. Great work.
Date: March 14, 2000 Name: Lori Ann Ellis Location: Marlborough, Mass. Comment: Dear ken,
Thank you so much for bringing me back to 1966 when I was 5yrs old and Linnie Parker (Grammy), used to open up her change purse to give Lawrence (Grampie) money so he could take my sister Lisa and I to the drug store to get candy.
I've just found you tonight and have been down loading pictures for 3hrs!! I feel like i'm looking out an open window! I, unlike others will miss the mill. It was always the first thing we saw when we came for visits to grammies. Have since lost the drug store and now the mill. I do understand the reasons though.
I am Marilyn (Parker) Conways oldest daughter, and I "DO" believe that Linnie Parker, (Grammie), is standing behind you, whispering in your ear, when you are taking these pictures!!! They are wonderful and so is this website! Thank You for making the distance shorter.
Lori Ellis
Date: March 14, 2000 Name: Philip Young Location: Augusta, Maine Comment: Hi Ken,
Congratulations on a real great Page. It is a tremendous undertaking and you do it so well. I have been having a great time reading all the comments submitted by your readers. Several surnames sound familiar although a couple of generations probably intervene. I have to thank Wayne Brown for steering me onto this website. Thank you Wayne. He and I share the same recollections of Corinna as it was back in the 30's. Now I've let the cat out of the bag. Keep up the good work!
Date: March 14, 2000 Name: Darlene Hatch Kronholm Location: Medway, Maine Comment: Got your web site from Carol Garnett. I have enjoyed it so much. My aunt and
uncle, Edna and Fred Welch, worked in the mill for years and as a youngster I spent alot of time in Corinna. I have printed just enough of this web site to build my brothers curiosity in hopes he would by a computer. My brother is Walter Hatch now living in Washington State. My e-mail address is Keep up the good work. When I want to go back in memory time I visit this site. Thanks again. P.S. The pictures are great.
Date: March 13, 2000 Name: Hartland Consolidated School Location: HARTLAND, Maine Comment: We have fun watching the mill teardown.
Date: March 13, 2000 Name: Craig Location: NH Comment: Hi Kenny,
I saw the email from Larry Knowles.
FYI all, I re-formatted Corinna's Web Site today (long over due) and all of the old URLs should work fine, however there is only one layout instead of a low/high layout. It was long over due. I made the site years ago and I've only visited it a few times to update text as people come and go, due to the long distance charges that I encounter to do FTP work through Somtels security net. As this is free-be for Corinna...however, I do limit the time. Hope that all's well in Corinna...
Date: March 13, 2000 Name: Donna (Bird) Boody Location: Bangor, ME Comment: Dear Ken,
I heard about your website from my friend and former schoolmate, Marilyn (Parker) Conway in Oklahoma. What a wonderful surprise! Thank you for your time and effort. While reading through the entries I was filled with nostalgia, especially on seeing the photo of the parade and the "traffic dummy." Your father's home on the corner, (with the flat fence in front) was the former home of my grandparents, Louis & Mable Bird and the garage across the street was my dad's ("Al" Bird) when I was a child. I remember as a young girl riding fast through town, on a bicycle or a horse, because often the smell of ammonia from the mill was so strong it would almost take your breath away. Before the mill was built over the bridge you could look into the water and see the bright colors being used to dye the cloth. :-( I am not sorry to see the mill come down and can already see (from your pictures) what a beautiful town Corinna is going to be! Again, thanks for the terrific website. It was the topic of conversation yesterday at an early family birthday party for my mother, Elena "Dot" Bird, who will be 90 years old tomorrow, March 14.Donna- Please convey a Happy Birthday wish to Dot Bird. Many "kids" in Corinna remember her well and wish her all the best. -Ken
Date: March 13, 2000 Name: Larry Knowles Location: Plano, TX Comment: Hi Ken,
Again I just wanted to say thanks for sharing the beauty of Corinna as well as the removal of the not so beautiful. When I visit again I will no doubt love the scenic views. It is nice seeing more than one picture on the weekends. Keep up the good work. I checked out the Corinna Homepage the other day and found it very interesting as well. Seeing your banner there made me wonder if you had any input in that page. Here is the address in case anyone is interested in visiting that site.
