Previous Entries
April 7 - April 15, 2000
Date: April 15, 2000 Name: Donna (Howes) Clarke Location: Marlboro, Massachusetts Email: Comment: I have signed your guestbook before but wanted to let you know how much we continue to enjoy this website, especially the guestbook entries. Also wanted to include our e-mail address which I neglected to do last time. Have seen many entries from old friends and would like to send a greeting back to Linda Deering (I've been trying to get your e-mail address since I saw your entry). Would love to hear from you and catch up on old times. Hi to all the Corinna people!
Date: April 15, 2000 Name: Dianna Rybka Location: Brooksville, Florida Email: Comment: I would like to say that my parents both grew up in corinna and that is where we would go every weekend to visit my grandparents. Now i don't get back much except to maybe drive thru once a year, but i have a bunch of great memories of the way corinna use to be and that i probably would not recognize it now without the mill.
Date: April 15, 2000 Name: Robert and Kelly Danielson Location: Wilmore, Kentucky Email: Comment: WOW!!! What an interesting web site! My family is very new to Corinna, my
mother is the new pastor at the United Methodist Church which can be seen in many of the pictures. My wife and I were married in Corinna last July and are currently at school. It is so exciting to see all of the changes going on! At least we hope to be able to recognize Corinna after all the work is done. Keep up the good work!!
Date: April 15, 2000 Name: Jim and Sue Emerson Location: Beautiful downtown Corinna Email: Comment: Hi Ken, We still enjoy checking out your site everyday, especially since we have our own computer now. Sue also has her own e-mail address now in case anyone wants to contact her. It is One of these days I would like to see a picture taken from the very top of the clock tower (standing right beside the eagle) Its been a long time since I saw that view. Keep up the great work.
Date: April 15, 2000 Name: George Bechler Location: Mooresville North Carolina Email: Comment: ken it is wonderful to see the town change i miss it. this is a good way of keeping in touch.
Date: April 15, 2000 Name: Frances DeBeck Cookson Location: Newport Me Email: Comment: I was born in Newport but spent a lot of time in Corinna, Roller skating. My brother worked at the mill for a lot of years. Love the pictures. I am currently trying to find people who attended the old Newport High School. If you attended at any time would you please let me know? We have a reunion of the whole school every year and have a ball. Would love to add your name to my mailing list. Keep up the good work with all your pictures and information
Date: April 14, 2000 Name: Ken Dow Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Joe from Mass. sent me a message asking about the Registry of Deeds for Penobscot County. [Joe, my reply to you was returned to me, non-delivered because your email account would not accept mail from my address.] The Registry is in Bangor. The phone number is 207-942-8797. -Ken
Date: April 14, 2000 Name: Lori Ellis Location: Marlborough, Mass. Email: Comment: Dear Ken,
I am going crazy trying to find this picture of the "water falls" that my mother and everyone say's I need to see??!! Am I crazy or just not looking in the right place??? It's the one you got a compliment on the picture you took, in the guest book. Could you please tell me where to look?
Sincerely, Lori Ellis
Date: April 14, 2000 Name: Janet Location: St. Albans Email: Comment: Ken, What a wonderful web site you have! I read about you in the Sunday paper. It's too bad that word didn't get out sooner so that we could follow your website along with the demolition. A piece of history is gone but you've done a great job in preserving it.
Date: April 14, 2000 Name: Carrie Clark Location: Corinna (and Bangor), ME Email: Comment: Hi again!!!
It has been a few months since I signed the guest book and I thought it was about time. I was reading today's entries (4/13/00) and was reminded of when I went to the babysitter's right next door. (HI BEV!) So much of that time in my life is connected with the mill and i never realized it. It may only be that the mill was part of my town everyday, I saw it everyday, and SMELT it everyday, but it was there. It was a part of my childhood (just like Bev's!!) But things change and sometimes the changes are for the better. This is most definitely one of the more positive changes I have seen in my 20 years, most of which have been in Corinna. I never stopped to look and see how beautiful the town is until all these changes started to take place. Again I can't wait to see the finished project!!! (Can any of us really?)
Thanks again for providing us all with a place to see it even when we are miles away, to talk about it and to read others thoughts! It is much appreciated (c: Hi to everyone! Feel free to use my email address!!!
Date: April 13, 2000 Name: Paul and Cathy (Nichols) Miller Location: Irian Jaya, Indonesia Email: Comment: My brother Bob sent me this address...what a refreshing touch of "home"! Having been here for almost 2 years, I'm afraid that a lot of life just passes us by. We didn't even know that the mill was being torn down! It was great to see the current photographs. I'm sure we will return to this site often.
