Previous Entries
February 24 - March 5, 2000
Date: March 5, 2000 Name: Marilee Drew Location: Benton, Maine Comment: I also grew up in Corinna, My family has lived there for years. My mom, Lena
Drew, worked in the mill for years as a spinner. My father, Bryant Drew says he can remember when he was a little boy, when the mill wasn't there. He said you could look out over the dam. Set and watch the water come over it. Now in his late years, he will see this again. As for me, it seems so strange not seeing it there. I'm 54 years old now and it has been something I have seen all my life. And with it gone, seems a little sad to me.
Date: March 5, 2000 Name: art and nancy roy Location: north palm beach, florida Comment: wow, what a difference in corinna. our children grew up going to school in
corinna and nokomis. we used to live on the old corinna road in newport, art being a state police lieutenant in the maine state police.
Date: March 4, 2000 Name: Windle & Sheila Fussell Location: Callahan, Florida Comment: Just found the site due to Herb & Deen Fournier. They are friends of your parents(?. I will keep them informed of Corinna since Herb is from Maine. God Bless the town...
Date: March 4, 2000 Name: Duane Howes Location: Hollywood, FL Comment: My folks told me that the mill was coming down, but WOW! ... great photos! It's going to be a pretty spot now with the Library on the hill and the stream below. The photos of other sites around town, and especially the entries in your guest book, have really brought back memories. Hello and best wishes to all.
Date: March 4, 2000 Name: Angel (Davis) Quick Location: Garland ,Maine Comment: I really enjoy this web page you and your family are doing a great job. Keep up the good work .
Date: March 4, 2000 Name: Keith and Josephine Smith Location: Balm, Florida Comment: We are very grateful for the photos and information regarding Corinna,
especially during the demolition of the mill. Outstanding work!
Date: March 3, 2000 Name: Sandra Wilder Location: Dover Foxcroft Comment: Your web site is very interesting to me as I grew up in Corinna I remember when it was such a pretty little town. My dad worked in that mill John Bird was town manger then. Keep up the good work.
Date: March 3, 2000 Name: Ann Hodgkins Carver Location: Unity, Maine Comment: Got an e-mail from my cousin, Mark Hodgkins in Fla. and looked up your page, sure wish my hometowns, North Berwick and Detroit, would do the same. My Grandfather and Father worked the woolen mills all their lives, so I found the old photo's very interesting. Good Job. Is Douglas Clukey from Winter Haven any relation to Doug Clukey from Dexter, son of Albert and Francis Clukey?
Date: March 3, 2000 Name: Susan (Smith) Cummiskey Location: Long Valley, NJ Comment: Ken, Great work! Thanks for investing your personal time and effort to put this site together. The numerous guest book entries are a testament to the value you are providing to all of us, near and far, who have special ties to Corinna. Thanks again! I'm looking forward to seeing the "new Corinna" in person!
Date: March 3, 2000 Name: Linda Smith Location: Corinna Comment: Cannot say thank you enough for this web site. The snow birds and past
residents don't feel so far away when they can click on to what is happening in Corinna everyday. The front wall of the mill came tumbling down on my birthday. Cannot think of a better present!
Date: March 3, 2000 Name: Roberta Doughty Location: Bangor, Me Comment: Nice job! Give my regards to your parents. Your site was recommended by
Dennis Carr. You're right, Dennis, it is a great site.
Date: March 2, 2000 Name: Andrew Gallagher Location: Dover NH Comment: Great job Kenny!!!!!!Nice web site...I like the picture with gramp and auntie watching the final destruction. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Date: March 2, 2000 Name: Jim Emerson Location: Dexter Voc Center Comment: Ken, I just know that Linney Parker would be so proud of you.
Date: March 1, 2000 Name: DOUGLAS CLUKEY Location: WINTER HAVEN FL Comment: Hi Ken. I check your site almost every day. I enjoy the photos and your
chronology of events. I mentioned your site yesterday to Rodney Knowles of Corinna as we flew over your dad's house in Zephyrhills. Rodney and I had just enjoyed a bowl of New England Clam Chowder at eh Chowder house. Keep up the good work on this site for all of us who can't be there.
Date: March 1, 2000 Name: Wayne R Brown Location: Fort Myers FL Comment: Finally on internet -- the first web sit I visited was this one. A great job and
those of us natives of Corinna who now live far away are so pleased to be in contact with what is going on in our old home town. I was a friend of your grandparents, Herb and Carmen Dow. Several names on your guest book today are familiar or related to me. Keep up the good work!
Date: March 1, 2000 Name: Betsy Perkins Dorman Location: Mt. View Jr. High, Thorndike Comment: Hi Ken,
I see that my daughter, Lt. Lynne, signed your guest book from her "tough" Army assignment in Hawaii. I think that she is just trying to rub in the fact that she is in Hawaii and we are in Maine! I love the "sweeping the floor" picture that is on the website today. You must have taken that one when you went inside last week. Nice job! It sure was fun last week when we had the opportunity to stand on Main Street and watch that machine tear down part of the front of the mill. Good entertainment for school vacation week! Keep up the good work on the website!
Date: Feb. 29, 2000 Name: Jeanne Sawtelle Location: Comment: You are doing a remarkable job with your website. Thanks, Kenny.
Date: Feb. 29, 2000 Name: Tricia Tibbetts Clifford Location: Framingham, MA Comment: This is a great web site. I am glad to see that the EPA is doing such an extensive job cleaning up the environmental wasteland that was left by the mill. It's unfortunate that the soil, water and air was and still is contaminated.
Date: Feb. 29, 2000 Name: phil & pat hoyt Location: Panama city beach, fl. Comment: Hi, Saw the pictures on some mail that was mailed down to Joe Jaworski from his daughter-in-law, June Jaworski. Thought they were good. Have only been there once. Doesn't look the same. If June receives this will she please reply.
