Previous Entries
April 2 - April 6, 2000
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: Timothy and Angel Glidden Location: Seal Beach, CA Email: Comment: I'm in the ARMY stationed in CA. We have a home in Exeter on the Exeter
Road. We enjoyed looking at your page. Its good to see a little history about home and places we can relate to.
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: Sue Potvin Location: Newport Email: Comment: I have spent much of today looking at all the pictures and reading the letters on your web site. Even though I live a mere 3 miles from the mill site and drive past is frequently, I cannot believe the wonderful pictures and information this site contains!! I am amazed at the number of notes from people all over the country and the world! It is a touching reminder of the history and closeness in this town!! Keep it up!!!
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: Palmer & Ruth Location: Tamarac, Fl Email: Comment: Hi.... Sue and Jack Brown gave this site to us. We hope to see you this summer.
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: sylvia green welch pearson Location: old town, me Email: Comment: wrote a short note the other day before i read much of the information. just wanted to add that both my grandmother, nellie chamberlain and my mother-in-law, hazel welch had worked in the mill. i can still smell the odor of the mill. your pages of corinna really bring back a lot of memories. thank you.
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: Keith A. Matteson Location: Doylestown, PA Email: Comment: My father, Gene Matteson, grew up in Exeter, and I am familiar with the old
mill. I have family in the area that made me aware of your site. I will be sure to forward this news to my dad.
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: Jane Quimby Biscoe Location: Waldoboro, Maine Email: Comment: I am a Corinna native who has been "away" for a long time - but I have kept in close touch with the town's progress and struggles. The rebirth of our little town is one of the most heartening things I have ever witnessed and the Cattail Press web site is truly a labor of love on the part of Ken Dow. My Dad, Millard Quimby, was Corinna's first Town Manager and I know how thrilled he would be to see what is happening today. Thanks to you, Ken, for enabling us to follow the progress of all the changes going on. Greetings to all lovers of Corinna!
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: Will and Barbara Shann Location: Corinna, Maine Email: Comment: We are writing this from Lebanon, Ohio at the home of Ralph and Ann Shann.
Can't believe we are viewing the latest on the mill site's progress. Ken, thank you for this opportunity, especially the archives section. We all enjoyed.
Will and Barbara
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: Eddie & Shirley Brodeur Location: Gardiner, ME Email: Comment: Hi Ken, Still enjoying the web-site and how it has brought people together from all over the world. Coming from such a small town, it is truly amazing how the Guest Book has brought back memories of people and times long forgotten.
Have corresponded with many folks via the Guest Book and would love to hear from other CUA classmates.
Date: April 6, 2000 Name: ann shann Location: Lebanon, Ohio 45036 Email: Comment: My sister and brother-in-law live on Brooks Pond Drive and we have visited there in Corinna and we have seen the mill. My sister has kept me informed about the demolition of the mill site. Now we are able to see this over the web-site. Thank you Ken. My sister's name is Barbara Shann and Will is her hubby. Thanks again.
Date: April 5, 2000 Name: Susanne & Jack Brown Location: "in the CITY, soon to be home" Email: Comment: Ken - I'm wondering how you ever do find time to read all your mail ! Hope those two sons help you out from time to time. Tried to find you on the Web this winter, but didn't locate a link. Nice article in the TELEGRAM. Congrats on a beautiful job.
Date: April 5, 2000 Name: Virginia Spiller Location: York, Maine Email: Comment: Your site is informative, we enjoy the daily photos and will keep ourselves abreast of your changes. I am looking for information on the Constant Southard DAR Chapter that was in Corinna sometime in the early 1900's to at least 1933 when mentioned in the Eastern Gazette of Dexter. I am completing an entry for the Maine Genealogical Society publication Maine Families in 1790 on Constant Southard. Thanks to Everett Simpson and Peter Smith and town clerks in Corinna, Exeter, Dexter our entry is almost ready for volume 7 but I want information on the DAR chapter so I can mention it in the entry being published this Fall or early 2001. Thanks to all who have assisted me and to anyone who might have information...I believe the chapter erected the cemetery stone for
Constant near his farm in the field.
Date: April 5, 2000 Name: Benita Bowker Booth Location: Pittsfield, Maine Email: Comment:
Date: April 5, 2000 Name: Steve Pitcher Location: Manassas, VA Email: Comment: Well Ken, I guess after the tower came down you heard of others (besides myself) that made the climb in our younger years. It's been a while since I added to the guestbook, so I thought I would splash my graffiti here again.