Date: April 13, 2000 Name: Beverly Stankevitz Location: Corinna Email: Comment: Great job Ken. I really enjoyed your pictures. Also I enjoyed the guest book and found two class mates to chat with. Keep up the good work. I miss you coming to pick up the boys when they were at home. Bev
Date: April 13, 2000 Name: Teresa (MacDonald) Deering Location: Hartland Email: Comment: I remember when I was a little girl you lived next door to my Auntie Audrene.(the Clark's). And I can remember the mill being so big. All my family worked there to support their families. The bad thing is that most or them have passed away now, at a very young age. I can remember my aunt (Linda Wilson) telling me there was someone hanging in the library belfry. Sick joke of course!!!! So many sacred things to remember for such a small town. Things I will never forget in the town of CORINNA, MAINE. It will always live because it can never be taken away. THE MEMORIES
Date: April 12, 2000 Name: Bob Wallace Location: Duluth, Minnesota Email: Comment: Dear Ken,
Your site is absolutely terrific!
I'm now the Chief Financial Officer of a newspaper chain headquartered in Duluth, but back in the late 1980's I worked at Eastland as the cost accountant. I have very fond memories of my time at Eastland. The people I worked with were terrific and I consider that job as probably the most enjoyable I have ever had.
I was sad to hear of the mill's closing in 1996 and I was very disappointed when I learned of the pollution it had caused. At the first of the year I read about the demolition of the mill in the Boston Globe. That really got me thinking about old times and wishingI could see what was going on. A friend in Maine told me about your site and it really gave me a good idea of what was happening!
Some of the folks I worked closely with were Ross Bell, Priscilla Robinson, Alice Guay, Muriel Malone, Jim Mowbray and Dennis Knowles. If any of you read this I'd love for you to drop me an email.
I hope Corinna has wonderful times to come with the new down town!
Date: April 12, 2000 Name: Brenda (Bickmore) Colbath Location: Glendale, Arizona Email: Comment: Hi to all you Graduates of good old CUA!!! I have noticed quite a few of you in the Cattail guest book. Anyone from the 1958 class???
I would Love to hear from you. I have talked to several and have visited them when in Maine. Even had Millard M. visit me here in Phoenix, we visited and had dinner together. Was fun. I enjoy getting and sending e-mail. Look forward to hearing from you.
Date: April 12, 2000 Name: Harlan Miller Location: Moneta, VA Email: Comment: Howdy Ken!
Oh boy, was I surprised to hear about your Web site this morning from "Bing" Grindle of Roanoke, VA. He also spent a few summers in Corinna many years ago. Turns out Nancy and Bings wife met at a local quilters meeting a couple years ago but we never caught the connection with Corinna until they called us this morning to tell us about your web site.
It's really great, keep up the good work! I will tell my brother Paul for sure as soon as possible. I'm sure he will contact you soon. He still doing family genealogy... apparently it's a never ending project with him.
We looked for you last summer at the Owls Head transportation show but didn't find you. Apparently you were very busy on other hobbies!
Best regards, Harlan & Nancy Miller
Date: April 11, 2000 Name: Lisa (Gamblin) Hackling Location: Wilkes-Barre, PA Email: Comment: Hi everyone. Great site that my mom told me about. Thanks mom. I remember as a young girl walking downtown Corinna, to go eat breakfast with my grandmother..the mill always looked so big to me. I am gonna miss that mill along with the famous water tower during future visit with my mom...but times they are a changing!!!
Hey....Lori...nana let me have sugared doughnuts. HAHAHA. But only once in a while, but the choc. milk was a must all the time.
Date: April 11, 2000 Name: Jerrid Otis Location: Springfield College Springfield, MA Email: Comment: Corinna may be a small town, but it is a great place to live and grow up in.
Date: April 10, 2000 Name: Anna and Hazen Searway Location: North Waterboro, Maine Email: Comment: We're able to get to Corinna only infrequently and are so happy to be keeping up with the progress of Corinna's big project via the "Cattail Press." Hazen, my two-year old son, is completely fascinated by construction or deconstruction where large pieces of machinery are needed. His name for all that is going on is simply "dirt". How we wish we could have been there the day the water tower came down.
Thank you, Mr. Dow, for your efforts. It must be quite clear to you how widely they are appreciated!! Please say hello to your family for us.
- Anna Satterfield Searway
(Infamous for my initials...)
Date: April 10, 2000 Name: Marie Basford Harmon Location: Westbrook, Maine Email: Comment: Hello: I am familiar with your town. I have been there visiting my aunt
Hilma. My grandparents, mother, aunt and uncles are from there. I haven't been up for a while so it will be different when I come up. It is such a nice quiet place.