E-mail - Lknowone@aol.comLarry- I have not been involved with the Corinna site you mentioned. Thanks for sending in the link. -Ken
Date: March 13, 2000 Name: Darrell Hartley Location: St.Albans Road..Corinna Comment: Kenny: I have used your Guestbook before. (.January I think).. I just want to re-iterate..what a super thing you are doing for us. For all the citizens in Corinna that attended the Town Meeting on March 11th. THANK YOU! for supporting the New Land Use Ordinance that the Land Use Ordinance Committee worked very hard to hammer them out during these last months.
The Committee , Headed by Linda Smith, committee came up with a very equitable, user friendly, set of needed Ordinances to greatly assist t he Town of Corinna in progressing into the future much easier.
Although as the CEO, my job will be much more difficult and time consuming, I hope all applicants will be patient
and understanding in their requests. Thank you!!!!
Date: March 12, 2000 Name: Charlene Emerson Location: Comment: Hi Kenny: We sure enjoy checking you out every day to see what's going on in
Corinna, we will be headed home soon, it will not look like Corinna we knew. Our E-Mail in Florida is
Date: March 12, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Greenville, SC Comment: Just checked in for my morning update. I must be up earlier then you today, as
the pages haven't changed since yesterday. I'll check back later. I meant to include my e-mail address last time but forgot, the old age thing. Would like to hear from classmates and friends.
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: rose (azeanith:zenie) hartley lockwood Location: windsor, vermont Comment: hi fellow corinnaians :-) i visit home every year, this year it sure will look
different when i come around that corner from newport. was good to see some fimilar names in the guest book, can't wait until the cua is open again, those were the days, bobbysocks & ponytails ('58-'62)
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Stacey Gilmore Location: Newport Comment: Hi Ken, I have signed the book before and just wanted to thank you again for
your hard work and dedication! I enjoy seeing the daily changes that you post, as well as hearing from all the people near and far. A lot of memories are flooding in hearing from the past and present towns folk. I was inspired to write again after seeing Wesley Harris posted his email address. We grew up together and haven't seen him in 10 yrs. I have sent him two letters already! I too would love to hear from any old friends that I grew up with.
My email address is Would love to know what any or all of my old friends and class mates are doing now! The old mill has really pulled people together in more ways then I could have imagined! Take care all, and hope to hear from some of you soon.
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Mike pomeroy Location: Winston-salem,NC Comment: Hi Ken,
Nice shot from out back of your house. Continue to do the great work you have been doing on your site. I try to visit it every day during the week. Watching the mill go down was kinda touching to me. I wove there for several years, between both times of my employment there. You may give my e-mail address. Would like to hear from my old school mates from Nokomis...
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Robert Gallison Location: Garwood, New Jersey Comment: Ken, doing a great job on keeping us flatlanders down here informed on
Corinna. Won't be such a shock when rounding the corner from the Newport road this May on my way to Puffers in Dexter.
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Eric Location: Comment: Hi Ken,
I enjoyed the Spring Run Off picture. I noticed you took a photo of the Hartley's driveway in winter, so I thought I would get in a special request. With all my years growing up in Corinna, I never saw Buck's Falls. I have heard it is pretty, but I don't really know where it is. If you ever start taking photos of other parts of Corinna besides downtown, I would enjoy a picture of the falls.
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Greenville, SC Comment: We are still enjoying your great work. It has become addictive. I find myself
signing on before I leave for work or right after I have been through my mail at work. I'm glad to see the weather chair is getting to a point where you can sit in it. It won't be long and you can sit in the chair and swat Black Flies. There are a lot of things I miss from Maine but Black Flies and shoveling snow are not two of them.
As others have said your guest book is really bringing back names from the the past. A recent entry was from someone just ahead of me in school. The next and I think the last time I saw him he was working with my wife on a project we were doing in the early 80's. Hello to Eddie from Brian And Peggy.
Keep up the great site, there sure are a lot of people counting on it. Happy St. Patrick's Day to All. Erin go Bragh and may Corinna continue to move onto great new beginnings under the watchful eye of your website and Greek god "Janus".
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: John Location: Dexter Comment: Great site!!
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Debra Shibe Location: Milltown, New Jersey Comment: I hope to visit Corinna this summer. I vacationed in Maine over the years as I
grew up. "Gallison's Place" made the best cinnamon buns ever! But of course I'm prejudiced! Keep up the good work- great site!
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Cecil Reed Location: Dexter ME Comment: Hi Ken! have been following your web-site nearly from start. Really interesting and informative. Some of the photography is breath-taking. Perhaps some day all this info and photography will be put into booklet form? Thanks for the web-site.