There is a lot of history in this town as I continue to see names and hear of grandparents that have lived in Corinna, I thought maybe some would like to hear that my grandmother, E. Pitcher, wife of G. (PUG) is doing well and now living in Florida near her daughter. For those that don't remember PUG, he owned the gas station on the end of Main St that is now Lister Petroleum. Of course that was near 30 years ago that I remember... If you would like to email me please do:
Keep it up Ken, it'll be a while before I get back home. Thanks.
Date: April 5, 2000 Name: Vic Buckland Location: Newport Email: Comment: I read the EMail from a Michael Pullinger. I will be glad to make contact with Michael or you can simply forward my EMail to him. I'm sure that I can help him grow his family tree with a few "Bucklands"!!!
As I was saying---It's amazing what has developed.
Date: April 5, 2000 Name: Brent Welch Location: Riverview Florida Email: Comment: Thanks for putting up this site! Now I can stay in touch with the town where I spent most of my summers. I am a grandson of Gene and Hazel Welch, both now deceased, but for fifty or more years they lived in your fine town. For most of my life I lived near Brent's grandmother, Hazel Welch. She showed me my first jack-in-the-pulpit flower and taught me how to chew spruce gum. She was a marvelous women who touched many lives -Ken
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Ken Dow Location: Corinna Email: Comment: TO: Michael Pullinger from Fareham, England.
The Bucklands are interested in contacting you. Please send me a message at the address above. I will help you make contact with them.
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Jim Hartley Location: Keystone, Colorado Email: Comment: Hello Mr. Dow,
Thanks again for all of your diligence in reporting the happenings in town and with the dismantling of the mill. I have followed your reports and have truly enjoyed all of the photos and especially the text, always entertaining and enthusiastic. Today's entry was the first to elicit real emotion. I have had the opportunity to travel home a few time this year. I was present, with my uncles Perley and Darrell, at the final draft meeting for the "new" Corinna downtown, and in February of this winter, to see only, perhaps, 1/4 of the mill still standing. However supportive I have been for the dismantling of the mill, to see photos of the water tower coming down really hits home. I'm sure that it was a landmark for thousands of people who have passed through town, and a site of mischief for the town youth. I have not been to the top, (I did climb a portion with David Plunkett), yet I would offer a purse of $1.50 for any information, accusation (hearsay or otherwise), to anyone!
who can prove that Steven Hartley (former Fire Chief) climbed the tower in his underwear.
An extra five bucks if they have pictures. Thanks again to you and all that have assisted you in your reporting (Hi, Tim Briggs)
Fondly, Jim Hartley
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Linda Deering Location: St. Albans, ME Email: Comment: Hi Kenny and Julie.
Just found out about this site from a family member. Wow, did the memories ever come flooding back. I remember stories being told about some of the people that braved that tower! I also remember the Rexall drug store that we used to frequent after school (cherry cokes). Many fond memories came from reading everyone's comments. I would like to say Hi to Donna Howes Clark who I haven't seen or heard from since, I don't remember when. Great Job
Keep up the good work!
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Marilyn Harris McAlpine Location: Newburgh, Me Email: Comment: Hi Ken; You are doing a great job at keeping every one up to date with what is going on in Corinna.
Thanks a lot......
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Deanna Temple Tardiff Location: Stetson Email: Comment: Ken,
What a nice site. I come in here every morning to see and read in the guest book I lived in Corinna, in the 1960's to the late 70's. We lived on the ole 222 road, not far from the swim front. That is were we all liked to hang out. It was a great town growing up in. I would love to see some pictures of the swim front where we all use to swim, and take lessons, (if any are available)
My Grandparents were Mary and Clyde Harris, And we miss them dearly.
This is the best site that I have run across, and I wouldn't have found it , if it were not for my aunt Lorraine Brann Hunter. It is the greatest.
I like the old pictures the most. I remember going into the mill everyday at lunch from the JHS. My mom would give me money to go get my own snack or take me out to eat. then back to school we would go.. I miss the town very much It was very nice growing up there...
Thanks again for all the nice pictures, and news updates. and all the people who have signed the guest book, it is nice to hear there stories, and who there families are..
Keep up the great work Mr. Dow..
I often wonder if you even remember some of us kids LOL
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: bill morley Location: framingham mass Email: Comment: wow my brother just sent me these pictures of your town how awesome, I lived there when I was a kid, my father was the Methodist minister there for awhile, we used to somehow climb underneath the street where the woolen mill discharged water?
and smoke cigarettes, I guess learning now how much other bad stuff was there, (and the fact that we could have fallen into it and maybe drowned) makes my skin crawl, I remember the water coming out from there to be all sorts of different colors at different times of the day, I used to fish up stream from there, and once in a while they would drain out the water in between a dam and the mill and you could walk around and find all sorts of marine life...very interesting..hi to anybody who knows me - jimmy sawtelle and eddie??