Thanks, Pat Hoyt
Date: Feb. 28, 2000 Name: Peter Smith Location: Damariscotta, ME Comment: Ken,
Great website! My aunt, Hilma Knowles passed your website on to me and I am sending it on to others in my family as well. It's sad to see the downtown gone, but hopefully the future for Corinna will be better and nicer as well. My grandfather worked in the mill in the 20s and 40s.
Date: Feb. 28, 2000 Name: Lynne (Dorman) Fling Location: Honolulu, HI Comment: Ken - Just wanted to say keep up the great work! I'm currently TDY here in
Hawaii until June. I'm so glad that I'll be able to keep up with the progress at the mill. Aloha everyone!
Date: Feb. 28, 2000 Name: Marla Scott Location: Dallas, TX Comment: Haven't lived in Corinna since I was very small but visit my Grammy there every two to three years. It's good to be able to keep up with the town with so much nostalgia! Thanks for the effort!
Date: Feb. 28, 2000 Name: Ian Location: Corinna Comment: Uncle Kenny your web site rock's
Date: Feb. 27, 2000 Name: Ken Emerson Location: Zephyrhills, FL Comment: Hi Ken have been watching the progress on the mill Its hard to think that it will
not be there when we come home in May. Ken & Charlene
Date: Feb. 27, 2000 Name: Tim Shamm Location: Long Valley, NJ Comment: My mother just called me from Corinna and told me about your site, so I had to check it out. Way to go. I recall being inside the mill once back in '72 or '73 when my Dad worked there briefly. My impression then was that the stench and overall conditions where so poor I couldn't imagine anyone staying in there for long. Glad to see it finally going. I don't get up to Corinna very often so it's nice to be able to 'get' there via your site. Thanks.
Date: Feb. 27, 2000 Name: Clyde Smith Location: Monterey, California Comment: Hi Ken, I have been checking your site, still doing a great job. Keep it up.
Date: Feb. 27, 2000 Name: Bob Daniels Location: Newton, MA Comment: Ken, In all the history of Corinna this is undoubtedly the biggest event. It's
great that you have chosen to record it in the manner you have.
Date: Feb. 26, 2000 Name: Carol King Location: Corinna Comment: Ken - You are doing such a fantastic job on the Web Page. I look at it everyday to see what is happening. It must take a lot of time to do the fine job you are doing. I hope you realize how much we all appreciate it. Carol Ann
Date: Feb. 26, 2000 Name: LeeRoy Levenseller Location: Pensacola Fl. Comment: Hi, was glad to find your web site. I think what you are doing makes it great for people who no longer in the area to keep in touch with their memories, and to know where some of their friends and old class mates are now. Knowing the history of Corinna and hopes for the future still keeps home close to heart. There are a lot of wonderful memories back there for a lot us. I have been away from there since 1981, I have been lucky enough to come home about every year so I have been able to keep in touch with what is going on. It would be great to hear about some of the people and businesses who helped Corinna grow through the past years. Hartleys, Snowflake, Fernalds, Davis Supply, and when Pearson's Store use to be Cecil Browns store. Some of their history and photos would be nice. What you are doing is great. THANKS
Thanks again!
Date: Feb. 26, 2000 Name: Laurel (Hartley) Robinson Location: Dexter, Maine Comment: Thanks for all the time you have spent on this page. As a young girl, I remember going into the mill with Diane Robichaud to visit her father, Eddie. It was such a big and dark building! I also enjoyed the picture of my parent's home after the storm. You made Janet, Jim & Judie happy! Thanks again!
Date: Feb. 26, 2000 Name: Claudia Breslin Location: Wickford, RI Comment: Looks like the whole mill is down now. Wow, what a difference. From the air
my sister's house looks like it is in the middle of nowhere. Can't wait to see the NEW Corinna in person, if I do not get lost without the Green Monster to guide me.
Date: Feb. 25, 2000 Name: Debbie Ricker Location: Bangor, ME Comment: Hi Kenny,
I was down to Henderson's today and Linda told me about your website.
I haven't looked at everything yet but I wanted to share something with you now. Yesterday I went down, sat on the damn, and watched a flock of mallards for awhile. I thought about all the times I have spent in that spot catching fish, watching the wildlife and sometimes just daydreaming. It makes me feel a little sad to think my special place will be open to the world now. I hope that others will respect it as our family has and it will remain a place of special memories for all of us. Love, DebDeb- I couldn't have said it any better. -Ken
Date: Feb. 25, 2000 Name: Donna Farrington Location: Medway, Maine Comment: It is sad to see a long standing part of a community removed. I would look forward to seeing the mill knowing that it was only a few feet more to my aunt and uncle's house, Ida and Harold Davis. Being car sick most of the time during our travel the mill was a welcomed sight.
Date: Feb. 25, 2000 Name: Elaine (Ireland) Levenseller Location: Milton, Florida Comment: My Mom (Arlene Ireland) gave this site to my sister Peggy who in turn sent it to
me. I think what you are doing is wonderful. It gives so many of us away from our roots a chance to see how our town and the people in it are doing. Thank-you for giving us a link to home. Keep up the great work.
Date: Feb. 24, 2000 Name: Dan and Betty Tarr Location: Brooksville, Florida Comment: Great pics of the demo project etc. Keep up the good work.
Previous Guest Book Entries
- March 21 - April 1 (38 entries)
- March 6 - March 20 (60 entries)
- February 24 - March 5 (36 entries)
- February 16 - February 23 (51 entries)
- February 10 - February 15 (46 entries)
- February 7 - February 9 (36 entries)
- January 31 - February 6 (18 entries)
- January 24 - January 30 (11 entries)
- January 17 - January 23 (30 entries)
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