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Jim Emerson Location: Florida(for now) Comment: Hey Ken, Sue and I are currently in Florida on vacation. It sure is great to be
able to keep up on the demolition from so far away. We saw your folks yesterday for a few minutes when we delivered the Corinna Town Report to them. They are looking well. Great idea for folks to include their e-mail address in their comments if they wish. I've seen names I had almost forgotten about. It will be fun to get in touch with them. Mine is Keep up the good work (or pleasure I think)
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Priscilla Bass Location: Milo Comment: Very impressive web site. Very well done. Have bookmarked it to come back
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Steven Location: Comment: I like your web site. keep up the good work.
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Dennis and Joyce Carr Location: Zephyrhills, Florida Comment: Hi Ken, Great professional Web site. We look forward each day to your updated photos and comments regarding the mill. Will be anxious to see it all in person soon. We should be back in Corinna on about April 16th.-18th. Keep up the good work. We appreciate your commitment and dedication to this project and hope it continues through the entire revitalization of down town Corinna. What a great historical record this will be.
Date: March 11, 2000 Name: Eddie and Shirley Brodeur Location: Gardiner, ME Comment: Hi Ken,
Enjoying this website immensely. My son, Pete Smith, recently told us about it and we have already passed it along to others. Eddie and I are CUA grads, Class of '62, and both of our families were mill families for many years, Eddie's dad for more than 35 years and my dad for about 10. Though it is sad to see such a large part of our past disappear, hopefully the future beauty of this spot will replace any sadness we may feel.
As we watch the day-to-day changes via your pictures, we are especially enjoying the Guest Book as we recall names and faces forgotten over time. We would love to hear from other class-mates:
Please keep this terrific website going!
Date: March 10, 2000 Name: Dawn and Jenni Hale Location: Corinna Comment: Ken, Just viewed all of your sight with Jen, WOW. We both could not believe how big the mill really was. Can't wait to see the "new" Corinna image! Thanks for all your hard work, we will be visiting often.
Date: March 10, 2000 Name: Wesley Harris Location: Germany Comment: Kenny...I just got the web address from Mom and Dad when they came to
Germany to visit last month.
The Eastland mill was almost like a family to me while I was growing up. When Mom and Dad owned the store across the street, I bet I knew almost everyone in there. I remember when I was a little kid, spending the weekends in the boiler room with my dad. We would watch football on Sunday, and I would make "Winds" around the mill. I remember going in after school and sitting down and having long talks with my mother.
Even though this demolition is a great thing for the town of Corinna, I bet deep down, we ALL have a little spot in our heart's for that place. Once again Ken, your web site looks great. It's wonderful that you can keep those of us who are so far away, a little more up to date with the local events. Take care...:)
I would love to hear from some of you Corinna folks. It's wonderful when you see a friendly face. You can reach me at Hope to hear from you soon.
Date: March 10, 2000 Name: Betty (Bowden) MacKenzie Location: Newport, ME Comment: Hi Ken, I have written before, but I have to comment again. The coverage you
have given Corinna just keeps getting better and better. You and Julie could make this your full time jobs! Since I have written before, I have checked in almost daily and have seen many people that I grew up with and went to school with. This web site should be called a reunion site. For those who know me or my family members: Elmer and Mary Bowden are my parents, my siblings are Bruce, Barbara, Billy and Brian Bowden. I would love to hear from any of you, especially my classmates from afar. My email address is Please send me a line. Thanks again Ken for helping us Corinna people keep in touch!
Date: March 10, 2000 Name: Britani Location: Comment: Dear Ken
I like the web you made up it is very interesting alot of kids should be very interested I now I am. A lot of people think its just pichers but I don't I like the pichers has alot of detals I hop every can see it.
P.S. Write bake.
Date: March 10, 2000 Name: josh Location: Comment: hi agin I think your pichers are cool .
Date: March 10, 2000 Name: Richard L. Gallison Location: Corinna Comment: I used to run the restaurant called Gallisons Place and now that is long gone and I miss the people that used to come to my business but I do not miss the long hours. Ken-this is a wonderful way to get the message to all the former residents. I am happy that I can sit and watch it happen in my back yard. Am taking some video as it happens and will let you have it after the job is done. Great web site -keep up the excellent work. Hippy
Date: March 9, 2000 Name: Marilee Drew Location: Benton, Maine Comment: You put such a beautiful picture on the front page today.