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Dan Winters Location: Long Island New York Email: Comment: The picture of the pigeons on the church steeple looks to be from the Methodist Church. Our Boy Scout Troop (Troop 65) used to meet in the basement there. (1974-79ish) Ray Young was the Scout Master.
Others in the troop during my time included my brother Sid, Dave Michaud, Dave Henderson, Tim and Tony Kennedy, Tony Bennett, Ralph Pelletier, and Scott Bryson. It was a great time. I'm going to have to look in my folks photo album for photos taken on main street during the bi-centennial parade. My brother Sid led the parade and carried the bi-centenial flag - at one point he took a wrong turn and created his own detour for the parade.
Maybe we've got some photos of some of the uniforms made from fabric from the mill that one fellow had mentioned.
Does the town still have a troop and do they still meet in the church?
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: William C. Tracy Location: Windham, Maine Email: Comment: Your website and this past weekend's article in the Maine Sunday Telegram are incredible in terms of the historic reminders and links to the mill and its people.
I have cousins still in Corinna. As a young child I lived there and even after my mother married and moved north, I had the opportunity to spend some of each summer with my great aunt and uncle just on the outskirts of town. Generations of my family have worked in the mill and the reminder of my grandmother's apartment at its back entrance, my uncle who came home each day at 3:00 smelling of dye, and on many occasions being with my mom in the building are powerful memories of how everyone in the area depended upon Eastland.
The mill, indirectly, also brought other opportunity. My parents raised eleven children and it provided part of the initial income to start a dairy farm. It appears that the mill has produced yet another opportunity, hope for revitalization.
Regardless of moving roads and rivers, it will always be hard for me to remember the Town without the mill. Thanks to your collection I now have a place to visit to remind me of how it was for my parents as working adults and the childhood that went along with it. Thanks.
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Sandy St.Pierre Location: Pittsfield Email: Comment: Dear Ken, Ever since my dad gave this web site, I've been checking on it
everyday. I had mixed emotions with the mill being demolished. I have several generations of family that worked there and we visited Corinna often when I was a child.
It is a landmark that will be missed, I'm sure. Keep up the good work that you are doing.
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: michael l Location: noble high school Email: Comment:
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Patricia Busque Location: Dover-Foxcroft, Me Email: Comment: I would like to say I enjoyed your site a lot, I have lived in Dexter most of my
life but do remember many summer days riding my bike or walking to Corinna. We had most of our family reunions there and I have a lot of fond memories of visiting there.
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: John Paul Ledoux Jr Location: Biddeford , Maine Email: Comment: I greatly enjoyed your web pages, photographs, and historical data. Being from a mill town myself, and knowing the pollution that they can cause, i sympathize with the people of Corinna, and applaud their good old Yankee gumption in the re-creation of an obviously historically important town in our great state.
I salute you in your actions, and hope that all goes well with everyone.
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Gary Reynolds Location: Winslow, ME Email: Comment: I live at the confluence of the Sebasticook and Kennebec rivers; where the pollution used to join hands on its way to the Atlantic.
I can remember: working in the Hathaway shirt factory, as a construction worker in '75, taking my lunch breaks on the shores of the Kennebec. The rive was incredibly polluted in those days.
I fished the Kennebec this summer; south of the confluence and in Sydney; before the Edwards dam was removed and after. The fishing was great and I don't know how to fish.
Best of luck, Gary
Date: April 4, 2000 Name: Malcolm Leslie Kimball Location: Corinna,Me. Email: Comment: Dear Ken, you have done a swell job with this project, it will be a long time remembered and as time goes by it will be a great source of information to our future generations, I worked here first in 1958 when I came home from the service, in the wet finish dept. and then later on I worked 29 years in the Cardroom as a card fixer, to most people this may be getting rid of an eye sore, but to me and many I'm sure, there goes many sweet memories, keep up the good work. Mack Kimball
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Katherine A. Martin Location: Dixfield, Me. Email: Comment: Nice to hear about people who love where they live and worked. Hopefully your web page will be an inspiration to others. Good job!
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Dan Robichaud Location: Old Orchard Beach Maine Email: Comment: Ken,
After reading the Sunday paper tonight, I was surprised to find there is a website for our great little town. It was so great to find a way to show my daughters where I grew up, and it also shows them that there really isn't anything like living in a small town, where people come together to get things accomplished. I will visit this site often, and I just wanted to thank you for making it all available..