Date: April 10, 2000 Name: Alden Bolstridge Location: Yarmouth, Maine Email: Comment: As a former employee of Eastland Woolen Mill, I enjoyed looking at all the
pictures of the mill being torn down. You have great shots of the tower coming down. Even though I have a new job, as an E.M.T, for the town of Corinna, I do miss working there;
mainly because of all the friends that I made while working there. Keep up the good work!
Date: April 10, 2000 Name: Michael Pullinger Location: Fareham, England Email: Comment: Dear Ken, You asked me to update my enquiry for the Bucklands of Corinna. Thanks to William (Tebob) Buckland and Vic Buckland I now know that this was not some figment of my mother's imagination when a young American sailor came to stay with her Grandmother during or just after the war. I still don't know how we are related if indeed we are but I doubt whether John just stuck a pin in the map of Portsmouth and came up with my Great grandmother's address. Fantastic as this email business is I shall be replying to John and his family the old fashioned way. Thanks again for being the intermediary,
Date: April 10, 2000 Name: Tony and Wanda Bennett Location: Rt.7 Corinna Email: Comment: Looks good!
Many of you may recognize that the house R. C. is speaking of, on the corner of the Newport Road and Main Street was purchased by my grandfather in the 40's. At one point, most of his family lived in the apartments there, including me. -Ken
Date: April 9, 2000 Name: Brendan FitzPatrick Location: Blacksburg, Virginia Email: Comment: I recently discovered your website and it surely is a nice taste of home. Even though I am originally from Newport, I have many memories of wonderful times in Corinna.
It is nice to see the local spirit is still alive. While the landscape seems to be constantly evolving, the new changes are hopefully going to revitalize the town. Best of Luck Corinna!
Date: April 9, 2000 Name: Virginia Turner Wintle Location: Westbrook ME Email: Comment: I just talked with my sister Marie Birckhead from Florida and she is so excited about the site I had to sign the Guest Book. It was interesting to see the Turner Block and all the wonderful pictures. I'm at my friend's and she is showing me how to enjoy the site that you have. Keep up the good work. Ginny
Date: April 9, 2000 Name: Phil Young Location: Augusta, Maine Email: Comment: Hi again Ken I just have to repeat my thanks for all your efforts in keeping this page up to date. I usually end my day by checking your Guestbook and getting updated on the progress of the mill razing project.
I credit Wayne Brown for alerting me to the website. It is great to be able to find an occasional e-mail address of a long lost friend and neighbor like Wayne. I'd appreciate hearing from others via this medium.
I note with satisfaction that Frank Cole, a breakfast buddy of mine, has accessed this site.
Being a former resident of Dexter, he may see a familiar name now and then. And, Frank, I'll have chowder next Wednesday!
Date: April 9, 2000 Name: Galen Barnaby Location: Austin TX Email: Comment: I guess I should leave some comments. I came to Corinna in '65 and lived
with the Towle's for a year. I learned to swim at the dam. I worked nights finish tending in the card room at the mill in '73 and days at the Hartland Tannery. I was bored stiff and asked Vivian to watch my machines while I went for a smoke ( I quit smoking in '79). She made a comment that I was going to leave. The thought hadn't crossed my mind until she said that...I left and never came back. I remember hanging around the mill over the years.
Visiting Friends and family that worked in the mill. Sleeping on the cloth out by the boiler room. My uncle had a pizza parlor across the street in the mid '70's.
Date: April 9, 2000 Name: Mary (Gilbert) Starbird Location: Exeter, Maine Email: Comment: Great web site!!!
I too remember (as my sister said earlier) going into the mill to see my dad and I remember all the sites and smells and slippery floors. It is very strange to see that big gap when driving thru but just think how beautiful it will look when it's all done.
Thanks for the memories!
Date: April 8, 2000 Name: Janet (Hartley) Miller Location: Taft, CA Email: Comment: Hi Ken,
Even though I've signed the Guestbook before, I just had to write in and tell you about a memory I have of growing up in Corinna. Sometime between 1973 and 1977 in the summer, an orange road cone mysteriously appeared on the head of the Civil War statue in Winchester Park, and I may some information about that if my brother Jim wants to put up $1.50 for it (and I have pictures - do I get an extra $5.00 for them?) I enjoy the Cattail Press almost every day, and have the same mixed emotions about the changes in downtown that others have mentioned. The cleanup is a good thing, but it will look so strange coming around the corner into town, when I come back for my annual summer visit.
Date: April 8, 2000 Name: Trudy Gallant (Bulger) Location: Greenwood, Nova Scotia Email: Comment: Just found out about the site. Nice to get a little taste of home once in awhile!!