I would like to ask any of my old playmates or kids I went to school with to e-mail me. I would love to hear from them after all these years. I know there are still alot of you around. A small run down on me, to see if you remember me.
My name=Marilee Drew
Grandfather=Ralph. E. Drew , Father=Bryant Drew, mother=Lena Drew, Brothers=Bryant JR. and Preston Drew. I went to school in Corinna All my life. School years ended in 1965. I would love to hear from you.
Date: March 9, 2000 Name: Shelda Madigan Location: St. Albans Comment: What a great web site...Thank you for all your hard work.
Date: March 8, 2000 Name: Roger Ricker Location: Corinna, Me Comment: Very nice work Ken...thank you!
Date: March 8, 2000 Name: Don Wyman Location: San Antonio, Texas Comment: Following the destruction of the mill is interesting since I used to work there,
but the sunrise picture on Mar 8th just became my desktop wallpaper. Thanks!!!!!
Date: March 8, 2000 Name: Fred & Hope Laurent Location: Austin, Colorado Comment: We lived in the area for a few years, about 10 years ago. Not much of a change. That is nice to know.
Date: March 8, 2000 Name: Lori Gamblin Stiles Location: Greenville, SC (yuck!) Comment: I remember walking downtown to go to Gallison's restaurant and have breakfast
and seeing all the mill workers there! My nana would only let me get a PLAIN donut (no sugar ones:-( but COULD get choc milk!
Date: March 7, 2000 Name: Sue Calvin Location: Stanhope, NJ Comment: I have been visiting my cousins, John and Pat Payelian in Corinna for 4 years
and thoroughly enjoy Maine and all it offers. The mill was an eyesore, and your newsletter keeps me up to date until I visit again this summer to see it for myself.
Date: March 7, 2000 Name: Fawn Davis Condon Location: Newport Elementary School Comment: Dear Kenny, I finally just got the time to look at all the wonderful work that you
have done on the web page that everyone is raving about. My students had to do a write up on the article about your page in the newspaper and I can't wait to share with them this web page. Well its time to get on home to ole Corinna and see in person just what has been done today. What a bright future this happening has for our town I can't wait to see us transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly. THE SKYS THE LIMIT!!!
Date: March 7, 2000 Name: Donna (Howes) Clarke Location: Marlboro, Mass. Comment: We just discovered your website and are really enjoying it! My husband and I
are originally from Corinna and have many friends and relatives still living there. Since we don't get home for a visit that often it's nice to see the changes taking place. The pictures are great! Keep up the good work. A special HI to anyone who knows us and all who don't as well!!
Date: March 7, 2000 Name: Lewis & Florice Howes Location: Zephyrhills Florida/Newport Me. Comment: Very interesting web-site. We will see it in person middle of May when we return
to our home in Newport, Me. on Sebasticook Lake.
Date: March 7, 2000 Name: Marilyn (Parker) Conway Location: Prague, OK 74864 Comment: Yes Ken, my mother would have "been proud of you". Imagine my delight to see Linnie Parker is still remembered. She would probably have been right out there with her three cameras around her neck acting as your roving reporter. My E-Mail address is - would love to hear from people from Corinna. I visit this website every day. Ken, you may have to start a separate "Chat Room".
Date: March 7, 2000 Name: steven debeck Location: pittsfield, me Comment:
Date: March 7, 2000 Name: Rodney & Hazel Knowles Location: Zephyrhills, FL and Bedford, Texas Comment: Rodney says thanks Kenny for letting us see how the mill came down. We wonder what we will have when we return home in May. Our kids have been able to see this also. Susan in Tucson, Mari-Lee in Texas. Keep up the good work.
Date: March 6, 2000 Name: Stephanie Cochran Location: Corinna Comment:
Date: March 6, 2000 Name: Jeff Pitcher Location: Corinna Comment: Great Site!! Didn't realize there was so many people that cared about ol Corinna. Keep up the great work!
Previous Guest Book Entries
- March 21 - April 1 (38 entries)
- March 6 - March 20 (60 entries)
- February 24 - March 5 (36 entries)
- February 16 - February 23 (51 entries)
- February 10 - February 15 (46 entries)
- February 7 - February 9 (36 entries)
- January 31 - February 6 (18 entries)
- January 24 - January 30 (11 entries)
- January 17 - January 23 (30 entries)
Sign the Guest Book | Cattail Press Homepage