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Tebob Buckland Location: St. Petersburg, Fla. Email: Comment: Just got done reading today's Guest Book WOW. Do you by chance have the email address of the fellow from England (Michael Pullinger) I would like to contact him as I know the people John Buckland and Ann Michaud quite well. Tebob
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Ann-Marie Grenier Location: Windham Email: Comment: What a difference this will make for the downtown of Corinna! I will be anxiously awaiting the final touches of the project. This web site is a great idea. What a way to open up the eyes of people who not able to witness the daily changes.
We will plan a trip to Corinna to visit some very dear friends as well as the beautified downtown!
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Cheryl (Cooley) Laplante Location: York, ME Email: Comment: Just read the mill article in the Maine Sunday Telegram. The pictures brought back a lot of memories from my childhood visiting with my great grandparents -- Frank and Ruby Harding. They lived in the house that had the miniature chapel on the front lawn.
Thanks for sharing the history and pictures, I will return to this site again and pass it on to other family members.
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Perry Brown Location: St.Stephen, NB Email: Comment: Ken: Just happened to pick up a copy of the Maine Sunday Telegram today (since there was an article on Corinna on the front page) and saw your website address. Have had an opportunity to look over some of the guest book messages which bring back many memories of folks I remember. Traveling around northern New England for Wal-Mart does not give me the chance to return to Corinna as much as I would like. You have a fantastic site which I will be able to visit on a more regular basis! I also am wondering what my father's cousin Linnie Parker (who was a Gazette correspondent for many years) would think of all this high-tech communication.
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Allen Hall Location: Cape Neddick, Maine Email: Comment: eastland woolen mill was a landmark
for many years on the way up to moosehead lake for my family
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Alan and Teresa Deering Location: Hartland, Maine Email: Comment: Excellent job!!!!!
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Gary J. Aldrich Sr. Location: Sanford Maine Email: Comment: I just had to drop a note. Reading the article in the Maine Sunday Telegram allowed me to go back in time for a brief moment. My hometown is Lincoln Maine, however, I have 2 brothers and a cousin that worked at Eastland in the mi-late 70's. In fact, I was just an early teen and one of my brothers use to travel from Lincoln to Eastland to work 3 rd shift, he had a hard time at night staying awake at the wheel so I would go with him and I would help the spinners and my brother who was a fixer do various things. Didn't get paid for it but as a young teen I enjoyed it. With regulations now you couldn't do that, yikes! hehe. Oh, its ironic that I now am in the Textile business. I work for Biddeford Textile Corp. in Southern Maine. Eastland put a lot of people to work...young and old and will always be remembered, only wished the mill could of been revived as well even on a smaller scale. Guess I'm a change resistor...good luck on your NEW downtown!
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Kristen Barclay Location: Universtity of Arizona Email: Comment:
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: sylvia green welch pearson Location: old town me Email: Comment: i was brought up in palmrya. married to philip welch in 1948 until his death in
1973. information is very interesting.
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Ed Bailey Location: Cedar Falls, Iowa Email: Comment: I am a son of Maine and regularly look at the Press Herald web site and was delighted to find your site referenced in the article about the mill. When I was a young boy living in Millinocket we traveled through Corinna on our way to Upton for visits to the Grandparents. The chronicle you have created about this process will be a wonderful record for your community. I am a construction inspector for the Iowa Department of Transportation so I hope you will track the relocation of Route 7 and perhaps include some of the feelings folks have both positive and negative about the work. Photos of moving the Odd Fellows Hall would be terrific also. Thank you Ed Bailey
Date: April 3, 2000 Name: Brian Knowles Location: Email: Greenville, SC Comment: I continue to check your site daily and very much appreciate all your efforts to keep everyone up to date. The general information about the towns history is really getting becoming very informative and interesting. I commend Marvin for his advertising support and hope others follow his example. Although there aren't many businesses in town there certainly are many in the area servicing the people following your website.
I was very glad to see the photos of the the water fall. When you first mentioned it I could remember any water fall in town, but as the story continued I remember it being one of only a few places in Corinna we caught brook trout as kids.
I recently asked if the water tower was staying and I guess I got my answer in the form of some great photography. I climbed the tower once in my early teens. It really was quite an experience and view. As Jim E. said the end of the climb was an experience. If I remember right there was also a ladder to the very top of the tank, I think after the backward inclined section to the catwalk and realizing I had to to retrace my climb down I declined the summit. Thanks for passing my e-mail address on, I have been in touch with a classmate and hope to get together on my next trip to the Northwest. Thanks for the great website and keep up the good work.