Date: April 8, 2000 Name: Frank Cole Location: Gardiner, Maine Email: Comment: We lived in Dexter for about fourteen years and I taught school there. We traveled through Corinna many many times and often stopped at the Family affair restaurant for a meal, in Fact the owner's daughter Michelle was a student in my class. It will seem very strange to see the blank spot where the mill used to be.
Thanks for the info and your spot here on the the internet. I'll look forward to "checking" it many times. Phil Young I'll look for you at breakfast next Wednesday.
73 Frank
Date: April 8, 2000 Name: Mrs. Nichols' 2nd grade Location: Corinna, Maine Email: Comment: Dear Everybody,
We have just found your website and are interested in learning about the mill. We like reading and learning about Corinna, and how it will look in the future. We will check this site again when we have time.
Thank you for having this site.
Mrs. Nichols' 2nd grade
Date: April 7, 2000 Name: Joe Satterfield Location: Milton, FL Email: Comment: Mr. Dow,
Once again, thanks so much for doing such a great job with the website. All of us away from home really appreciate being able to keep in touch with the latest in Corinna. If only Julie would've sat in the Barker Brook photo for a true re-enactment....
Date: April 7, 2000 Name: Sharon (Veazie) Towle Location: Dexter Email: Comment: My sister Kathy just e-mailed and said she had signed the guest book so I'm adding my greetings. I've wanted to for some time now as I check the web site almost every day. What a great job you've done! Even though I'm only in Dexter, I still love to check out the mill each day. I can still remember the smell from the mill each time you walked down main street. I love reading the guest book and hearing from people I haven't seen in years. I am a secretary at Dexter Middle School and still get to Corinna to visit Mom and Dad. My two boys love the farm (I think it's in their blood) and they and their cousin show cows at the fair just like my brothers, sisters, and I did. Some things never change! Good luck, Corinna, on your future - you'll be more beautiful than ever!
Date: April 7, 2000 Name: Jennifer Larochelle & Susan Wixom Location: Topsham & Durham Email: Comment: I drove through Corinna last week and noticed the demolition. I did not
realize at the time what was going on but now that I know it seems really sad to lose such a piece of history. SW.
I have spent a lot of time in Corinna. My family, the Veazie's have been there forever. I get goosebumps every time I hear that something else is changing. When I was little my grandparents would take my sister Laura and I to Tim & T's for ice cream, now that building is gone. It's sad to see these pictures of the mill gone. JL
Date: April 7, 2000 Name: Kathy Veazie Joy Location: New Gloucester, ME Email: Comment: Kenny,
What a special gift you, Julie, Marvin and all the others involved have given us, especially those of us living outside the area who still hold Corinna dear to our hearts! I've been hearing all the plans for tearing the old mill down for several years now, but never realized any emotion until I actually saw it happening on your site.
My grandfather, Harold Veazie, worked in the mill. I remember going with my
grandmother, Christine, down to town to pick him up in the afternoon after his shift. The Main Street was always so busy then, with Fernald's Market, Rexall, Carl Edgecomb's, Mable Holbrook's, Western Auto, etc. that it was hard to find a place to park. We were always anxious for him to hurry out so that we could get back through town before the train came through.
I must confess that I also have fond memories of all the ice cream consumed at your stand!
One of my co-workers is a Civil War reenactor and tells me that Eastland was the primary manufacturer of wool for the reenactment uniforms. Evidently, there is grave concern within the reenactment community that with the mill closing, they will eventually be forced to fight naked.
The other exciting aspect of your site, is reading responses from people I haven't heard from in years. Gosh, that makes me feel old!
Please know how much my family and I enjoy your site and appreciate all your hard work.
Date: April 7, 2000 Name: Deanna Turner (Bryson) Location: Indianapolis, IN Email: Comment: Dear Mr. Dow,
What a great site! My sister-in-law Bobbie Bryson sent me your address the other day.
It is the perfect way for me to share all the history of our small town with my daughter.
I will be sure to visit every week to keep up with all that is changing in Corinna. Great Job!
Hi to Julie too!
Date: April 7, 2000 Name: Margery Location: Raynham, MA Email: Comment: Bought a place on Lake Wassookeag last summer, have been to Corinna to
sightsee. Met Jack and Susanne Brown at the lake. Can't wait to get back up this summer.
Previous Guest Book Entries
- April 2 - April 6 (23 entries)
- March 21 - April 1 (38 entries)
- March 6 - March 20 (60 entries)
- February 24 - March 5 (36 entries)
- February 16 - February 23 (51 entries)
- February 10 - February 15 (46 entries)
- February 7 - February 9 (36 entries)
- January 31 - February 6 (18 entries)
- January 24 - January 30 (11 entries)
- January 17 - January 23 (30 entries)
Sign the Guest Book | Cattail Press Homepage