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Michael Pullinger Location: Fareham, England Email: Comment: Found your fascinating Website looking for a the name of a local newspaper or genealogical society who I could write to. My mother has some distant cousins that she used to correspond with in the late forties who lived in Corinna. Anyone know the whereabouts of John Buckland and his Sister Ann? John served in the US Navy during the war. Ann's married is Michaud I think. Had a daughter, Judy and a son Pierre. Mum just used to address her letters Corinna, Maine.
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Patrick and Ann Peoples Location: Westbrook, Maine Email: Comment: We were passing through Corinna on April 1 and stopped for breakfast at the Family Affair Restaurant. What a wonderful friendly place! You can be sure we will stop in Corinna on our way to Moosehead in future. When we got home this afternoon, we saw the article in the Portland Sunday Telegram and read about the great job you are doing in rebuilding your town. We think you are setting a great example to all other communities trying to revitalize themselves. Because we live in Westbrook we know the feeling.
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Myron Petrovsky Location: Portland, ME Email: Comment: As a consulting engineer specializing in dams, I was retained by the Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) to inspect the Corinna's Upper and Mill Dams with respect of their safety. The Mill Dam is located inside of the mill building and is a main dam supporting Corundel Lake. The concrete/masonry dam is equipped with one large flood gate and 4 smaller gates/stoplogs to regulate the flow and level in the lake. A report on the condition of the Mill Dam was issued in August 1998. One of the recommendations of the report was to provide continuous supervision of the dam during demolition of the building and re-inspect the dam after the mill building is removed. I'm wondering how this dam safety issue is going to be addressed during demolition of the mill building?
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Gary R. Barclay Location: Biddeford, Maine Email: Comment: Ken,
As soon as I saw The front page of the Sunday telegram I had a flood of fond childhood memories pour over me. When I saw your picture on the back page article I went back in time when we would ride around town in your white VW Dunebuggy. I have been somewhat keep up to date on the goings on of the town through Carol-Ann (Knowles) Brooks, and Rodney & Hazel, (my children's aunt & grandparents). Now that I know about this website I will be able to keep up on a regular basis. I thought the newspaper article was very good in showing how people in a small town in Maine have so much pride and determination to pull through difficult times together. I hope Hendersons store is still going to be a fixture in the new and improved downtown, they are, after all, my children's Godparents.
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Adrian Allen Location: Weestbrook, Maine Email: Comment: I have lived in Maine all my life. I have passed through That beautiful town on several occasions. It will seem different, with the mill gone. I think, how the people are staying together, on this cleanup issue is going to lead other small towns in Maine to follow. Best wishes, Adrian
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Elaine Merrill Godsoe Location: Cumberland, Maine Email: Comment: Imagine my surprise to pick up the Portland Press Herald this morning and find my old home town featured on the front page! I am excited about the project you are doing and will looked forward to updates. I lived on a farm in Corinna for many years and went to Corinna Center School, the village school, and high school at the old Corinna Union Academy. My best friend was Loraine Eaton Palmer. I also was a very close friend of Jimmy Pearson and still hear from them from time to time.
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Mark Chadbourne Location: Cleveland Ohio Email: Comment: Hi Ken:
I am very excited to discover your website. I have come across the Corinna web-page through other links, but seeing this has really moved me. My last visit to Corinna was in the early '80's and I see a lot has changed. The pictures of Stewart Library really brought back some vivid games and pictures of town founders that used to spook me when I was in the building after dark. I am curious about the Methodist Parsonage we lived in and see shots of the church. Some of the perspectives of the photos makes me even more curious because I recall skating on the millpond and seeing the area that was only accessible by the ice. I welcome any correspondence from those living in Corinna and look forward to seeing more of the transformation. Please send e-mail to me at Thank you for sharing this with me and the rest of us who have called Corinna home!
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Ryan+Michelle Stankevitz Location: mooresville north carolina Comment: ken we check the site regularly growing up near the mill it is nice to track the
progress of corinna. we would love to here from friends and neighbors email us at
Date: April 2, 2000 Name: Catherine Greenfield Location: Groton, CT Comment: I've just been told of your web page by a dear friend native to Corinna. I had lived in Dexter for 2 years and have recently moved to CT. I would just like to thank her and all the Corinna people for making me feel at home. Thanks Kell and I hope to visit the web site often.
Previous Guest Book Entries
- April 2 - April 6 (23 entries)
- March 21 - April 1 (38 entries)
- March 6 - March 20 (60 entries)
- February 24 - March 5 (36 entries)
- February 16 - February 23 (51 entries)
- February 10 - February 15 (46 entries)
- February 7 - February 9 (36 entries)
- January 31 - February 6 (18 entries)
- January 24 - January 30 (11 entries)
- January 17 - January 23 (30 entries)
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